If You Vote For Trump, Then Screw You


This is new found levels of anal devastation.

Other urls found in this thread:


Everyone with a sense of reality knows Trump isn't fit to be President, he is: A bigot (no one can deny it), a corrupt (see pay-to-play and the shady things he does with the money of his foundation), he's a HUGE liar (lied about Iraq War, about his medical records, about the birther movement, about his wealth etc) he doesn't have mental stability (look at his twitter and speeches, did you forget the "Second Amedment people" comment?!) and the knowledge (just watch his interviews, it's a joke, he doesn't know how to answer anything) to be the fucking President of the most powerful country on earth. Period.

it's just that Trump supporters are too blind to realize it. It's like Trump himself said months ago: "I could shoot somebody in the middle of the 5th avenue and I wouldn't lose any voters".
Even Trump knows his supporters don't care about anything.

Please, don't make the wrong decision Nov. 8!

t. Modern Journalism


You missed out.

This is the part where he describes Hillary Clinton.


Wow, what a fucking butthurt man-child.


This is so strange, they have to be aware that this will just spite people and make them vote for Trump even more. It almost looks like they are using reverse psychology.

Where can I join a shill agency, OP? I'm sure I'd do a better job than you.



Christ, why do half of the journalists write like they're melodramatic 12 year old girls now? The only way that could've sounded more whiny was if it mentioned that he was mean, and then ended the article with a hashtag and/or an emoji.

Ewwwwww. That's gross

The only thing I regret is not bathing my hands in the filthy black blood of the leftists sooner.

I'm pretty sure even they require reading comprehension. You're shit out of luck m8.

How is it that a supposed men's magazine is so liberal?

What? These are all Clinton scandals. Unless you're memeing.

when Trump gets in the liberal tears are going to be fucking delicious


Because they're selected to be like that.
Only a useless cuck would choose to squander their power.

The journalist is just trying to make money.

Every fucking time.
I'm probably related to this fuck considering we both have the same last name, shit.

They have the mental age of 12 year old girls.

Cushy, sheltered hugbox societies are not good for the soul. They also seem to possess the same "I'm right and you're stupid SO THERE" approach to arguments, which is a sign of utter narcissism.

So, their downfall has literally been how vain and image obsessed society is and how many selfies they take.

Well I'm glad he didn't bring the big guns by linking le current year man.

do these idiots ever consider maybe they are hopelessly wrong about everything?

Actually I take this back. This is a troll piece.


Going to green text the rest of that for anyone too lazy to click the archive.

But I already know that’s a futile effort. So fuck you, and fuck the GOP leaders who are too chickenshit to stand up to you. I’m not gonna wish deportation or imprisonment or some kind of fantastical hyperbolic death upon you. I’m not gonna ask for a wall to be built on the Mason-Dixon line. No no, I think you people deserve the EXACT same fate as Trump himself, and that is to lose, badly. That’s what should happen to you. You and your hamburger puppet leader deserve to live the rest of your days arm-in-arm in disgrace, branded as losers for the rest of your lives. Because that’s what you are.


Guys what year is this?


Everyone with a sense of reality knows Jews aren't fit to be alive, they are: bigots (no one can deny it), corrupt (see pay-to-play and the shady things they do with the currency reserves of every country), they're HUGE liars (lied about Egypt, about the Christian religion, about their medical records in 302-40s Germany, about morality, etc) they don't have mental stability (look at the news paper headlines and twitters and adl/splc speeches, did you forget the "Holocaust" comments?!) and the knowledge (just watch their interviews, it's a joke, they don't know how to answer anything) to be the people in charge of the most powerful country on earth. Period.

it's just that Jew supporters are too blind to realize it. It's like Netanyahu himself said months ago:"Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews.And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, 'If you expel them, they'll all come here.' 'So what should I do with them?' he asked. He said, 'Burn them'."

Even Jews know their supporters don't care about anything.

Please, don't make the wrong decision Nov. 8, buy a rope!

