gift card?
What are you hoping for, for Christmas Holla Forums?
I need some new piss bottles
Whats with the fork?
goes in my urethra lol what else would I do with it?
Nothing, because im not a preteen, and I dont rely on my parents for shit
You're special then. :3
A keurig
Any kind of gift card
A new weed grinder
Some meth
Oh, and dubs.
thats pretty kinky
tbh catheters are pretty kinky too
a froe
Why is (((santa))) killing an aryan (probably from guatemala)?
pick one.
think again
why are aryan such cuties? I wish I was the one that banged her
Australian abos look better.
they're not aryan
why do they look white?
all 3 sloots, all 3 shitskins
dubs confirms
t. virgin
Damn, I would definitely racemix with Venezuela. She looks like she has European admixture anyway.
I just want to say merry Christmas again like Trump.
I hope for my very own midget.
stop posting child abuse victims tbh
She doesn't look abused, healthy and happy tbh
t. the photographer
I'd fugg the middle girl like socialism fugged her country tbh
hugo chavez did nothing wrong
oh shit
Unironically all I want for Christmas is for everyone to have a great Christmas, and for everyone to recognize Christmas as the ultimate celebration of the western world. A combination of old Pagan traditions as well as old Christian traditions, all together in one holiday
i hope you have a great christmas, user
this, hugo chavez was a man who fought against (((them))) but failed and his country got fucked by (((them)))
id fug that loli tbh
how was the image not yet removed? are (((they))) still sleeping?
maybe because it's legal and not inherently sexual in nature (not dost)?
no argument from me but mods remove that kind of image. the CD logo is even on it. wait till jim sees it
I just want all the niggers to die, and a sexbot would be nice.
It's close enough, it'll get deleted eventually tbh
Jim bans and deletes things that are far more tame.
nail in the coffin lid tbh
he's based
lol no
If you think deleting things you don't like instead of using actual guidelines and rules is based then I guess.
please think before you post
fug you jim, I hope you die in a a car accident tbh
I am hoping for some new boots and some MCU DVDs.
Jim hanging out with HW
keurig are not that great, the stuff in them isnt fresh by any means you you are better off buying powdered versions of whatever and adding it to hot water
OP I am hoping for an gift card I can buy sex toys with so they dont show up on my bank statement
I doubt it.
Tell me, how does thick Jewish cock feel inside your ass?
Order it from a reseller on Amazon and your bank statement shouldn't show anything suspicious.
I'm not a barista and I don't feel like driving 10 minutes every morning to get good coffee. I don't care about DRM as long as it just werks.
But if you're happy soaking RMS' foot skin in hot water, more power to you.
A real job
no, she looks abused.
Those girls were never abused. No one ever touched them, except make-up artists and hair dressers. Thats what they say
I don't want anything for Christmas because I can't afford to buy proper gifts for everybody, e.g., it's better to give than receive.
I don't see any bruises or scars on her. Maybe it's just your roastie intuition.
I hope you get one for Christmas, user.
Not all bruises are on the skin.
One does not carry emotional scarring from some harmless photography, user.
Love and happiness tbh.
A naughty girl to put across my knee.
What genitalia does this girl have?
Nothing, to avoid the social obligation of buying gifts in return. Unfortunately I know all the people who will be getting me something and I have to buy nine gifts for them in total.
No but when you assert that a person was abused based on photographic evidence, and there is no evidence in said photo, it means you don't have a single satisfact to snack that up.
A vagina, obviously.
A girlfriend or at least sex. Being a 30yo kv is suffering.
An iTunes or Steam gift card would be pleasant but if either one of my parents just pay for dinner or make me something I'd honestly like that a lot more. I eat microwaved meals everyday since I don't know how to cook so it gets boring. I like my parents home cooking so that for Christmas would be really nice.
Nigger just put the food on the pan until its hot
ikr there's plenty you can make even if you don't know what the fuck you're doing.
Green Curry is p easy to make, just put all the shit in a pot, walk away, come back, pour it on some rice.
yoose lazzyy as fuck dood get a gribb
You owe it to yourself to learn how. We are blessed in our time to have access to hundreds of ingredients. The amount of recipes at our fingertips is enormous. Start with the basics and work your way up. Good cooking enriches your body, mind and soul; and is a good skill to have on your traits.
Better off asking for a VPN subscription so you can torrent anything you please.
I don't like torrents since I don't know really how to safely torrent. I've tried torrenting twice and my computer always fucks up and crashes. Get that blue screen of death
I need an iTunes card to pay for my Pandora subscription or if I want a mobile game. I rarely actually purchase music.
Here friend, let me help you out
-fun drugs
A season of mass suicides for the regressive left when they realise screaming like a toddler isn't going to get everything handed to them anymore and Trump out of office.
At least toddlers realize the futility of their behavior after they do not get what they want; and also receive a spanking for their display.
The toddlers in my circle would get butt-fucked for misbehaving….
Or butt-fucked when I felt like it
Different strokes for different folks.
You know what you need for Christmas? A fucking brain.
Would be nice too
I didn't know what that was. I learned something new today. Thanks.