What is next for his career?

What is next for his career?

Remember that one sketch where he's a compelte unfunny failure?

oh wait that's every one.

I see he's down to 1800/month on patreon. It was 2200 a few months ago I think.

fugging more trannies

A re-release of How To Bomb The US Government with metallic pages for the Low, Low Price of $180.

Limited Edition guise

This sucked, it's like they compiled all the dumb bullshit they drew and wrote while stoned in high school and threw in some """ironic""" gay porn. The only substantive or funny bits were copypasted from their videos, aside from the CYOA and the stuff about doctors/cancer.

glad i didnt buy it now

i'll sell it to ya

thats nice, but im good for toilet paper thanks

Sam seems more interested in scamming his retarded fans with shitty ""ironic"" books and video games so he can pay rent.

You forgot Dickie Heap and the 2 pages about the ugly jew with a qt gf. But yeah 90% of this book is 90s MTV animatics tier. The whole MDE channel is like that though, where most of the content is "meh" and a few nuggets of gold are found here and there. World Peace was great though and I think if Andrew weren't there to direct it and it was up to Sam it would have been pretty bad

he started getting followed after fucking with chelsea. he's been keeping a low profile while he works on the next thing it's pretty funny

You realise that all of that is made up?
That's like believing all those TGWTG images that claim shit like Lupa being into scat.

Hi Sam!
suck any tranny dicks recently?

They must have known each other somehow, considering she at least knew his private email which only appeared on a now-defunct halfchan textboard from years ago.

He probably did fuck a tranny. I don't see why it's so hard to believe, unless you want him to be your redpilled internet daddy. Degeneracy tends to come with the territory of comedy.


Antwan Al-Kumiya was the one from O&A who was fucking trannies, not Jimmy.


And Opie Hughes is the one who is a tranny. Just look at those supple breasts.


That picture is horrifying.

How many months in a row have we been cycling through politics, Sam Hyde, and waifu war threads?
True fucking autism on this board.

My eyes are burning nigger


Sam hyde is a professional bounty hunter.

want me to put an ice pack on them for some covfefe?

That tranny was on chaturbate last night. I asked him about this and he said it was 100% legit and sounds really convincing. I don't even know why he would just make it up. It's not like it would gain that tranny any more popularity. Sam Hyde is only popular with a small minority of people, most of whom aren't into trannies.

Sucking cock so he can buy some alcohol to numb the pain.


something grand since he's funny and talented

t.Scam (and) Hide

I know, it's weird. I'm not even gay though, I just love deepthroating tranny cock and swallowing cum.

Is Jaihoo's Trip to the Future in the book? That's my favorite one.

user I…

No, I think they're planning on making Billy the Clown and Jaihoo their own books.


what happened with that show with the weird name that you had to watch cut into small piece on a shitty site whenever they decided you could watch it?

you're going to hang trannyfucker

ad hominem is a logical fallacy for a reason. Whether this tranny cunt is mentall ill or not is irrelevant. Sometimes the mentally ill reveal the truth. There are many schizophrenics that reveal their history openly while at the same time making a bunch of bullshit claims. Saying someone is mentally ill doesn't exactly prove a point.

Stop making these threads Sam, it's embarrassing.

as far as I know he's working on some new project called fucksociety. Might be something, but on his recent uploads he dosen't have that gist - underlying mirth - which made the other stuff so funny.
Charls is doing his own project with Andrew called Bombstrap and are streaming on twitch a couple of days a week.
Nick is married and are running an antique shop.

It means the tranny is an unreliable source.

What the hell is to gain by posting a greentext or drawing? People still do it.

I don't get it. It wasn't funny, yet lots of anons act like he's the greatest comedian to walk the face of the Earth.
All he does is openly admit he's right-wing, then everyone else makes all the funny shit up for him, like school shootings and shit.

1800 a month? Still enough to live on in Boston. But just barely.

So is MDE over? is only sam now?


Lol. I don't do Twitter. But you guys are pretty funny sometimes.

Explain GIF related. I think only a faggot would refuse to gently nibble on that succulent boiclit.

Sorry. My penis did twitch for him. But girls are still better traps then a trap could ever be. And they aren't even laying a trap for you. More like an invitation to a magical mystical giggly silly moan filled journey.

Sorry user, but that's a penis, so its super gay. You're a closet homesexual.

you're masturbating to a man shoving a dildo down his throat. sorry but it just looks like a man to me.

protip: under the stockings is hairy legs

You are a faggot of the highest order.

It's a cute little boiclit, learn the difference. There are established guidelines for these situations sucking the boiclit is gay, kissing, nibbling and licking it is acceptable (IF it is smaller than your own penis). It's not gay because the feminine form is the real lure, the boiclit is just the icing on the cake.

If that's a man then I'm a woman.

Why settle for a gross smelly axe wound when you could have a neat little boiclit and a tight feminine asshole to pound? With a trap it's basically like a cool friendly dude who you can relax around that looks and acts just like a woman. It's a win win situation.

Forgot to spoiler. Inb4 triggered closet fags who haven't taken the final redpill.

Why stick it in the but hole when you can have the real thing? That warm wet PUSSY. And also her buthole if you and her are into that.

: ).

Why hang out with a girly dude everyday when you can hang out with a girly girl. Plus don't you want to go to Church at least a few times a year? Easter and Christmas at the least. Come on. If you're with a trap you'll have to go to one of those fag unitarian universalist churches. Gag.

Link to video?

……Im …a researcher for Common Filth.

I worship at the altar of boiclit.

I don't have one.

well faggots aren't real men so you're halfway to being a woman I suppose

You gay as fuck fam

They are feminine so it's not gay. It's gay not to want to pound a trap imo.

