What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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Cultural appropriation.
Hey, blacks need to lay off the Jews. Jews have been oppressed for thousands of years, and survived an attempted genocide. What happened to blacks? They had to do some hard work for a few generations. Then they had to take a bath (muh fire hose), and got to play with some puppies.
Then the Jews gave them all the rights, and more. The blacks should be kissing the feet of the Jews, and they know it. Blacks are the biggest crybabies in the world, and they think they can abuse the Jews who are the real victims.
why are americucks so sensible about using the word NIGGER?
He accidentally talked on tv like he talks around his friends.
SJW goon chatlogs read like a Holla Forums argument.
Ironically enough SJWs use all the insults they claim they hate amongst themselves, much like literal fags, while Holla Forums types being the autists that they are don't even have IRL friends to use that kind of language with.
I creep my friends out with truthbombs and conspiracy theories every week. Stop projecting.
because overuse would kill its power
That still means you're not using those insults as a verbal tic like SJWs do. My point was that SJWs are hypocrites in regard to offensive language.
the power of upsetting your tits anytime somebody says NIGGER?
Those digits. My God… was he… /ourguy/ all along??
I knew it! Dems r the real racists!
2 minny druppolds n dis dred
Based Maher! Classical liberal for the win! #notmypussy
A house nugger isn't your standard African beast. A house nigger has learned civility, manners and a general well-being. So, da ebil wyatt massa rewards them by taking them off field work and brings them into more of the "indentured servant" phase. Sadly, these aren't the niggers that fucked like rabbits, and wild niggers outnumber house niggers at least 6:1 in today's world.
But bill saying it means he's a pussywhipped knee bending bitch boy.
not mine.
as long as lefttards stay buttmad about a word it will forever hold its power.
The jew is enslaved by the lizard, he was only being a bit rebellious and thus, will soon be replaced by a lizard-man with his skin.
Hes /ourguy/
I don't see the big deal, it's not like Maher is a social justice anything. Sure, he calls out how moronic the flabby, orange hotel manager president is, but anyone with an IQ over 90 does that. When you have someone in office "stupider" than Bush (who wasn't all that stupid, despite what libruls think) you'll get that.
Keep in mind he also calls out the left for losing the election the way they did. He rightfully points out that outrage culture is unsustainable.
Where did tards get the idea that Maher is some SJW? He might be insufferable, but social justice shrieking is not one of his qualities.
Niggers call each other niggers all the time though
Greetings fellow cuck. How goes the bull prepping?
The extreme left has been pushing anti-semitism for a while. They want to remove the special minority status of jews. Not sure if I cheer them for it, given how ineffective it is and even if there is no ploy behind it, it will just lead them to the cuckshed along with the polers.
he's a fucking liberal jew and a shill for israel
Maher is a neo-liberal, not even a classic liberal, and so is Trump. They're both kikes and shills for Israel. Trump is Hayek's "independent", an empty vessel for the kikes.
Or did you forget the Western Wall just last month? Top kek.
Roland "the cheeto" Chump" strikes again!
Score another point for the right wing SJW's!
Will they ever get tired?
Of whining?
Want some cheetos with that whine?
Calm down guys, its just some internet bants
I swear to G-d if he gets a THIRD SCOOP!!
Can we all just agree that it would be a satisfying end to his career if Bill "The Shill" Maher got fired due to the outrage of the liberals he has as his audience? This guy looks and acts like a rat and doesn't deserve the electricity spent to record his pitiful rants.
That's just their culture user. Stop being so antisemitic.
nugger, kek, that takes me back
That all niggers are Democrats and all Democrats are niggers.
Bill Maher, first transblack comedian.
How offensive, I call you a retarded nigger cuck and you call me a cheeto. How does the left keeping winning the insult war it's not fair!
SJWs like Samantha Bee also segregate themselves from minorities and live in white-majority areas like Portland. Whenever they say stuff like #punchnazis, it's to remove scrutiny away from them. Whenever they promote diversity, it's to pay brown staff with lower wages. They don't believe a single word they say, only the amount of money in their wallet.
It's kind of funny that WNs want a white ethnostate when they already have several. It just ends up being neoliberal because the future generations are unsure why those laws are enforced in the first place.
how about this
dont do that
Ha ha great posts! Well meme'd my friend!
That he's being oppressed by some sort of master class above him yet he apologizes for it and works against his own people
ha he apologised yet?
Can we get him fired over this? After all, there is simply no room for that kind of hateful, violent speech in today's society.
don't be silly goy, G-d's chosens never apologize
Like Kathy Griffin?
>Common since will tell you if the "Nazis" are secretly in control
>obviously there would only be Germans in the German, Britain, American governments ect.
>I mean, come on man. it's a secret after all.. everyone would obviously know about something so blatantly secretive like a BLOODY NAZI REGIME!
Holy shit are (((Holla Forumsacks))) really this stupid now..? I don't even trust infowars that much but shit is just retarded…
Hes usually blaming Nazis.
The golem has turned.
You must be autistic in the sense that you can't detect ironic sarcasm because no one on Holla Forums takes Alex Jones seriously. His reactions to things are salvaged, a lot of people use clips and reaction shots for meme material. The most you get are people who use his slogans and catchphrases for ironic jokes. Fix your autism and join in the fun. Infowars got a press pass to the white house. You can't say that's not hilarious.
this is literally another shoah