People who are supporting Trump are doing so because they have nothing left to lose.

By definition that makes them LOSERS.

Are you calling niggers losers? That's not very racially sensitive.

Current year is 2016 BTE. Next year is year one of (GTE) Golden Trump Era.

+0.002 Shekels acquired!
Shilling Skill Up!
Shilling Skill Up!
You have lost karma.
You have lost karma.
You have lost karma.
You have lost karma.
You have lost karma.

Good, continue to antagonize the people that makes USA go around. Continue to antagonize the common people of America…

Some of them are too dumb for their own good, how the hell are they supposed to sell papers if they continue to hate on the ones that buy them?

People who are supporting jews are doing so because they have nothing

By definition that makes them NOTHING

What the fuck do these idiots go to college for?

To become communists.

This shill is copypasta from another thread.



How will liberal colleges 2000 years from now change BTE to something that doesn't reference Trump at all like they did with BC?


This is just sad. Drew doesn't seem to realize that this article is all one man's opinion. That doesn't make it real, that doesn't make it right. It's just an opinion. It's what he believes, just as many others believe the opposite just as strongly.

Congratulations Drew, you've just hit the level of my four year old. You have an opinion. You preach it forcefully and with an air of condescension. You feel as though you're making a case in court and have just decimated the right wing of America with your 'irrefutable' arguments. This is not the case. I've read at least a hundred articles just like yours, pleading with me to support crooked Hillary over crooked Trump. None of them have worked, and none of them will work, because in the end I ignore all of you third-party influencers and I go back to the source. I listen to Trump and I listen to Hillary. And I think hard about what they've said, and I ponder how their strategies will affect me and my family. And in the end, Trump is right and Hillary is wrong. Regardless of your opinion, regardless of your opinion piece, Trump is right and Hillary is wrong. You don't have to like the guy, but Trump is right and Hillary is wrong.

Ask yourself these simple questions, Drew. "Are we at war? Are there groups in the world who have declared war on us and on our way of life? How do we best protect ourselves and our families against these threats? Which of these leaders will protect us from these threats?"

Vote accordingly.

College is basically a rubber stamp saying you can do work. STEM degrees aside, that's what all degrees are. Can you commit to something for an extended period of time and perform well. People that can't be arsed to show up to class and end up failing classes are, quite correctly, assumed that these same people probably won't be able to muster up the courage to go into work regularly either.

Are you calling yourself a nigger?

Guys you can't vote for Trump. I will be mad, I will call you doo-doo heads. Don't vote for Trump, he is bad. Now give me my blankie you assholes stole from me.

wtf? You mean like how the media has said that Trump used charity funds to pay legal fees (which we don't know if it's true or not yet)?

I hate Trump now.

The projection in this piece is totally unreal.

Nice digits you got there.

It'd be a real SHAME if someone were to… check them.

Trump hasn't killed anyone that I am aware of, BUT HILLARY HAS.

this can't be real

the projection is way too strong

is this just some side blog or is this like an ACTUAL ARTICLE?


better than regular dubs

Fucking christ.


Are you implying I'm implying I'm a nigger, nigger?

Everyone with a sense of reality knows Hillary isn't fit to be President, she is: A bigot (no one can deny it), a corrupt (see pay-to-play and the shady things she does with the money of her foundation), she's a HUGE liar (lied about Iraq War, about her medical records, about the birther movement, about her wealth etc) she doesn't have mental or physical stability (look at her twitter and speeches, did you forget the "Second Amedment people" comment?! and that fact that she collapses under her own weight daily) and the knowledge (just watch her interviews, it's a joke, she doesn't know how to answer anything) to be the fucking President of the most powerful country on earth. Period.

it's just that Hillary supporters are too blind to realize it. It's like Hillary herself said months ago: "I could kill Americans in the middle of Benghazi and I wouldn't lose any voters".

Even Hillary knows her supporters don't care about anything.

Please, don't make the wrong decision Nov. 8!


