I'm not even mad.
Wake up
I will not have Millie's name tarnished
Millie is pure
Go to the naughty corner
I masturbate to her purity
170 images and videos/gifs in my millie folder so far
Millie confirmed for official queen of Holla Forums
yes please
people on 4chan call me a pedo for suggesting this :(
they don't understand innocent love
I love him too
I like the scene where they pull the tentacle out of his mouth ;)
Source on the 2nd webm tbh fam
Sorry but Steve is best boy
And Nancy is the representation of everything wrong with society
I liked when he was shirtless
or when they tied him up. Made me horny
they're both from her instagram
Yall niggas are fuckin weird but whatever
oh god look at this
When was he tied up?
Near the end of S2 when they didn't want the monster thing to know where they are so they tied him up in the shed. The only thing he was wearing was a hospital gown
Oh okay, that explains it. I'm about halfway through S2.
ok sorry but it wasn't too big of a spoiler
pic related from video
can it get any better?
Just made this in GIMP
Waddaya think?
Alright. No more like that tho?
That was hot
New queen of Holla Forums?
Thats a brainwashed transgender boy, Stranger things actor. Nowhere is it admitted what he is. S'all about subtext user, They are pushing for pedo acceptance with this shit.
Saddest thing about this is that having received hormone blockers and estrogen at such an early age is really going to fuck him up later on in life.. Tends to lose its effectiveness around 30-40.
user, a boy living as a girl is a transgender girl. Get your translingo right.
She's ready to be bred
Yup new queen fo sure
this tbh
I'm just gonna leave this here. Saved it from that other place we don't talk about.
People are foolish for thinking 'pedo' acceptance is the end goal. Homosexuality, gender bending and forced diversity are all worse.
Disgusting. Welcome to the rest of your life, sicko.
This is someone trying way too hard to LARP as an obsessed fan.
doesn't she know that unicef is one of the most wasteful charities.
Sweden legalizes child marriage
Child Brides Now Legally Acceptable in the UK
Wanted By The State: Your Children. Sweden.
Legal Pedophilia in the US: a True Story of Child Brides in America
i figured this is the proper place to post
those uk and sweden child bride laws only apply to goatfuckers and the american ones are basically a clerical error
don't try to marry a little girl if you're white, you'll get lynched.
Daily reminder that AOC should be 12 for women and 14 for men
Post more Millies with edit potential
it pisses me off that some hollywood kike almost definitely stole millie's virginity on a couch just like that one.
She's pretty sheltered. Her parents seem to be around her almost everywhere. Maybe it's not too late
nah they have much nicer couches in their casting offices - and "stole" is a pretty loaded word… more like "was offered her innocence by her own parents in exchange for vicarious fame" because thats how hollywood works
wtf just wtf
I don't think anyone here is trolling
It was probably Holla Forums fucking up and using the wrong pic. That happens sometimes.
Sure it was, buddy. Sure it was.
Praise queen Millie
lotta shit going on in this video
for starters, its choreographed - not spontaneous at all - millie moves in at close range, then as she backs up another girl comes in low and stays there - blocking any potential view we would otherwise get of of bikini bottom (and possible package)
on the subject of of her attire, the top isnt the bra/cup design the other girls are wearing its a fabric band around the chest with a 3d fabric element… thats camouflage…
also there are specific effects added to the video, its sped up, but the interesting effect is the rgb seperation at the beat hits - there may be an app or something that will do that for videos, iin which case i'm talking out of my ass, but synchronizing effects with soundtracks using video editing software can be tedious - not the sort of thing young teenage girls are likely to spend alot of time doing before posting themselves online
my conclusion; this video wasnt just silly girls having fun, it was carefully choreographed, it was worked on in post, it has end credits. this was a production…
and its not the only one i've seen…
I've seen a few short and seemingly pointless videos of this girl engaging in activities that can only be described as "sexual but not illegal" and these videos all have "triggering" elements in them
(not "triggering" in the sjw crybaby sense, but rather in the mk ultra, manchurian candidate, sirhan sirhan sense…)
just my two cents fam, spend 'em how you want…
Until she turns 15 at least
some day millie's nudes will get released and you will look quite the fool for spouting all this trap nonsense.
Speak for yourself
I like both boys and girls as long as they're the right age
As seen here
why are there so much pedos on Holla Forums seriously wtf
Facts is facts. Stop being a brainlet.
That's hebephilia, newfriend
im not actually a proponent of the trap theory - i honestly hope she is a biofem, the more important issue (at least for me) is the "packaging" being done with this kid…
"beginning to trend" he meant to say…
Doofh, the eightfies, Sthepheen Kang, Ghosh Boosahrs, Goonees.
That's actually not too bad. I mean, he can't bite your dick off but he can chew a bit. I bet that feels nice.
