No real organization or theme to it, just dumping what I got in the hope some little summerfag fuck might get a good fap out of it.
Porn folder dump (no 3dpd niggers)
if others want to dump aswell it would contribute to thread.
What about 3dpd white grils, or are you a soyboi?
it is too bad about JLullaby, he has done some shit without niggers, but he really likes NTR for some reason
I should have put a comma before niggers, I was referring to you fellow faggots as the niggers.
But in all seriousness there are like 3 3d grill threads so I would just post those there.
I think his patrons on patreon like NTR or something. gotta pay the bills dude, though fortunately he usually has a nigger and non nigger version
degenerates out
what part of it is degenerate may I ask?
you did post NTR
I guess I did, at this point I just ignore it and focus on the smash. I still don't fap if the NTR is overwhelming though.
I never said you did, but you did post it.
lol so? Just focus on the smash and it won't make a difference, look at the fapanese version if need be. A lot of good work thrown down the trash just because of that.
I like my porn to have a story
anyway, are you going to post anymore?
Sauce on the webm from the OP?
I can respect that, if you want I can recommend you some good hentai manga that have a prolonged story. I like it from time to time but its not absolutely necessary.
I will but I've run out of japanese stuff.
Mezzo forte its got some good scenes.
if you want, man.
alright, I can post of my stuff, but you'll have to tell me what you're after.
Thanks user! I'd seen some gifs from this scene and was always curious.