Post your best reaction images
Post your best reaction images
Matthew Howard
Cooper Hall
Kayden Carter
Sebastian Reed
Don't leave this Criminal Vandal / Child Predator around your kids… And your property!!…
Both will end up fucked up
Nathan Ross
Whatever this kind of digits is called, it must nonetheless be checked.
William Ross
it's called trips cuz there are 3 3's. trips is short for triples, and triple means 3 of a kind essentially. so whenever u see 3 digits repeating like that anywhere in a number, it is trips. "7533337" would be quads, etc
Tyler Thomas
i got this as a "(you)" my first day here on the /b board here during the exodus when the cucky m00tles was going full SJW on 4chan
Brody Rodriguez
Charles Morris
epic tbh
Jack Cox
and the opposite