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too young
And what, you'd prefer some politically correct millennial slut over a pure shitlord post millenial?
Since when was there a minimum age?
kys granny lover
great depression era women only tbh
Smh Victorian era women only tbh
concentration camp era women only tbh
what;s her dox? (too lazy to fix my "parentesis" but too lazty too correct anythong)
Pedo Thread?
little girls are prettier than big girls
pedos just appreciate prettiness
Was molested, fuck off pedo faggot. You're not funny or clever, just a retard.
yeah but you're not pretty, therefore the person who molested you wasn't a pedo.
cry moar faggot
You're an especially edgy faggot
go back to your hugbox, fuckstick
Your kind won't be forgotten on TDOTR.
you mean pedo?
i'm not even a pedo. i'm just the user reminding you that if you can't take the heat you shouldn't be standing in the fire.
wtf is this. a trap or some weird girl?
I'd beat your face with a hammer if I could.
checked. it's a shame you can't, user
she s literally way overrated tbh. A 5/10 at best.
Ugly manlet. No wonder Holla Forums loves it.
I don't
Thats a brainwashed transgender boy, Stranger things actor. Nowhere is it admitted what he is. S'all about subtext user, They are pushing for pedo acceptance with this shit.
Saddest thing about this is that having received hormone blockers and estrogen at such an early age is really going to fuck him up later on in life.. Tends to lose its effectiveness around 30-40.
Protips: if it's a boy living as a girl, it's a transgender girl. If it's a girl living as a boy, it's a transgender boy.
do you want me to stalk her, surreptitiously collect a sample of her DNA and map her karyotype for you?
Just call them freaks tbh.
They're freaks but I still wouldn't mind trying a shota trap like Millie.
protip; shut up…
Not that goy, you know the answer user,
listen to your heart.
If you found out Kristina Pimenova was a trap, would you still hit it?
different user, but i fucking would!
too much clothing
fucking retard, ive seen her nude pics back to cuckchan trap fetishes of yours faggot
That's a boy or really ugly girl
I begin to suspect that I have seen far too many really ugly girls in my life. I couldn't even tell that that thing was a boy.
This trans binary trans racial will never be our queen
She doesn't have nudes, only topless, faggot.
many years ago. don't think that's recent though since she's 12 next month
2-3 years ago is many?
She doesn't have any nudes anyway.
meep meep I would still sex with her tbh no homo
she doesn't do anything lewd these days. she is in USA now and is basically normie tier. This is what happens when you come to (((USA)))
she makes my dick hard tbh
i can
pure waifu
even her voice is cute
omg checked