When I was a kid, all I wanted was to have sex with an adult woman. Now that I am older, all I want is to have sex with an underage girl.
What laws are these that prevent these interactions? Who is protecting whom and from what?
When I was a kid, all I wanted was to have sex with an adult woman. Now that I am older, all I want is to have sex with an underage girl.
What laws are these that prevent these interactions? Who is protecting whom and from what?
Chemical castration.
federal ones
some state laws too, tbh
How could you possibly know you want to marry a woman at that age?
You'd be raising her yourself at that point.
Nice. Lol @ pedos thinking Holla Forums is stupid enough to believe that abolishing aoc would magically bring the old circumstances back. Everyone knows they just want to fuck kids.
That tells us a lot about you, user.
It tells us you had a mommy fetish as a kid, and that you wanted to have a female teach you how to do things.
Then you grew up, and since you kept being a virgin you now target little girls because you perceive them as easy targets.
Truth is most little girls are turned off by anything lewd or creepy, and you are both.
Off yourself.
t. i make girls and women alike wet
That's the point retard.
You basically train her to not become whore like adult women do when they are given free will.
They can fuck kids anyway you retard.
Holla Forums is is run by a jew called heil and a turkroach quarter jew called Imkamfy(now HotpocketX)
That guy is the girls father and he would beat the shit out of you for using it to promote your perversion
Actually, that's by far the most healthy way to have a wife. If you wait till she's a stronk, indepyndynt you dun goofed friendo.
Ok real talk I'm 17 rn and I've always wanted to have sex with an adult woman (I used to not even be attracted to girls below 22) how do I not become a pedo, cus I think I'm slowly turning into one
you don't turn into pedo tbh
you either are or not
what can change is how you respond to it
Actually, you're becoming slowly brainwashed with feminist ideologies, just like the rest of you're culture user. Do you want to marry a young woman? Then you are simply a healthy man.
Like me, I was attracted to girls my age like a little normie cuck at 17. at 21, I was a full blown pedo and all I want are 13 year olds. A few years later, I only want 10 year olds. Not a bad lifechoice knowing you are not kiked tbh.
Women don't have the capacity for personal agency. They're the product of whatever they're being told at any given time, whether it's Dr. Oz, Oprah, or the Semitic media telling her to go out and be a slut before settling down. Fact: if you're not the guiding influence in a woman's life, someone else is and she'll never be yours.
typical womunhater
Not every man is like that, not every man will take care of their wife, some are scumbags and a little girl needs her parents, not just sex. Some men/women just want sex, and then they're done caring. How do you protect a naive child from that kind of neglect?
This is fairly accurate of modern women.
You went from normal to degenerate and you're proud? How will you date a 13yo without going to prison for grooming?
Abolishing the age of consent would make exploitation legal.
Are you a self-hater today? You wouldn't enter these threads unless you were a pedo in denial.
Did you mean that when she develops a personality and self-worth, that's not based on grooming impressionable individuals, she'll be imune to yor manipulation?
I mean, why would she fuck someone that is solely attracted to kids? What happens when she grows up? You cuck her with another child and she becomes as fucked in the head as you?
These laws protect the children from pedophiles, and in turn, the pedophiles are protected from vigilante justice. Can't imagine what happens when a person is caught in the act of molesting. Usually blind-rage ensues, before the cops are called.
kids from you
T. Jealous I have the privilege the elite has and you are stuck with grannys.
Your language is so stilted(cucked) that you will never learn which way is up. Hahahaha! Probably a jealous cunt.
Hahaha eurocuck
t. roastbeef
So, do you think that you're a child yourself?
Was mol;ested, will never be jealous of that shit, sorry you fucking retard.
also pics related happens because white men are massive moral fag cucks.
in a sense the so called white nationalists are creating race mixers themselves by rejecting hebes because muh age.
considering how they behave on this site it's pretty obvious that they are mentally children
not even going to take you seriously
they get away with it because they tell the government they're 14 !.
they get free bux, house and free lolies.
i'd do the same if i could.
you can, get a tan and go to sweden