Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it
president of the hanged kike lovers
t. Drumpfkin
She should commit suicide the same way Vince Foster did: shoot herself in the back of the head three times, walk across the street, and go to sleep in the park.
Kill yourself nigger
still not tired of winning
Not gonna lie, former Hillary voter here. It's fucking hilarious watching Hillary stagger around, spewing drunken, rambling nonsense. But seriously, I'm glad she doesn't have the nuclear codes.
Who are you quoting?
Wow, you've done it, I hate Trump now, you convincing argument has worked! I'll begin memeing up a storm for #Bernie2020!
Are you genuinely expecting someone to put effort and care into your thread?
In the ideal universe, Hillary won in 2008, served two terms, and Obama beats Ted Cruz in 2016.
Who's the second worst?
You may not have liked his policies, but he was damn good at campaigning. If Hillary could have gotten crowds hype the way he did with "Fired up, ready to go" she would have won.
We most likely don't know his name, lost to history, that's how bad he was.
In an ideal universe, your faggot father was chemically castrated at birth.
Obama was a nearly perfect candidate, and a horrible human being whose faggot father should have been chemically castrated at birth.
2nd worst candidate in history is (was) Walter Mondale (RIP). Just watch the scene where Reagan flips the script, and poor ol' Wally is reduced to nearly tears of laughter on live television. You can see right then that dumb bastard realising he doesn't have a chance in hell.
choose one
You're right. She is the greatest. Teaching big pharma to legally help overdose thousands and all she did was except millions from them. We need more leaders like her.
That's not even funny or good bait at this point. She had 3 decades of lawyering and politicking under her belt, 8 of which living in the actual White House. The fact that she got beat by a businessman/reality show star with ZERO experience as a public servant or politician says pretty much everything one need know about how terrible of a candidate she was.
Take a look at the number of primary voters who didn't want Crooked Hillary.