Is this from the same guy as in OP? We should have a list going.

Media types have been writing these 'pfffbfbbft' tier articles for months now. It's going to be funny seeing Don Lemon serving me coffee.

the butthurt is tangible

this November will make for a good harvest

Wow such mature arguments, i'm sure everyone is gonna vote for Hillary now…

Thank you for correcting the record.

4803 Broad Brook Dr
Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 564-0502

fuck this jew's shit up

This isn't an article, this is a free form blog post he wrote as the butthurt was dripping from him

Trump and his kids better be collecting lists of these angry manchildren and bar them from any future """journalism""" jobs once he's in office

lol btfo



anyone have that /i/ infograph with the different free delivery sites?

/i/ was never a board


If only, Trump is a lightweight, not pol tier.


hundreds of companies, global, billionaire

surrounded by jews, infused with jews, he's easily the cook to bring the pot to boil to cook slowly cook the frog instead of jarring like hillary to kick off secession and civil war to provide cover to do a real day of jew and not a holohoax.

If Ben "pulling triggers on every nigger" Garrison visits 8pol, he should make a piece with pic related in the center, but with every "Clinton" replaced with the word "Trump" taped on and Trump's face taped over Clinton, with a liberal screaming at it



In the past there were a ton of screenshots floating around of 4chan's /i/ board (/i/ in this context being invasion, not oekaki as it currently is on 4chan) so whenever stuff was happening people would be like 'I just posted it on /i/' to troll people into thinking it existed. IIRC it was just ebaums taking the piss. Then again you never know, maybe there was an /i/ somewhere on the net, but it wasn't on 4chan.

If you don't vote for Trump Moche will keep screwing you.

no fuck off i'm not trying to do this there's a goddamn infograph and that's all i asked about

I'm sure [email protected]/* */ would like to hear from you about what a cuckshed living pole smoker communist he is

I have it but I'm not going to dig it up.

In order of effectiveness:

1. Free cardboard boxes en masse. Just order pallets worth of them.

2. Pizzas.

3. Mormons.

4. White canes.


Barack Obama will be the last president. There will be no election.

yeah i wanted the actual links i already sent a bunch of boxes, thanks for trying i guess

You should compulsively save everything user. Someday it could be useful, you never know.

Fuck me?

If Trump supporters were actually smart they would encourage Clinton supporters to vote for Gary Johnson. Every time he surges in the polls the majority of this damage comes from Clinton supporters switching to Johnson.

Trump knows he can never win over some of the Berniebots. He should make peace with this and encourage them to vote for Johnson.


thanks for correcting the record
you give up first, i'm right behind you, promise

fuck off defeatist faggot

Instead of stupid shit like that, how about a video that ACTUALLY teaches you how to ruin someone’s life? Like full on illegal shit that will either kill them, destroy their families, or get them put in jail?

As if we'd listen anyway.

Aw bless he's just a confused little lamb who doesn't even understand that what Trump says/does is why we want him.

Which wouldn't work anyway as it's expected of every normal shill politician out there so what makes his case any different?

Haaah, oh shit.

Hell I'm English and I know John Oliver outstayed his welcome as soon as his role in Community finished.

How utterly self obsessed was all that tripe? Did I just read a 14 year old's blog entry?

How the fuck does one miss the hypocracy there? Within ONE sentence he's become guilty of what he projected onto others.

His panties are a gordian knot.

And this is why we have to kill them.

Everyone with a sense of reality knows Hillary isn't fit to be President, she is: A bigot (no one can deny it), a corrupt (see pay-to-play and the shady things she does with the money of her foundation), she's a HUGE liar (lied about Iraq War, about her medical records, about the birther movement, about her wealth etc) she doesn't have mental stability (look at her twitter and speeches, did you forget the "short-circuited" comment?!) and the knowledge (just watch her interviews, it's a joke, she doesn't know how to answer anything) to be the fucking President of the most powerful country on earth. Period.

it's just that Hillary supporters are too blind to realize it. It's like Hillary herself said months ago: "I could sell of US classified data and not lose any voters".

