How can we reach these kids?

Can we get our itching concerns out to Latinos and Blacks by using their own NEW language? Will this work for Gen Z? If there was more like this, maybe the League of Defamation-Anti would believe the threat is coming from all races and generations.

This method is certainly better than learning some silly language like ebonics.

Other urls found in this thread:

Modern language and culture is so incredibly inferior that it begs to be the butt of a joke.

We need to continue to shock them with truth, make them laugh at falsehoods, and inspire them to achieve excellence in all areas of life.

With a round of hot lead between their ears.

This is shocking, it challenges inner city youth like an against-the-grain teacher in a small class size may be able to do. Imagine it takes young Jerome (named after St. Jerome because he is going to be a great studier) a could hours to figure this emoji puzzle out. He feels more accomplished, and so he associates that accomplishment with the message that is revealed: "Gas the Kikes".

Gas the kikes will then become an almost fatherly phrase like "atta boy." And since young Jerome's father ran off with an 8channer's porcelain gf, we can now become that boys father with our Emoji Code.

I have seen the worst gore, zippocat and chinks boiling dogs alive. I thought I felt truly disgusted, but this pic. I dont know, I have such mix of feeling and none of them are positive. Its ultra disgusting,

Any wonder niggers out breed us?

Niggerglyphics fam

Proof they're Egyptian


Pea soup

Frozen yogurt
Frosty the snowman


I don't get it, user.

Fucking faggot.

More effective would be :

SHEITTTTTT nigger pushing EBT KFC and MUH DIK emojis

Go back and make the emojis make English words, Jerome, and you can listen to one rap track on your walkman. You can do it.

Actually revolting.

you dun goofed son

I can't tell if this is real or not. I don't even know anymore.

In 300m range by this

Kill yourself, degenerate.

Literally just keep doing what you're doing. The new generation of whites is more Holla Forums than ever.
t. Gen Z

Blare synthwave while beating the shit out of mudnorities.
Streets of Rage IRL mode.

Try this one on for size, we are expanding Jerome's vocabulary, some will say Jerome is very articulate.

You know your post made me realize we sorely need some moonman style edits of synthwave and italo disco tracks.

Might download ableton and start experimenting.

bump for pukes

I wouldn't really wanna be a nigger's father though. Adoptive or not.

That would be great.

Far too cryptic for a nigger. Enslaved was obvious, but
Also I only knew to think of the word "jet" once I realized the first word was jews.

Let the OC flow, brother.

I'm sorry but was Adam Lanza based on Pepe? Look at those fucking lips.


This is supposed to be for post-secondary mulattos. They have to learn how to have an imagination.. maybe after a couple magic mushrooms they will get McKenna superpowers and get an unique idea for once.


I'm fairly young and and I've grown up around kids who were infected with the degenerate culture spread by the people in your pic. Consequently this type of thing is unable to shock or disgust me. It's quite sad really, like I've been desensitized to it or something.

In any case, not all hope is lost. I saw some ~15 year old kids watching moon man the other day, it seemed like it really amused them, in an "ironic edgy racist" kind of way, but that tends to be the gateway for some people. Not to mention the normalization you'll get just from the exposure. Stuff like might expand his reach further still.

I saw that thread on half/pol/ too. Nice try.


wasted opportunity

Kids like niggers, hip-hop and weed. Use one of these things to spark their interest.

It's hard to talk sense into them these days. My generation would still get beatings on the reg (flat backhand to the face, lad) and we've grown into decent human beings. Can't say the same about the youth of today, lad, with all their liberal parenting and shit.

it's a cup of tea fool

Why is this arousing.

gas che kikes?


Man Emojis are so new and exciting if you live in 2001 Japan

Fuck off kike.


We can create a digital complex logography literary to counter culture the inferior emoji language. I don't have a solution that is better than this so please feel free to improvise this. ⚛

We can create a digital complex logography literary to counter culture the inferior emoji language. I don't have a solution that is better than this so please feel free to improvise this. ⚛

Wtf is that purple dildo thing?

It would be hilarious if they had the right amount of likes. Now it's just terrifying.

You people are just uncultured swine

Get with the times

We can create a digital complex logography literary to counter culture the emoji language. I don't have a solution that is better than this so please feel free to improvise this. ⚛

why not use lead?

Dequan is a smart nigger, he dodged a bullet here.

Has to be fake, who the hell asks for clicks for an abortion?

They're probably just attention whoring and hopefully got the abortions even without enough likes.

I see that my posts are finally got through. Sorry for posted many same posts.

nigger in a Santa costume

nigger meme
chocolate donut