Cus we had a /hebe/ board and then Jim decided to purge that so now they hang on Holla Forums (and alot of them are just hebes)
This. Bring back /hebe/ then I'm out of here
No Millie gets to be our queen permanently as long as she doesn't turn into some tumblrette when she grows up
Looks like something off musicly to me so that's probably why they did some ameture choreography
You're missing the point
It's not an amateur video judging by the effects and editing
It's mind control.
No, these sorts of effects are common in the Instagram edit community. It's really nothing out of the ordinary.
You're still missing the point. Instagram, musical.ly, the entire American pop culture is all MKUltra mind control perfected.
Millie is cute and kind hearted
Sadie is a vegan princess fembitch
Isn't she getting trolled on twitter?
I just wanna watch em slam their bald clams together tbh
I actually hope Millie has some nice short pubes down there
What do you think how often do they masturbate?
I kinda think Sadie is a cum hungry bitch but I want to believe Millie only does it when she can't take it anymore and then feels guilty.
Fucking saved
She looks like a mentally-ill dyke
finn does, but not millie. millie is perfect.
I like Finn because he looks like he'd be grateful for attention and love. He's the type of boy I want to cuddle
Gayest shit I've heard today.
She literally looks like a boy
I would of course also masturbate him but it wouldn't be gay, it would be more about teaching him about pleasure. You know, the stuff a boy can only learn from a man
Oh god remember the shower scene? I was so fucking disappointed he wasn't naked like in the novel
Yeah we had a thread about it yesterday but it 404ed
We must protect her then.
Tryhard troll
you're a gigantic faggot and a pedo nuff said
I'm totally sincere about this
I would cuddle with him
I would masturbate him
I would still consider myself straight
But I prefer Millie anyways (see, I'm straight)
you are homosexual, fellow.
We will protect her the only we way we know how
No because Finn is the only boy I would ever consider having sexual contact with. I don't like boys in general, I like Finn. Otherwise I'm into girls.
you're bisexual but also a pedophile troll, you're not a pedo i know.
Jail term is the same
Not where I live. Finn is legal, Millie will be in February (I think)
You frustrate me so much, I fucking dislike you faggot. You're a fucking weasel, stop looking at kids.
But I won't go to jail because
Just leave the pedos alone already man, why do you care so much?
I might watch Stranger Things just to see why you faggots are so obsessed.
I dunno, I don't even care but they're annoying
Then stop, all you're doing is making them want to spite you.
It is a very good show and it has Noni in it :3
Its a pretty good show. They even have the store thief Winona Ryder and fat boy Sean Astin.
Winona stopped being sexy when she turned 16
Why are her pants so loose?
Noni never stopped being sexy, I mean yeah she's not what she used to be but for her age she sure is killing it
Cus sometimes people forget their zippers
she got fingered backstage
You never see her and Millie together, do they dislike each other? Is she jelly of the attention Millie gets?
She just knows she can't compete because Millie is pure but Natalia's cunt is worn out like a 30 year old Yugo
too pale
The truth can't be rude
It's actually quite interesting to compare the two characters
Nancy: The good girl becomes bad
Eleven: The bad girl becomes good
Nancy, through a process of confusion and excuse falls from her elevated status as the intelligent innocent virgin to a confused whore
Eleven, through trial raises herself from being unaware, abused, scared and emotional to being driven, strong and moral
I thought you losers would be happy that a weirdo like Jonathan scored a girl like Nancy.
He's not a real weirdo. Few weirdos on TV shows are actual weirdos. He's just a semi attractive actor portraying a weirdo.
Plus, he's a very mature character. That makes him the type of person I despise because he might be a loner but he's not afraid of responsibilities. All I do is disappoint people by sitting on my fat ass all day and pissing in bottles
I have to clarify, I despise him because he's better than me. But I have no intention to change my behavior because I'm gonna off myself on new year's eve.
who are those boys in the picture?
Her head is so fucking large. She must be an UT pro
I don't think you understand the show.
Both Jonathon and Steve are two sides of the same coin, one may be the man of scarcity and the other the man of overabundance, but they are both sex-pests.
Nancy was not a blessing but a curse, she is the punishment for these men, notice how neither man got what they wanted, they were both stuck chasing a carrot on a stick, their oneitis.
Neither deserved love, neither got love.
Why off yourself if you know that changing your behaviour could get you somewhere?
Because changing myself would mean effort and I hate effort. Also, I've reached a point at which I don't know if effort actually could get me somewhere. I'm so deep in debt that I'd have to work for free for 15 years to get it all settled.
That sounds to me like a goal… I'd pursue it if I were you.
You'll die in the end either way, you have nothing to lose by giving it a shot.
My parents have though. I can't explain everything but if I don't pay within a year they're gonna come for their house. If I die that won't happen.
Hmmm that's so cute.
Anyone give them cuties some love?
The ultimate love story
wtf is this shit?