Even Hillary knows her supporters don't care about anything.

Please, don't make the wrong decision Nov. 8!

Not everybody here is saying he's a god emperor, most level headed people are just saying he's the best out of a bad bunch and by far the least corrupt etc. I think he genuinely wants to make America great again which is by far a more nobler sentiment than lining the pockets of big corporations and doing the bidding of muslims/jews.
I know it's scary for you living in the grown-up world and that you'd prefer a Mary Poppins for President but you just have to realize how big politics works and get on with it. Pretty much every election around the world is people voting for the least shitty option.

Then many will die.

A president who genuinely wants to make america great again is automatically better than what we've had for decades now.

He doesn't even understand his opponents or chooses to portray them incorrectly. Either, way the tears are still sweet.

Get Aids, Cancer and kill yourself, in that order.

Rectum corrected.

Man, aren't they tired of trotting out that old chestnut?

Like. Wow, just wow. Like, wow. Like, really? Like like like like wow like wow like wow.

DREW MAGARY needs some pizza's delivered to his house.

And mocking messages sent to his email.

I really enjoyed telling all the remain voters that they were on the wrong side of history after Brexit.

They must be pissed that their coordinated "$258k" hit piece had its media cycle broken by their nigger pets stealing shoes.


This faggot didn't just spill his spaghetti…he took the pot of noodles and chucked it across the room.

I'll just bet you did. I'm looking forward to that here when Trump gets in.

thanks bruv

Im pretty sure its a troll article.

Although the whole horseshoe thing is really strong with liberals at the moment.

Andrew Schuyler Magary is his full name.

When we build the wall to keep out the darkies who aren't here and build the gas chambers for those who are we won't regret it.

It always comes down to sex for these people. For the survival of civilization leftists need to die.

I don't even understand what this means…..the writer is writing noises a retard would make?

Mexico needs to be billed for the services its citizens have taken from the US.

Wow, that's mental breakdown tier. Anyone who actually writes DURRRRRR in an "article" should be fired.

Slightly hypocritical

The average libshit's idea of mad bantz is to talk like a 13-year old girl

You don't get rich without cracking some skulls and slitting aome throats for sure. That's just the nature of the world.

What these lefties fail to comprehend is that Trump has worked in the provate sector his whole life, he's never held public office. Unlike Hillary, he got rich on his own in the real world without scamming tax payers who are forced by law to contribute. He had to sell something real, not a facade lkke the Clinton's have.

The fact that this POS who wrote this article sees literally NOTHING wrong with Hillary and compares Trump to Orwellian characters is frightening beyond words.

This is so Priceless.
Have we ever seen such a scale of Mass Panic like we have after Hillary's literal collapse?
I have never seen so many pathetic people so scared all at once, and I am enjoying every minute of it.

This reads like something a beta would say in the presence of a girl he's trying to impress. The hysterics aren't really genuine, it's more to look good.

I think he's trying to impress his lib peers in press/media though, but it's the same principal.

what a cuck

Isn't he that niggerball player who whiteknighted a tranny pedo?


I kept laughing so much when reading this. The levels of butthurt are through the roof, people.


He was the football, get rekt yuropoors, kicker who did that. It could have been gays though. Maybe both? I don't remember the specifics, just that he got assblasted over some queers.
I always thought basketball was niggerball. I mean most pro sports here can be considered niggerball besides hockey. It lacks a ball and niggers for the most part. Any WN who has to follow pro sports and supports niggers instead of hockey is a cuck. Maybe golf and tennis too, but there are a lot of shitskins in those sports anymore as well.
Before /sp/ gets all buttravaged, I don't follow pro sports. This is coming from an outsider.


Pro golf is still hugely white (with a few asians thrown in there)

Most sports are dominated by whites, BTW. Just look at the Olympics. The vast majority of medal winners are white.




naw, it's reverse reverse psychology, he did a 360 on ya


shoulda kept reading

Looks like he's about to get JFK'd, kek.

