You guys are nothing but compromisers, soc dems and closet liberals in denial, playing with racial/gender politics all the time.
You guys are just obstacles.
You guys are nothing but compromisers, soc dems and closet liberals in denial, playing with racial/gender politics all the time.
You guys are just obstacles.
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this your way of calling us cucks?
i agree to some extend, but you're a faggot and need to take a break by volunteering for hard physical labor in a camp while undergoing political and cultural reeducation.
/r/socialism says something retarded, part infinity.
no u
all of reddits left in one picture tbh.
For a board with LARPER tankies and Maoists they sure seem sensitive about what gender pronouns trannies should have.
Wasn't homosexuality banned by both Stalin and Mao?
it's actually more nuanced than "they were banned", but yes, neither of those states was particularly "progressive" on those issues (but the GDR - eastern germany - was the first Germany to legalize it).
that aside, these guys are not "tankies". that's insulting for me as a marxist-leninist who has been called tankie before.
they're just outright liberal SJW.
The Great Leader would never do something like that
Those are capitalist lies! P-propaganda!
hey faggot
you're wrong
go fuck yourself, you pathetic clueless anarkiddy
Get triggered more, and don't forget to suck Stalin's cock tonight.
Wtf is a brocialist?
he's not wrong, homosexuality was banned until the 90s in China, sorry daddy Lenin and Mao are shit
A white middle class college kid who tells women, black people, and LGBT individuals that their problems aren't real and "it's all just ECONOMIC, maaaaan."
"they will betray the revolution" jesus christ
the thing about r/socialism is not only that they're role-players, but the role they're playing is not of a revolutionary but of a generic 1970's campus radical
Yes! Yes!
The pesky white middle class!!!
Down with the middle class!
"maaaaan" is the trademark of people who think white people wearing dreads is more of a concern than capitalism though
I was using middle class it in the colloquial sense, though a significant portion of "brocialists" probably are the children of small business owners.
And there's nothing wrong with being white or relatively affluent. It's when you try to pretend that your small experience of the world represents everyone else's lives that you become a pathetic little twat.
A Socialist who is more prone to discussions about marxism, materialism and economics than Beyoncé.
You can just tell that r/Socialism is made up of the type of moron that loves sharing that stupid Phil Ochs song on Facebook
Like the SJWs do themselves?
The Black Panthers were a million times more Marxist than first semester college bros, so your argument is nonsensical.
my god you're right I forgot about the Panthers!
t. butthurt liberal
SJW has become a completely meaningless buzzword.
The fact of the matter is that black people and women objectively face unique sets of problems and obstacles, so being told by some pretentious rich white dude that their totally valid complaints are "distractions from the REAL struggle" (as if capitalism and racism/sexism aren't intrinsically intertwined) is understandably quite grating.
Looks like we got a live one
if you were, you wouldn't post retarded shit like that. you're a faggotist. sucking big bourgeoise cock while closing your eyes and merely pretend it's lenins.
read my comment again, faggot
But where are the "brocialists" doing this? And, us as an example of "them", where is the proof for this?
If just by saying that the base determines the superstructure is worthy of being called a "rich white middle class brocialist" so be it.
I'll keep my understanding of socialist theory and have the pri-vi-le-ge of living in a 3rd world country.
Oh you think women and blacks face problems? Try wearing your favorite furry costume to school and see how it goes.
Check your human muh privilege.
yeah I read your comment, your "communist" utopias were shit for gay rights, congrats!
On this very board, you'll get called an "Idpol SJW" if you try to talk about oppression or issues unique to ANY community more specific than "the global working class".
So? Not only these are largely mainstream issues that already being taken care of by major parties, but that's hardly a reasoning that should determine the Left's path of action. We can "fragment" the global working classes into hundreds of thousands of groups with different positions in the social and economic hierarchy based on their gender, race, height, appearance, religion, nationality, state, city etc. If that's the logic we're going to follow, then to even concern ourselves with western women and north-american blacks is almost comical based on how parochial and elitist it is.
But that doesn't matter, because that's not what we do. The entire point of socialism is not to count who has more or less muh privilege points and try to push policies that would balance things out, it's to unify ourselves around the common trait of our positions as wage-earners in a system of private accumulation which is an evil in itself. Anything besides that will not only lead to a loss of focus and clear goals, but will also prove to be a waste of time since the bourgeois institutions, which retain economic power and we're not part of, are the ones in a much better position to help these groups.
t. mixed gay south-american
As you should be.
