does cum smell?
if you were to go into a room of someone who has a garbage bin full of cum tissues, would you know from smell alone?
Does cum smell?
Women pick up on cum smell easier than men, because pheromones. It's unlikely unless you have some abnormally smelly cum that guys would pick up on it, however.
what if it's a mom or sister? Are they less likely to pick up the smell of cum from relatives than they are from strangers?
They know.
absolutely it does OP, but here's the good news! There is a tree that smells exactly the same as your grubby spunk. It's called Pyrus calleryana; if anyone asks why your room reeks of sex fluid, just tell them that you live near one of these bad boys. Works a charm.
stop cumming all over yourself
Eat it
It smells like dead fish or a really nasty chick’s cootch t.jizzmopper@a_nudy_booth
Cum dries up really quickly, so unless you have a ton of wet cum tissues in your room you should be good.
these guys are so used to the smell they don't notice it
it's really fucking noticeable
t. female
show tits
just nofapped enough times to notice the difference
My kid sister loves the smell of my room
Yes. So does piss and shit by the way.
What the fuck.
/thread fam
cum may smell, but nowhere near as distinct as piss and shit, and can be confused for sweat and body odor which smell similar
user, your whole family knows you beat off to nigger faggot furry pony porn 1,278,544 times per day. Just deal with it.
yeah but what's the extent of their conscious suppression of this knowledge and is it easier for them to suppress it if efforts are made to lessen the severity of the smell and other outwardly evidence of cum & masturbation, those are the important questions my dude
if you go vegan and eat alot of fruit it smells and tastes better according to partners of people who eat that way
let it sit and stew for a few days or weeks, and it starts to be obvious and vomit inducing tbh
My kid sister is starting to wonder why her teddy bears are starting to smell a bit funny
what if i also like having my door open and with the fan on? ventelation right?
My kid sister's teddy bears are starting to wonder why my kid sister is starting to smell a bit funny.
Then your semonic stench will filter thru your whole household.
Good idea, user.
Hose her off every few days, user… a dark dank basement is not really a clean place for a kid to live in.
how old are you 13? yes your parents will smell it when you store your cum.
damn we had a bunch of those trees on my old college campus. hated em
Get out of here cooper
Vegan cum smells like nothing. It only smells if you are literally rotting from the inside because of your poor life choices.
dont snort jizz
Oh fuck… NOW you tell me!
I can't smell mine even up close but my wife can smell it in a room if I've been hitting the midget threads when she's on a bitch break. I have to be sure not to fap at work or she'll think I'm cheating by smell.
This thread teaches me that women can sniff out cum like sharks can sniff out blood, which is pretty cool tbh.