Really enjoying the thread about Milo too. Just subbed through the link to his youtube video, he's truly the leader the alt right deserves.
This guy gets it
kill yourself.
Why the downvote fellow Holla Forumsack?
Evalion i a kike and Onision is a faggot cuck. They both need to die, and so do you, OP.
Quit shilling fag.
Sage isn't a downvote. Go back to Reddit.
You seem upset
You curly headed fucks sure don't get this butthurt over actual eceleb kikes. Wonder why that is.
I like how he points out the similarities in her worldview with that shill David Duke, who also supports her.
sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage
op is a shill
Not even trying to hide it at this point are you rabbi?
Exactly! So why the downboat? Guy in OP agrees with you 100%. Dumbass.
Sage negated, schlomo.
Anyone who supports Evalion clearly is. You know, like every big name in the WN movement. I'm glad we still have people like Onison who are willing to out them.
kill yourself, fam. I'm not joking.
Is this your first day on Holla Forums?
Kill yourself right now
Kill yourself.
Posting in a forbidden thread.
You sound like a negro. Did the Milo thread trigger you this bad, Jamal? If not why not?
Is this bait? Where the fuck do you even come from?
She is kike. Just look at face.
Clearly not here. Anti-semitism has no place in current year.
Evalion is obviously a jewish shill so it's safe to assume that the same is true about anyone who supports her: David Duke, Andrew Anglin, Jeff Rense, Dennis Wise (who made TGSNT), Mike Delany (who made 9/11 Missing Links), Gex, etc.
Onison seems to be the only person who genuinely has White interests at heart.
Clearly! And ooh boy we hate those jews amirite? Except for molyneux and Milo and any other literal holohoax pushing jew.
Nobody cares about evalion or onision.
You are the only jew here.
This guy gets it too
Why should we take someone who takes the holocaust seriously seriously?
this should be funny though, isn't this basically what happened before she got shoah'd last time? Bigger youtubers making fun of her and driving viewers to her channel?
You should work at a theater with those projection skills, finkleberg.
ITT: some schizo (maybe Evalion) arguing with themselves via vpns, all to attempt getting attention
This is an ANTI-Evalion bread in case you didn't notice. Stop being a cuck and join in. Cmon, yellow teeth amirite? xD
It's not projection.
1. you respond to everything calling you out
2. you posted an onision video on Holla Forums meaning you're either a degenerate, or a troll which is more likely.
The fascinating bit is trying to figure out why you would do any of this.
of course its easy to explain if you, yourself are the jew and are "calling out the real jew".
Even non-fashy goys know that onision is a fucking idiot. Why not post a bluepilled video made by Leafyishere about Evalion or Onision?
Oh because there's no fucking point?
Or do you sincerely believe that a guy who kisses men and hires hookers to jam a digit up his pooper is appropiate as a thead starter on Holla Forums
Then why aren't you saging
Because I'm OP you chromosome surplused mouthbreathing newfag yid.
There's so many of your headmates in this thread I stopped paying attention to IDs.
What are you sliding?
You fucking Jews with your two-pronged divide and conquer shit.
The alt-right is not Jewish, it hates fags and nigger kikes!
ITT (((anons))) virtue signaling their hate for anti-semitism
Why do you do this? Do you like making her so hated? That's all this ever does.
Shoot yourself brah.
Yup, 2 out of 10 Holla Forums mods agree she is unacceptable. Just like Onision. You can always go to the Milo bread if this one's too triggering.
thak you based ((mods))
Mystical incantations to void oaths to goyim is an old Jewish custom. Look up "Jubilee year".
Just like a rabbi at a Jubilee ceremony, he thinks he can wave his hand and invalidate them.
Meme-circles poster is 100% Jewish.
i just bumped this shit
Missed one there (((user))). Is this your first day on the job?
No one gives a shit about kikes.
She's polish, not kike + the Milo thread is over 200 replies. B-but milo is based eceleb jew right?
Pic related, its OP's relatives "poisoning the well"
kek, so is she jewish or not in your multipersonality mind.
Jubilee is for between Jews not for the goyim.
He's probably thinking of the Kol Nidre.
Even IF she is jewish - like molyneux or milo or shapiro - her tween friendly redpills on hitler and the holohoax should still be appreciated, to anyone but triggered kikes that is.
Is that where the oath circles meme is derived?