The Americanocentrism is strong with this one
Also, what a weird thing that the people who like to call others "Brocialists" are always attacking the "white, male, middle-class" demographic even though 99% of the time that's where they come from. They have this weird, almost obsessive desire with trying to prove that they're different, they're the "good ones".
wrong. you get ridiculed and called out for identity politics if you're talking about issues of oppressed groups without relating it to class struggle, putting it into the anticapitalist context.
arguing for reformism and emancipation into the system is utter faggotry and you need to get gulagd for doing that shit.
I think you are conflating things.
For example, no one can deny that different groups face different struggles. It's just that those different struggles are rooted in the same contradictions. (Ie. class, private property and so on.)
Their struggle relates to the way society organizes its own production and reproduction. Capitalism is global; the working class is a global class - the struggles of the various kinds are global struggles aswell (for gays, women, and everyone else too).
That's why people talk about a general working class. Because Capitalism is global, general. You cannot "unlink" those struggles from capitalism itself.
t. Brazilian going to bed with a polite sage
as you may have noticed, a black president does jack shit for black workers. rallying around identity politics is liberal faggotry, cancer of pseudo leftism, it's nothing but a pathetic attempt to drape bourgeoise self preservation in progressive or revolutionary phraseology.
honestly, go fuck yourself and fuck off with that shit.
I'm a feminist ask me anything
We should also point out that, just like "Berniebro", "Brocialist" and the stereotype laid down in pretty much invisibilizes all the considerable (and growing) number of people of color, women, minorities, people living outside the boundaries of the developed world and so on that share literally the same views we repeat here. I wonder if the irony behind the fact that you're denying them a voice while accusing us of doing exactly that has occurred to you lot.
in end of evangelion when shinji chokes asuka, what is that meant to symbolize?
idk. dude was angry at his impotence.
just listen and understand
lOL this is why the left will never win, some faggy idpoler cant come together because HOW DREADFUL A LEFTIST WHO HASNT BEEN EMASCULATED
You fucked up the capitalization
i'm crying now, made myself laugh way to hard with this, fucking christ
it's just too fitting
/r/socialism typified
he, for a moment, reverted to blaming other people for his problems before fully accepting that he caused the situation he is in and can now move on.
I don't go on reddit. Their fucking UI is impossible to navigate even if I wanted to
iktf femrade
And grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. I have no idea what that guy is saying.
you don't care about minorities and the particular oppression they're facing. we can't just go and establish a socialist society and do revolution you white cis male sinners!
what about disabled black jewish multigender womyn?!
they need to be put into positions of power first and lead the system, you class-ist reactionaries!!
who cares about whether they are workers or not and can afford a living if there are people out there who are INSULTING me??? YOU DONT EVEN KNOW OPPRESSION
Which one? I like Phil Ochs ;_;
Hi I'm a feminist do you want to ask me any questions
Comrades, if you're going to post in this shitty thread, at least have the decency to sage.
did the song strike a nerve? :)
You say that like it's impossible to simultaneously support several different causes.
I support BLM every bit as much as I support labor unions and antiwar activists. These groups aren't mutually exclusive.
Black people are exploited and oppressed to a severe degree in basically every country that has any significant population of black people.
Plenty of feminists are anticapitalist and put their critiques in an anticapitalist context, but you'll still get called an "EBILLLL SJWWWWWW" if you call yourself a feminist here.
Please point to the significant number of radical black socialists who don't think institutional racism against black people is a serious issue deserving of discussion in its own right.
See? If you whine about identity politics, you welcome reactionary fuckwits like this into your midst.
Face their perfectly valid issues that deserve discussion.
Face their own perfectly valid issues that deserve discussion.
Its own perfectly valid issue that deserves discussion.
Face their own perfectly valid issues that deserves discussion.
Oh, wait, I forgot, you're a fucking moron, so the idea that someone else faces problems you can't relate to infuriates you.
Not them, but how do you view the situation with sex workers or porn ?
I'm very conflicted on the matter but generally i think that many of the problems present could be handled if there were a basic income so women wouldn't have to sell themselves if they didn't want to.
huh, this sounds a lot like leftypol
Ehhhhhh. It's a tricky issue. I'm leaning towards against though. Women, as men, can provide labor, but at what point does labor stop being labor and at what point does it become exploitative. By exploitative I mean, handled in the same mechanical unfeeling, cruel process as any other kind of extracted labor.
I feel like relying on legalizing prostitution as an issue for feminism is just giving a pass to Capital instead of criticizing its methods.
There are plenty of people who seem to think that economic change HAS to come after social change though, even though broad economic change would be the most positive for the largest number of people regardless of it leaving some inequalities.
