Holla Forums and /leftpol/ mods are low t lanket faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
Holla Forums > women > Holla Forums > Holla Forums
Holla Forums was a dumb idea from the start. They should have kept posting their memes on Holla Forums to keep it balanced.
Holla Forums > Holla Forums > Holla Forums > women
This is why one is not better than the other.
Should also add that they both are pro-feminism.
We've known this for ages. I also got b& from Holla Forums for posting petty gore. Pic related—practically nothing.
fuck off spamming retard, you got banned for a reason.
Whoa there satan, I posted gore once.
you're still a faggot to this very day, so it doesn't matter
Oh no, is it because Holla Forums and Holla Forums are the only places that lick your high-heeled shoes? Maybe you should fuck off back to there, because nobody even wants you here, ugly whore.
As in I didn't spam it faggot. That was someone else.
meep meep i suspect there's some super subtle subtext you're missing here tbh no homo
that Holla Forums ban is bullshit. mods are kiked. the leftypol ban … who gives a shit. nobody takes the lefties seriously
It might be possible that the same people control both boards, who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if ImKampfy was the same guy as learningcode. How similar they look to each other is completely uncanny.
link me to that app user
(could this potentially become a new le epin maymay?)
i haven't lurked long enough to see pics of them
seems entertaining so far. also seems somewhat inaccurate based on my own posts - which increases the entertainment value tbh
gay dude, 11% male
Here's another interesting AI.
Holy shit, he's got the same eyebrows, eyes, nose, chin, philtrum, lips, and ridge! The facial proportions are exactly the same too. The only difference is the lighting, his haircut, his facial hair, and the perspective of the images.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Holla Forums.
post that to leftypol and see what happends
The Tradcuck tumor has reached a point where it's inoperable. Terminal illness is all that will follow.
dat mehme shud onlay be used ifa mod is slepting
this made my day
problem with the tradcucks is that they don't want to strip women of their rights. the system will fall if we don't
I know that. Our society will die because of the very faggots proclaiming themselves to be its protectors.
We need to step up operations on /r9k/ - Militarize it into something more useful than a mopey circlejerk - and I don't mean inviting Normalniggers. Time to radicalize.
gtfo. no seriously, gtfo
What's the problem?
I believe it's time for a reminder.
You have been trolling all day and Im looking forward to the moment you get b&
never paid much attention before, but i think i like your flavor of autism with the OC pics
I haven't posted on /r9k/ in a while. What happened? Anyhow, I go there because it's the only place I can be amongst my own kind.
/r/incels got banned and MGTOW/r9k/beta dweeb idiots who cant stop talking about smadhing the matriarchy are flooding boards with their insufferable nonsense and people generally dont fucking like them
So you conflate /r9k/ with r/incels? You do realize /r9k/ went into red-alert and were keeping a close eye on board population to watch for Reddit infiltration, right?
the worst part is you think you are distinct from them when you are literally indistinguishable
Says the Normalnigger.
t. male feminist MGTOW beta
Can't be a Feminist if I oppose Gynocentrism. Look m80, are you a PUA or a Tradcuck?
nvm i see now you are retarded
I understand your stupid 'point' that MGTOW is somehow just Feminism for Men, and I still think it's bullshit. First of all, Men and Women ARE NOT EQUAL. Secondly, Feminism is a thing that exists to serve Women in a society that is already structured to do that - any 'movement' like MGTOW that serves Men, without the support of society, can never be the same. It's really simple to understand.
i am military Abrams killer king
i eat cowards for breakfast
I will use this
I will use it before posting now
by sword and AK-47, boom boom
tits tits tits
fight me!
Just run away fags! I has AK-47 and bombs!
I demand boobies or else IBM geopolitical agendas!
someone light my cigar…
You know what they say, you are what you eat!