Canuck here can I join Trump's RWDS when the time comes to hunt down all the luegenpresse's journalists? These people need to die.

That reminds me. I haven't booted up jfk reloaded in years.

He seems pretty Kluweless to me.

Sure, but get in quick before we build the second wall.

What the fuck, I hate Trump now

How do you people still manage to miss this so often?

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drew_Magary

> deadspin.com/5873657/if-you-dont-like-bacon-on-your-hamburger-then-screw-you

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deadspin


What are cops, military, veterans, but I guess those don't count as people.

Go away Shill, Trump will win and make America great again.

Soros-Linked ‘October Surprise That Will End Trump’: The Campaign To Register 8 Million ‘Global Citizens’ To Vote


We must launch a global campaign, to debunk whatever their telling these fucking globalists.

Obviously - they're mostly white.

Here is footage of the articles author


They aren't telling them anything you dimwitted fuck.

These are progressive liberals, catladies and niggers and cuckolds and spics.

You don't have to TELL them anything, you just have to SAY "that guy is bad, don't like him", and guess what?
The fucking sheep and slave-castes will gladly oblige, because otherwise, they might have to think about something with some depth and who wants that?
The Kardashians are on in like 10 minutes fam!

Deplorable Lives Matter!

God willing, you're right.
Because in the absence of an election, we'll get a war.

And I welcome it, gladly.

… Truth be told, there never was an election.
It was just a countdown to war.

Holy shit, that's an exact quote. I thought you were making that up.

I was sort of bored about voting for Trump, but this makes me excited to vote for him.

I'm dying.


I think we're at the 'Anger' stage

This has to be the most rectally rectangled man in the country.

Things like this shitty argument of salt is what makes me love freedom of speech. Because we get to see them throw their temper tantrums, they can say whatever they want, and in the end, none of it will matter. Trump will be the next president, and there is literally nothing they can do to stop it. The freedom of speech that lets people like this bitch and moan is the very same that exposes how wrong they are and will amplify the ridicule they receive when they realize that they lost.

I want to read about at least one suicide committed because Trump was elected president. These people are pathetic.

Oh yes! All this moaning and bitching makes my dick hard.

Post whitepills.

out: angry teen girl journalists
in: smug loli journalists


Stuff like this always brings a smile to my face.

Freedom of Speech serves to make someone who is wrong feel even more powerless. If you just prevent them from saying something, they can make the excuse and blame their failures on you. If you let them to their own devices, they have no one to blame but themselves. It's glorious. They are driving themselves insane.

These days I take any 'nominated for x award' in Sci-Fi as a negative recommendation.

It looks as though this Drew fellow, is a, 'American Ninja'… some reality tv show.

Anyway, I think we should take a note from the GG people and contact GQ and or their advertisers and let them know that we will not be buying thier magazine ever again.

This faggot rage quit because people didn't respond well to this John Oliver clip hahaha. What a poor, stupid bitch. Having another man make your arguement for you is monumental cuck shit.

king cuck 2016

"Hey 60% of the country, FUCK YOU"
-Modern Jewneralism

Journalism is dead, it's all online blogs and opinion pieces on television.


Just imagine the scale of the butthurt come November 8th. It will be on a scale not seen since the 1932 German elections…I wish I lived then to witness that, but this will have to do.

The weak should fear the strong

Hillary is now losing. Supporting her makes them losers.

What youre saying isnt just retarded, you look like a monumental faggot.

GQ officially cucked now.

What a shame.

not sure, he felt like giving up on arguing, could be depression.

You don't own NOTHING goyim.

Nice trips. Weird that GQ would put something like that and the current hit piece out too. "The Towering Ambition of Donald Trump" sounds awesome, all leaders who had Ambition were super badasses, like Cao Cao or Hitler or Nobunaga.

this fucking guy

Oh vey, Trump supporters are such hateful biggots! Screw them!


