Marvel Graphic Novel Storytime: part three

We're starting with a real Graphicke Novelle this time.

previous thread:

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want something less artsy fartsy?

Nice dump










I like this part








I like this sewer/street scene















Holy shit the colouring on Emperor Doom is terrible. You'd think they'd try a little harder since it was a GN.

Oh wow, I just picked up a copy of this in a bargain bin a few months ago! Gorgeous art. I recognized Muth's name and style from the old VtM books.






can we appreciate how this guy just cut a man in half?
















IDK, I thought this one as pretty non-memorable























hey, do you boys need these blank or nearly blank pages?





















so, blank pages, do ya need em?
a more realistic GN, did you like it? excited about the sequel in 18 issues?


I haven't read this since I was a kid. Hey, do you have the She-Hulk Graphic Novel from the 80s as well?


She Hulk GN was in the last storytime.
The John Byrne one, anyway. There's also the Ceremony GN, which Byrne flipped out over and left Marvel.

I fucking love The Big Change.
I don't get why Bernie Wrightson gets so much hate. His Frankenstein was amazing, like old woodcuts, his Swamp Thing was definitive, he made Ghostbusters work, and The Big Change was one of the best Marvel GN's IMO, but the indie fans see right through him and the Marvel Zombies I grew up with couldn't stand him.
Am I taking crazy pills here? Is he actually really bad and I've just got a crayon up my nose or something?
And the story… Banger McCrusher, the Hulk uses reason, Ben Grimm puking, Hulk's hat, poor Banner showing up for ONE panel, the Death-Rob… The green eyeshade on the little alien guy. I think it's all about that green eyeshade. It may not be fucking Fax From Sarajevo or Maus or Barefoot Gen, but The Big Change was one of the few Marvel GN's good enough to put in Heavy Metal, which after all was what set the bar for the 80's Bronze Age renaissance, and inspired all this high fantasy and delicious satire. Starlin and Wrightson are luminaries, and my friends suck dicks.

IDK, I like him

they were originally gonna call it THE BIG PENIS and show nudes of different marvel characters. it would have been better than the zombies crap

they were gonna call it THE BIG PENIS
would have been better than zombies
my last post was deleted

So this isn't the original story but an alternate version where Dracula kills Van Helsing and Lucy runs off with Dracula?

for real, these blank pages, do you need em?

Has the history of the Marvel one who is called "lslamophobe" for Dr Doom?


Why not.

Dracula triumphing over Van Helsing is also the starting point for Kim Newman's great Anno Dracula book series.

was this marvel trying to capitalize off of the Warriors?





is not-Amanda-Waller a good waifu?







black pages do anything for ya, or should I just not post em?





It's how they meant it to be read, ain't it? Leave em in.



fair enough










what about this one with punks and vampires?














can we all take a moment to appreciate how crazy-hot and unappreciated Sif is?


dammit, this page from earlier didn't post. also, DRAMATIC STRIPPING into a PINK BRA+PANTIES SET

damn, another didn't post












this comic re-uses so much art I can't even tell when the pages double-post















hey, I was thinking about posting the back cover right after the front cover, cus IMO that's the second things most people would look like























Mike Saenz got so much hate, and no recognition, and is now forgotten.

He wrote the programs that Shatter and Crash and Donna Matrix were drawn with, which we understand now to be a mammoth undertaking, and the other cartoonists of the time shunned him for "trying to replace them".

Thanks for the story time
















cops, amiright?






well, hope everyone is enjoying this, not stopping till I hit 300 posts


these pages are getting bigger and bigger…

has anyone actually seen this flick? I started it once at a church lock-in, was breddy meh eye eye are see































well, you boys like this?


my, my, big ol pages here


lotta books here, huh? looks like I may have missed a few…











eh, might as well finish this one up






























missed this page

Galactus starts eating Hell. that's pretty metal, innit?



Can't wait.










































There was a sequel to this series in the last run of Nocenti's Daredevil.

Is anything being done with this plot now that the Inhumans are being used again?

Probably not, as that would mean the people writing comics now actually read comics.