Traps only aren't gay if you don't know they're not a girl. Hence the name TRAP. If you know they have a peen, then you're a fag. Simple as that.

The only traps that make a passing grade are traps that had good skeletal and anatomical genetics to begin with. Like the myth of Narcissus, they fall in love with the idea of their own beauty but in a twist of perversion, their beauty as if they were female.

Where did all these homos who hate feminine penises come from?

Is that a trap? Fuck…I have to admit. If it is. Honestly. I might pound his ass if I walked in that room at that time and he smiled at me looking like that…….

I've said too much.

meet a trap irl and you'll see that's bullshit

Holla Forums

confirmed for never meeting a quality femboi


They are more feminine than most women these days.

You have to admit he looks like a really cute girl in that picture. I would be tempted. Cute submissive skirt outfits is my fetish. And red lipstick, and those gloves…..and the hair…..

How is it gay if they look like women though? I'm not talking about mannish pigs, I'm talking about actuak feminine traps. It isn't gay because gays are attracted to manly qualities.

This guy gets it.

Traps are gay. You are gay if you like traps.

You are the bull dyke loving homo tbh

I'm not gay, you are.

That's because they're taught not to be, and to not take care of their figure, as well as being indoctrinated into lesbianism, it's a fad now.

Because it's two men.

It doesn't matter how feminine he looks, just being male makes your male lust gay, because the foundation of that thin body is male.You're trying to force a grey area, A man with another man is a homosexual relationship.

Taking the opposite example if i date a completely manly looking dyke, it wouldn't be gay, but i wouldn't be attracted to her manliness, it would be like dating an unattractive woman. Yes gay men aren't attracted to traps, but gay men date other men. Straight men who date other men and "aren't gay" are being deceived.

Fucking fembois is as straight as it gets. The only grey area here is how gay someone who doesn't is.


It isn't gay you fucking faggot. It's the female form that is attractive that is why I said "feminine" traps, the boiclit is just a extra treat.

These are men of taste and sophistication.

This is a catamite.

What a stupid rationalization. That's like eating pic related because it looked like a chicken tender.


wow, Name calling and I'm the faggot.

I was simply accurately categorizing you as a pillow biter. Which you are since you don't fuck delicious fembois.



you can tell by the facial structure. I kind of get turned off when I see the real angles of their face and the shoulders. I'm a sucker for genetic child bearing hips though. Can't help myself, until I see their manly broad shoulders and face of course.

This thread is really gay tbh. That's not even a good trap, he lost the genetic lottery.

I'd definitely fuck an ayylium before some faggot with man shoulders tho. Ayys are kawaii.

they don't exist and this is a meme. Post all the photos with soft lighting and deceptive angles you want, they dont exist irl


Sam Hyde? More like Sambo Lied (to his fans), amirite?


Scambo just got violently BTFO'D in a different thread, judging from the numbers methinks lord kek has abandoned the chosen one…Sure must suck to be Sambo right now.



eew what's that sausage thing coming out her asshole


this thread went way better than i expected

How so?

There is a 2/3 chance of becoming funny through ingestion of male semen, QED


Sam means that he doesn't have to bump the thread himself.


provide proof or fuck off
and I don't mean proof like the sam hyde "proof" where a notoriously mentally ill faggot claims it happened in 4chan posts but provides zero evidence

I wonder what it's like being so obsessed with someone you hate that you constantly make threads about them.
Sounds maddening.

I recommend having a visit to /r/politics sometime. It's an entire forum full of people as autistic as TruthSeeker. All they do is talk about LE ZRUMF 24/7 and how much they hate him. It's insane. It's the Two-Minutes-Hate from 1984 but never ending.

A tranny, Sue Lightning, took a photo in his bathroom, and she was also riding around in his car with him and writing twitter messages like "Miss you!! XX *heart emoji". When asked if she fucked Ant, Sue did not give a clear answer.

She gave his email address and a picture that no one else has. why else would one interact with a trap but to fuck?

Invading struggle sessions

Dude, the whole goddamn site save T_D to a large extent and the celeb worship/waifu boards have gone into total fucking nuclear meltdown these past two years. It's like North Korea over there.
>Pizzagate board eventually taken down on the grounds of "witch hunting", even though it's perfectly fine for the rest of the site to go after Trump and co with, need I remind you to this day, ZERO EVIDENCE
>Sleuths discovered that by checking the ad revenue of individual boards or something or other, T_D's amount of subs isn't 400,000 and the actual number of subscribers to the board is closer to muh 6,000,000

I probably missed a metric SHITTON of drama and lulz, but even to this day there are still major happenings going on, see pic related. Makes me glad I never invested into that festering shithole of a site. Imagine if this shit went on during King Nigger's reign and how quickly it would be clamped down.

earlier version of post submitted by mistake, disregard

Dude, the whole goddamn site save T_D to a large extent and the celeb worship/waifu boards have gone into total fucking nuclear meltdown these past two years. It's like North Korea over there.
>Pizzagate board eventually taken down on the grounds of "witch hunting", even though it's perfectly fine for the rest of the site to go after Trump and co with, need I remind you to this day, ZERO EVIDENCE
>Sleuths discovered that by checking the ad revenue of individual boards or something or other, T_D's amount of subs isn't 400,000 and the actual number of subscribers to the board is closer to muh 6,000,000

I probably missed a metric SHITTON of drama and lulz, but even to this day there are still major happenings going on, see pic related. Makes me glad I never invested into that festering shithole of a site. Imagine if this shit went on during King Nigger's reign and how quickly it would be clamped down.

what the name of the tranny? looks cute

who's chelsea?

If i'm not a tranny would you still swallow my cum?

Tranny porn.


for you

Oh shit, it's Jeremy jam from parks and rec lolol