Trump is the father of a Jewish woman

No fuck you you slimy sub human vermin
We will watch the life fade from your fucking eyes

listed buddy


When do we get to start making actual death threats against these people?
I want them to know that we are fucking coming for them soon
That this goes way beyond just politics

the editors for these are about both as competent and as qualified as the journalists themselves

He's so incredibly butthurt the only response is to call him a faggot and laugh. Treat this like the blubberings of an adult manbaby it is, rather than anything resembling an actual political thread.

This is literally the exact same shit they pulled with Brexit.

It's ogre.


If I had no other reason to vote for trump, I will just because fuck these faggots. These past 16 months or so have been the most consistently entertaining times I've ever seen, and it's primarily because cocksuckers like whoever wrote this are mad as fuck that someone who isn't them had a different opinion that is cheered for. I want to see several years of all the moral indignation or snarky, whining twitter feeds full of these cucks that made people shift towards the right in the first place and, best of all, actually helped CAUSE trumps rise to power by their constant coverage of him.

ya,this is personal now

yo cia, you of all people should know that you don't threaten people you want to "get".

Things just…happen.

Well to be fair that GQ cover I posted is from the 80s or something.

Mein sides


The problem, user, is that I've seen lawyers make these same arguments.

they are so desperate.

find an article saying the same about clinton

you cant

Actually a 'degree' is just another case of masonic kikery.

Go to trade school.

Another sign that their monopoly over the narrative is going the way of the dinosaur.

Lugenpresse is losing credibility every day.

Whatever it is you're trying to tell, its not coming across well.

These are indeed some epic nunbers w that post.

Praise kek all ye of little faith.

that's some delicious amount of butthurt

The only people that earn my revenge have to involve the cops.

One is on the no-fly list, the other is blacklisted from her career and the cop is under investigation for making child porn.

shut it, weeb. you don't speak for anyone.

This is almost too salty to read.

Correct. Trump will be the first Emperor. You should try to meme more responsibly.

If only you knew…

Butthurt from blockheads is the best.

The state of modern journalism is beyond belief.
It makes me think we may need to build more ovens.

If you invert the colors of the original footage his skin is clear green and he has golden Trump hair.

Is this still Anger or Acceptance?


Get your affairs in order, the salt coming our way when Trump wins will likely kill us.

just email GQ and tell them they've lost another reader
Threaten to contact their websites advertisers. Hell, contact both anyway.

The uglier this race gets, the more we win.

I just realized this was written by a man

Oviously trump fans have trouble reading.

Apparently his detractors can't spell.

Just wait for the day after the election. Get ready to take screencaps and archive everything. It's going to be Epic!

My shitposts on Holla Forums are more articulate than this tripe.

The only appropriate response to this piece is to send him smug anime girls. Does he have a Twitter account or something?

After digging in Magary, I have come to the conclusion that this actually is, indeed, satirical.

He writes for Deadspin. He once went on the TV show Chopped and won the prize, and afterwards Chris Kluwe, who also writes for Deadspin, wrote an article on the site about how horrifying it was that Drew won. Drew also wrote a Deadspin article called "If you don't like bacon on your hamburgers then screw you," and this article in OP is obviously a parody of that.

I was pretty fucking disappointed to find that out, but that just tells you the kind of lunatics we're up against: the strongest satire imaginable comes across as a legitimate opinion piece by a delusional leftist. Poe's Law has transcended the limits of reality.

Eric Andre is a flaming faggot.

Best reply, user.


I literally can't tell if it's satire or not. I've read more anally inflamed things than this by supposedly reputable journalists, so I'm clueless on this one.

it actually is satirical, but you really can't tell.

You're overlooking trade skill degrees and degrees that help develop trade skills.

Gender studies, Nignog studies, Art, Music, English, shit like that is worthless.

STEM, economics, business, accounting, law, and medicine are all very valuable in terms of the things you learn/skills you develop.

