My IQ is 169. For those of you unfamiliar with IQ, this means I have "genius-level" intelligence.
I also have synaesthesia, and absolute pitch. Things as diverse as math, music, and art come naturally to me and I get straight A's without studying much at all. I also am able to understand music at a deeper level than most people.
While most people my age spend their free time listening to mainstream music, I spend my free time listening to works such as Jerry Garcia Band's Cats Under the Stars, Frank Turner's Sleep Is for the Week and Love Ire & Song.
All this and I'm an 18 year old still in high school.
Ask me anything.(Holla Forums is for 190+ IQ individuals only)
Justin Reyes
meep meep why do you watch Rick & Morty th no homo
Leo Nelson
When was the last time you got laid?
Juan Edwards
18 is a teenager. Reported for requesting CP.
Caleb Lewis
Actual geniuses start college at 15 or 16. You're so dumb you didn't even know this. You also have shit taste in waifus as you posted a picture of a well-known druggie whore who sells used underwear, stalks dudes she's fucked and poses as a neet to leech off of autistic losers.
Andrew Walker
For those of you unfamiliar with IQ, it is calibrated between 40 and 160, and thus a score of 169 is absolutely meaningless.
Samuel Parker
Ian Wright
Forgot your picture, genius.
Landon Lee
mm eliza. tasty.
Cameron Reyes
cool, me too to all those things congrats on not being special
Isaiah Jackson
Not to sideswipe OP's faggotry but there is a special group of high IQ people that are near the 200 level. They have their own site and display their poetry and accomplishments but they come off very stunted and fragile. So smart they are retarded in a kind of way. IQ is very dependent on memory and pattern recognition, once a high IQ person takes one test that they subtly boast about the score they admit to, one can be well assured they've taken many similar tests before and corrected their past errors and know what to look for in current tests. I will say this, as a sub-genius, that a 140 IQ person next to an average 100, the 100 IQ person will appear retarded in nearly all intellectual tasks.
Levi Smith
But can you make a good thread?
Josiah Perry
Quien puta eres? Yo soy el unico attentionwhore aqui y en Holla Forums cuando tengo que sentirme mejor que los demas.
Ayden Scott
For an IQ test to be worth anything, you'd have to take multiple, different tests, and average the results somehow. But, as it is, I could take as many shots as I wanted, and cling to one outlier as some holy writ. t. 99th percentile ASVAB
Jeremiah Williams
Pretty much my entire high school experience right there. Didn't ever study for shit outside' school hours – never scored anything lower than a 94%, clean across the board.
Even still, I can't break 100 on an IQ test.
Leo Perez
I have a 164 IQ, 1750 SAT, and 95 AFQT But I barely passed high school and I don't have the skills to get a good job I make $11/hr in my late 20s What do
Leo Hughes
Go teach 17 year olds how to buy vodka, Stan.
John Johnson
Try security, it generally pays very okay and usually has little in terms of requirements.
Thomas Brown
I should add, I've already tried the "learn a trade" thing but I wasn't fast enough to compete
Jacob Cruz
IQ is irrelevant no one cares
Jason Allen
If you dont mind backbreaking labor, the mining/oil industries usually start at $20/hour.
Kayden Jackson
lol that's what i'm doing now and I'm making $11/hr, which is the median for my city. Maybe if I stick with it for a few years I can be a security director or something. That pays ~$45k/yr
Justin Barnes
t. 86IQ Messican
Nathaniel Baker
Back and knees are already broken from being a zogbot In hindsight I should've reenlisted
Ryder Thomas
I'm making 17.50 doing it, plus benifits. However, I'm also armed and have a security clearance. So….
Robert Gonzalez
y tho?
Jaxon Harris
Work with handicapped people, it pays better and they can rely on your big brain to help them along in life. If you take the night shift, you can bring your portable video games to work and can retire early quite satisfied.
Brody Butler
I should have a secret clearance for a few more years. I'll probably pick up an Armed card some day. Do you worry about going to prison for shooting somebody? If I had a gun theres like ten times in the past year I wouldve killed people. I live in the ghetto though
Jordan Jones
ur all dum tbqh
Evan Collins
Skipped class, didnt do homework. When I did go to class I couldnt pay attention for mpre than a few weeks at a time. I burned out really easily. Not because the work was too easy, it was just too dry and boring.
Jonathan Cruz
No, because I'm not obligated to shoot anyone, although I would if my life is in danger, I don't fear it because I believe it would be easy to prove that my life was in danger.
Leo Martinez
In my state there are good samaritan laws, so if I dont shoot a rapist I go to prison. I would be held "responsible" for that rape. But if I do shoot the rapist, and the court decides I could've handled the situation without using a weapon, I go to prison. Basically I have to guess what the judge and jury's feelz will be that day
Sebastian Rogers
4chan copypasta
Connor Butler
reported for requesting cp
Luis Richardson
at this point there are enough anons enjoying the thread, who cares if its copypasta
Matthew Cruz
If you are born with such taw talent you should do something with it beside img board posting (although it is a distraction). Use your mind and get fit. That with you mind success will follow in any path as long as you are genuine about it. Feel lucky.
Isaiah Jones
That's not how good Samaritan laws work, and that's not true. Good Samaritan laws protect you if you aren't a medical professional rendering aid to a person who is unable to help themselves or communicate they need help.
I.E. you save someone from a vehicle, but you accidentally break their back further and permanently hurt them or kill them. In Europe those kinds of laws exist, in the US you have nothing forcing you to put yourself in danger, you're only obligation is to call 911.
Tyler Morris
Andrew Nguyen
Shit nigga you must be that insufferable faggot from /soc/. No fucking wonder you'd be attentionwhoring here aswell, with your personality you probably "run through" all the people you decided to add on the interwebs (but truth is they probably wanted nothing to do with you). Keep sucking dicks homo, i hope you die alone. And i know you're reading the thread cause even if you're not able to comment for your ban, you're too big of an AIDS ridden faggot in order not to take the free attention. I seriously hope you don't have all the qualities you pretend to have, cause in that case it would just be a fucking waste for the whole humanity. Saged.
Kevin Gutierrez
Hmm the instructor lied to me in unarmed guard training… he did admit that he puts his religious morals above the law though So just to be clear, if I witness a rape or murder and all I do is "observe and report", call an ambulance etc, but I refuse to draw my weapon and protect the victim, I won't get into legal trouble? I'm really paranoid about this stuff because my clean record is basically my top credential. I mostly get jobs by convincing employers that I am responsible and well-behaved
Oliver Cook
Is that you in the photo? You look Jewish.
Grayson Butler
You'll probably lose your job but don't take my word for it. You can easily get in contact with local police and sheriff departments and ask/ look it up yourself.
Jackson Jones
I got away with murder once. First I stabbed myself in the stomach. Then I shot my neighbor. I put the bloody knife in his hand and called the cops. 😊
Connor Davis
iktf, this alone fucked my grades back then. all the busy work was awful, i don't get how people could do that garbage and stay sane. BELL ad infinitum
Kayden Bennett
too old
Grayson Kelly
Joshua Ortiz
meep meep high school isn't about intelligence it's more about rote memorization of useless facts unless you count practical skills like math and language but it can be arguably asserted that these skills are not adequately assessed in typical high school settings tbh no homo
meep meep hipster music doesn't make you smart tbh no homo
meep meep IQ is like penis size it only serves to make you feel good about what you think other people care about but in reality nobody gives a shit about it tbh no homo
Carter Anderson
You look like Sophie Labelle.
David Ross
are you a girl or a fag?
Isaac Nelson
I'm not asking for tits but goddamn, at least post a timestamp you double nigger.