The only reason people dislike this film is because they killed Michael Biehn and the kid in the beginning.
Its a better sequel to the original Alien than Aliens that's for sure.
The only reason people dislike this film is because they killed Michael Biehn and the kid in the beginning.
Its a better sequel to the original Alien than Aliens that's for sure.
Maybe it was the right decision after all!
and if you're gonna kill off characters, do it with respect, not that tryhard edgy shit
OK I'll admit it OP but I also didn't like the big ape nigger.
Sue me!
Nope. This thing had tons of scripts all shit. It was bound to be a clusterfuck.
Newt is the worst character in cinema bitch should have died in Aliens
I dislike it because it's a boring prison drama about a bunch of retards.
The movie was a disaster from day one and is the child of compromise and studio interference. There are fans who re-edited it together in different ways to make a superior movie but it's regarded as a wreck for a reason, although the premise is good.
It goes on for too long, the cgi is shit, and 2 was already the perfect Alien movie
The wooden planet full of monks idea was so weird even if it was shit it would have been a glorious trainwreck.
Still amazed that nobody has tried to do this idea in comics or similar. They've had plenty of worse shit printed out.
Go, cameron-plebe.
It sucks but they shouldn't have killed them anyway
At least no Whedon
You pleb-hipsters havent got shit on Cameron
He ruined the Piranha duology
People disliked it because it was just a retread of the first and they killed off the main cast from Aliens before the opening credits were finished, otherwise it was pretty good. Since we're having an Alien thread are any of the comics at least a little good or should I avoid it like airborne AIDS.
ayy lmao
The reason the movie sucked is because it was another film about Ripley. She should never have become an action hero.
I didn't really like it, I felt it was really boring and slow. But I came in halfway through and it was the first of the trilogy (quadrilogy?) I had seen so maybe I missed something first time around.
quite correct, besides that the film is bretty gud.
Maybe it's better they don't. It'd probably be some shitty crossover with robocop. The Alien franchise is probably the most shitted up franchise in history yet somehow it can't die. It's the ultimate survivor. The perfect life form. I admire its purity.
I'll admit that's true in my case. I turned the movie off after they killed them off. I haven't seen more than 5 minutes of the movie and I don't plan to watch the rest of it.
Alien could never be ruined some of the reason is Aliens is still the movie that most people first come in contact with the creature.
So it becomes a nostalgic clusterfuck that messes with people
You really didn't miss anything.
If they wanted to say kill them off in the first act like, 20-30 mins in, I think that would have worked.
But killing them off as the fucking credits are rolling? Off-screen?
That's fucking insulting.
It's forgettable and mediocre. Not even bad, just needless.
And it is kind of fucking bullshit that they would just go ahead and kill two major characters offscreen. Newt I suppose I can understand, since the actress would have had aged noticably, but they should have gotten Michael Biehn back. They didn't even ask him, if I remember.
That's just one of its' problems.
The plot is nothing more than a retread of the first movie's plot.
With the exception of Ripley and the black preacher, all the characters are just a bunch of interchangeable bald British guys.
Come to think of it, for all of Alien 3s flaws Alien Resurrection was even worse.
I loved Alien: Resurrection. It wasn't as depressing as Alien 3. It actually brought something new to the franchise.
i give this bait a 2. made me respond.