Say anything bad about wemin and leftypol mods will cry and ban you.
Leftypol safespace
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The hash that hides your ip can be decompiled. So thanks for posting it.
dunno why they say go back to Holla Forums though, mgtow kikes are banned on sight there too
everyone with half a brain hates those idiots tbh
well that's good, i used to see those faggots around Holla Forums quite a bit so i was kinda wondering
Too bad, but I reposted it from somebody else. Good luck hubby.
REMINDER: MGTOW was created by a libertardian jew woman called ann rand (nee rosenberg, immigrant from russia) to destroy western white families by convincing white man to trow away woman and family.
Holla Forums ==mods== cant handle the truth
r/the_cuckold newfag squeakers can't handle
He didn't even mention MGTOW at all, you retarded pussy worshippers. You guys must be low T phaggots if you think controlling a woman automatically makes you MGTOW.
You know, if you really want to be able to restore the white family, you need to take away women's rights. Otherwise, the traditional family model can't exist in a matriarchy, which makes MGTOW the most attractive option. You do realize that, right?
Fuck off OP
Love it how MGTOW are the new boogiemen for you stormtards and leftytards. Is everyone who argues for women being controlled suddenly a MGTOW now? You're really clinging on the premise that everyone who disagrees with you is a MGTOW, just like a social justice faggot does.
Women should have rights, but not as much as men. By allowing them to have some control over the government, you're fucking yourself over.
Wymmyn posters!
They have nothing to do now but call people mgtow or a kike, enjoy the tradcon and roastie butthurt.
"Today 1 in 4 children under the age of 18 — a total of about 17.2 million — are being raised without a father.3"
A right-wing feminist. This is just poetic. Love it, hahahaha.
You might want to try the kitchen instead of an imageboard, sugartits.
It sure would be nice to get rid of all the womyn posters in here. They are parasitic organisms in male spaces.
Shouldn't you go back to facebook where manginas will lick your boots for you, or are you too ugly/autistic/cunty for even the low betas to even care about you? Do you post on imageboards because men can't see your ugly face?