Do these people still not get that we want them to no longer exist?

that writing style can't be from a man

That's because the jews run the schools, user. If art departments focused on real aesthetic technique, instead of Jewishly hyper-critiquing a tampon on a plate, art would be immensely useful. Good art is inspirational, and it instills pride in a people.

For english, throw out Maya Angelou and muh dick authors and pick out some real fucking literature. Even the autist scientists of their time all wrote eloquently - and now this cuck that wrote this article is a 'writer'.

Music - see art.

Philosophy, I think, could be useful in college, but spare me the Jewish intellectual philosophy. The REAL philosophers developed their systems of thought. A modern philosopher quotes dead Jews and teaches us all nonsense.




thanks, bro! :-)

We're going to have to go to full war production to get all the ovens built

Jill Stein is better

Wow, you sure convinced me with those hot opinions.

Nice meme. What's next? Le no-steppy snek? Le neckbeard hat?

I'm looking forward to when these clowns end up homeless with their 200k Starbucks certificates that they obtained at a humanities uni.

(((Modern Journalism)))

Wow so enlightened.

Truth hurts.

Damn, Hilary is looking worse by the day


Journalists are dumb these days, aren't they? I could understand if this was a liberal political rag, they'd figure Trump voters aren't reading it anyway so they'd have nothing to lose, but it's not, it's a men's fashion magazine.










Fixed it.



I really feel like we should start a movement to post A. Wyatt Mann posters all over college campuses. Like a more extreme version of the chalkening

It's great though, it's such a hilarious meltdown. Holla Forums ourselves couldn't write a better parody. He may be one of the Trump Syndrome victims after 11/8, hopefully his suicide is a funny one.

Drew Magary's a "respected" writer who writes one of the most popular features for Deadspin (Your Team Sucks at the start of every NFL season) and is the guy who did that interview with Phil Robertson where Robertson opened up about hating queers which subsequently led to the eventual death of the Duck Dynasty TV show because of him getting kicked off and then the ratings decline that resulted from everything.

Magary's one of those guys who was raised in the early 2000s internet writing culture and never quite left. He's on the same level (and writing style) as people like Lowtax and the cucks at Cracked and truly believes that he's being witty and hilarious.

lol you're not even trying.
you will only convince /nigger/
we be smarter hur

You didn't realize Mann makes all his drawings 8.5x11 in. for a reason?

Wow, are they really this fucking hypocritical and anti-self-aware?


Pro tip: if you want to shill on Holla Forums, cut out the "racist" etc. part.
Also write more for Hillary, we are logical here, not /reddit/.

This guy…

While I agree with you, Johnson still holds to policies that are "problematic" for berniebots and hilldogs. In example most bbots want a government agency with the specific purpose of undermining free enterprise. Johnson would always veto such propositions since he refuses to increase budget for anything. The problem with Johnson is that he advocates uncomfortable truths for both spectrums of the political field.

I can fap to this.

Just cause it's called "Men's fashion", doesn't mean it is.


Apparently the author was a contestant on "American Ninja Warrior". I want to see his run.

except stuff like the Kardashians is exactly the kind of ineffectual bullshit distraction these people like to bitch about.

Oy vey!

Meanwhile, Hillary has staged multiple coups, her husband bombed the fucking hell out of the Balkans just to cover up a scandal, breached national security on just about every level possible, laundered money from the State Department to her private organization, and has left a trail of bizarre deaths wherever her foul soul decides to go.
Go fuck yourself with a cactus.





Now even the fags/trannies are jumping on the Trump train. MAKE IT STOP!

He wants to fuck me for voting Trump? I'll pass.

i see what you did there.
i wonder if old oda ever suspected his direct descendant would be a faggot figure skater.

Animal farm huh?