Maybe we run with different circles, but I rarely see anyone suggest that we can't fight for economic equality until we've achieved social equality.
That idea, on its face, sounds nonsensical, since social inequality will continue to be perpetuated by economic inequality and vice versa. You have to attack both at the same time.
The sign that not even you had confidence on this one.
Yes, it is! How the fuck are you going to support Black Lives Matter and not think you're perpetuating the exact same form of thinking that capitalism uses to divide people? We need a solidified class of workers to fight this, and you're never going to do it by giving people subjective identities over the one material identity that is proven: class?
This shit right here is nothing but divisive, and its the exact same shit that is driving the working class away from people.
Yeah, because you're peddling idpol. Idpol which again, does NOTHING but divide people and explains why identity politics is the literal cancer that kills socialism from the inside.
Check this out. Go to bunkermag, there is an article speaking specifically about a Tupac song. Specifically about how Tupac was rapping about capitalist alienation from the perspective of a modern American Black man.
Don't get us wrong, false socialist. We care a whole, whole lot about the issues that face different peoples. This is what you easily rustled people over at leddit don't seem to understand. We'll discuss the shit out of issues that women face, or issues latinos in America face. But we have come to understand the same answer to each of these arguments is to *overthrow capitalism*.
Not ask people to be nice and remind (or ban them like you) them to use proper gender pronouns, or think that by asking policeman to be nice to black people is going to do anything. This is something even Black folks seem to understand, you ain't gonna get any sympathy or real concrete changes from the capitalists. Take away their power, and you take away their ability to do anything about it.
Peek Stokely over here. Ain't nobody gonna tell that dude he's a "brocialist".
Holla Forums in general doesn't deny that women or minorities (or whites) face particular forms of oppression or exploitation under capitalism. We just reject the notion that extending bourgeois muh privileges to these classes will fix the problems in any way and that ultimately the only means of combating these issues is emancipation from the class system imposed by capitalism.
You're talking about /r/socialism, right?
This, great post.
and this is why you get namecalling, faggot. you are so irritatingly retarded, there is no end to it except a bullet for each of you.
This sectarian fighting is stupid. ID politics or not a Comrade's a Comrade to me. We need to be trying to work together. This childish bickering is why the Left never wins. It's stupid to point fingers at each other while this board is being taken over by Nazi polyps.
How is the Left supposed to win the masses to their cause when they can't even stand each other?
The Leftist ideological split is exaggerated by the Internet because it takes virtually no energy to argue here.
In reality, Leftists of opposing ideologies are usually able to at least make tenuous alliances to advance their causes.
Am I wrong to think that the internet should be an important part of 21st century leftist movements?
And a good day to you as well, fellow leftist.
Sure, we'll give Marx a decent burial and go dig up Kant's corpse. We don't need the last two hundred plus years of intellectual progress which successfully developed socialism from its utopian infancy into a legitimate science. Better to just turn the clock back on that. Actually, why not all materialism since the enlightenment too while we're at it? Alchemists face their own perfectly valid questions that deserve discussion outside the paradigm of modern chemistry. We need to pay more attention to marginalized voices with alternate theories of light - who says that the luminiferous ether model needs to agree with observation or predict the photoelectric effect and blackbody radiation? It's many peoples' real lived experience that light passes through tangible media.
P.S. You probably think I'm being untowardly hyperbolic here. Not so:
What's with the double standard? If it turned out we were all brown people they'd probably start using liberal racism to explain it. "they don't know any better"
How dare they call us liberals
I see value in post modernism. It's a useful tool.
But god damn, it's dominance of modern academia is legitimately frightening. I feel that it is a tool of neoliberalism.
It's like the reactionary version of stirner.
my god
They don't understand that not everyone here is left wing because it's not censored like r/socialism.
You realize I'm being facetious, yes?
How so?
On this board, I honestly can't tell.
Doesn't surprise me. Even people on this board fall for that shit constantly.
Not at all
Think of it as introduction to stirner.
People realise that they can criticize their sacred cows.
But they don't completely let go. They just find new ones to replace the old.
No, but you're wrong in thinking that Internet, much less lefty/pol/, represents any modern Leftist movement in action.
I mean, I see immense *literary* value in subjective idealism and irrationalism, but none in its implied prescriptions for the real world or human collective consciousness.
Nietzsche is a great self-improvement philosopher and his prose is on a level all its own, but note the Ubermensch is most totally realized in the SJW with their novel, entirely inscrutable, internally inconsistent moral system orthogonal to any classical concept and imposed/propagated by sheer force of will.
It's like that with an awful lot of psychoanalysis too, including the frankfurt school.