Being underaged isn't against the rules, faggot. this isn't cuckchan how new are you?
Mods banning with feelings again
sad tbh
Find a rope and hang yourself AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
holy shit…
t. mod
Mods being faggots isn't against the rules either
she's responsible for what people ask her
t. mod
the ones requesting cp deserve the ban if anything.
Accidentally left off an >
She was delivering most of the requests. Not the cp ones
was the 15 yo hawt? tbh
You decide
I thought she was cute, but I don't think I would call her hot.
she bare ip tbh, but she can phonepost
ew, she looks 20+
Checked. Love the long hair tbh
whats with america making girls age so fast tbh
The unhealthy foods, i guess
They put hormones in the food.
why sage?
Why not?
im a burger male and i fucking swear i haven't aged at all in the past few years, i still get charged youth discount on buses. Its only females that have that problem.
There's not any rule that says mods can't ban you for being underaged if they want to.
He doesn't want to "contribute" to the "orbiter" thread tbh
t. lh the manlet
hes just gay tbh
let the underage fags have their fun tbh
t. underage fag
t. cuckchanner
t. hex
who dis be i have cute pics of her armpits
t. (((HEX)))
sad tbh
I wish I was an underage fag :( Teens are a lot more unstable, hormonal and shallow hence why its more realistic to go for teens than lolis.
I don't understand why if he was just going to ban her he nuked whole threads she posted in.
jim did nothing wrong
i take back what i said about the new mods learning how to not be complete shit, they are still terrible. cuckchantier moderation. and i wasn't even part of those threads
Hey, mailman here. She is underage but that's not my problem with her. She enables other anons who request pictures of her, while seeming benign she posted a picture of herself where all it showed was her crotch. She gives out her discord account and asks for people to send her text messages. In all the threads she posts in, the thread derails into dost.
Dys will review her appeal and that's the final word
We said they were faggots but did hex listen? Nooooo
I didn't mean loli tbh because I don't get as many looks when I'm with a hebe or a "granny." Having a loli around makes people uneasy for some reason.
i said they were faggots too until yesterday when i said something nice about them
mailman is fucking 4chan mod. Be aware this guy is literally 4chan and he will treat you like 4chan would do
What happened to the thread earlier, came to check back and it was pruned?
At least way has somehow become a good mod.
Strange turnaround. Way was the biggest faggot of them all
thanks, I know you were apart of the threads and appreciate your support
i dont like you. fuck off twat
Should've just banned her during the first thread when she technically violated dost by posting her panties. Idk you let her roam free all night, post in two more threads, then "handled" it by deleting them before banning her tbh
t. jim
control your underage rage pls
sagefags are cancer tbh
So fucking what? Don't act like theres anything worth saving here.
Yeah, but I samefagged and played a little of both sides. I agree with your reasoning. I'm just not sure it warrants a ban. I consider it more a "play stupid games win stupid prizes" issue.
You're too young to be here tbh. Come back when Roy Moore won't creampie you.
mailman the victim blamer
i also see you're too scared to use your capcode
roy dindu nuffin wrong tbh
And?, an age isn't required to post here
He went after girls a few years too old tbh
True tbh
I never saw her post her under garments, just a image with shorts. I didn't want to ban her for just being underage. she has the right to freech too. I drew the line after deleting 13 files in those threads. My reasoning was just to put a end to it all by pruning
You should've banned her sooner instead instead of nuking threads in her wake, you fucked up there tbh
I was there for all of them. The "shorts" and "panties" in question are the same article of clothing being referenced by a different name tbh. There was only 1 such pic
this is not 4chan
Why do normies fear loli's so much?
Not enough belly
So ban for spam, ok fine
Stop being a nigger
roy is a based christian hebe, kys tbh
ant nude content above 12+ years is not pedo.
12 years is the age of a grown up woman
this! 12 yos should already be married tbh
user,it's yours
Gross, she has a cave down ere nao
How would you know? Have you seen it?
Stop posting granny K P
Ill fug her everyday tbh
look at this picture - its pic of truth.
Girls need to impregnated young because they want babies. The female body can consent early because of nature. Look at how happy this girl is by holding a child in her hands.
Not take a zoom-out and look at the face of 35 years old "successful career woman" with 2 college degree and without children. Look at 35 years old rotten face interesting misery and toxic implosion.
needs benis in her mouth tbh