You Can’t Stump the Rump
by David Spencer

Once upon a time it was time to take a stand
once upon a time in a place called Pigland
The nation was founded with minimal flaws
A nation with leaders, borders and laws

However, Pigland hadn’t been to great recently
They suffered enemy attacks and leaders low-energy
Their borders were broken and oft-infiltrated
And Pigland policies made them mocked and hated

And there was one issue weighing on many a pig's mind
And that was the trouble caused by canines

Now it should be mentioned, not all canines hurt hogs
You see, some canines were wolves while many were dogs
The dogs were cuddly, high class, first rate
They obeyed the laws and were quick to assimilate

The wolves, on the other hand were not the same case
They were intent on destroying the pig race
They were full of absolute vitriol and hate
They started a group called CS, the Canine State

So what was the problem facing the pig mind?
Pigs can’t tell the difference between the wolves vicious and dog benign

Now at this time in the piggy clan
They had to elect a new top-man
He was in charge of enforcing their laws
And protect the citizens both hoofed and pawed

During this time, there arose with a jump
A candidate for top-man, a piggy named Rump
He was great, a billionaire, he was the real deal
He sold buildings for a living and he wrote The Art of the Squeal

He came like a minister, ready to preach
He opened his mouth and made his speech
“we lose to the pandas, we’re being attacked by tacoland
and we suffer from a weak top-man”

“If I were in charge, things would be better
laws would be enforced down to the letter
In order to protect this nation from a fall
On our southern border I’ll build a great wall”

“I’ll stop the canines from coming, both wolves and pups
Because there’s nothing we can do to stop terrorism enough
I’ll make you once again proud to live in this nation
I promise to you, I’ll make pigland great again”

When he was finished with his magnificent speech
Newspapers come, to misinform and misteach

Some said, “Rump reminds me of a pig you might know
A pig who was top-man elsewhere, long ago
A pig so vicious, cruel, and evil
He practiced non kosher slaughter against six million people”

“Clearly the idea that Rump has in mind
Is to shoot those from Tacoland, and gas the Canine”

At this people got so incredibly scared
They attacked Rumps marriages, clothing, and hair
But there was one thing they just couldn’t see
A misrepresentation of Rumps policy

So, Rump, being a pig who was skilled with a pen
Wrote a book called Crippled Pigland, and How to Make it Great Again
And after he published this wonderful book
Many decided that they’d take a look

“Hey, Rump just might be the smartest guy around
Looking at his policies, you can see they’re quite sound
He doesn’t hate Tacoland, or the Taco people
He hates the disproportionate number of cartels at the wheel”

“Stopping canine immigration makes sense to me
When there’s an international coalition that kills us as policy
He doesn’t want every single canine gone
He just wants to temporarily stop bringing more in until we figure out what’s going on”

“He doesn’t want tax breaks for the rich Wall Street shareholders
When his policy is 0% income tax for those who make under 25,000 dollars
The veterans will be well-off, and they definitely deserve it
For giving us freedom while they’re gunned down and hit”

“The way he was represented was so laughably off-kilter
He looks more Ghandi to me than like Hitler”
And as they realized that they had been conned
They asked themselves “How long have we let this go on”

“How long have we been thinking blindly like robots
With no way of formulating for ourselves our own thoughts?

The moral is simply don’t fall for liars
When getting your media check out the bias
Get educated, be in the know
And don’t believe anything just cause someone told you so

About as well as Hilary standing straight for an hour.




It says he wants a word with us.

I think we can oblige him.


holy shit this guy is derriere pained as fuck, it's like years of pent up estrogen just released all at once and concentrated itself in this article

if I weren't already voting for Trump I'd do it in a heartbeat after reading this tantrum

kek, their hopelessness as delectable.

I really hate this commie limey.

Trannies have been on the trump train for ages.

It's only those who are jewish AND transgendered who oppose.



Isn't it targeted to niggers?


He can speak for me this one time. Get the fuck out.

Jesus, what Trump rally was that? I'll admit to being a maggot in that I haven't seen every Trump Rally but ho-lee hell.

Just remember that rally attendance means nothing.

t. CNN

I'm sure they said the same thing about Hitler's rallies, kek.


nope. just smug anime girls

nice double dubs

Your opinion is schwarbage.


drown in semen