How can I convince my gf to get BLACKED?

How can I convince my gf to get BLACKED?

I really want to try cuckolding but I feel like she's not into black guys at all. I've tried dropping hints like when we're watching a movie with a muscular black actor I'll comment on his physique but she'll just say something like "he's not my type".

It's so frustrating because it HAS to be with a black guy to get the real cuckold experience. I don't want some small dicked white fuckboy to touch my gf. Only black men.

Any advice guys?

meep meep now she thinks you're a homo who wants a muscular nigger better sleep with your buns clenched tbh no homo

Get a new girlfriend. Try to go for the kind that you know fucks niggers, i.e. fat and poor with low self-esteem. After she's finally nabbed herself a white boyfriend, she probably won't understand why she has to go back to fucking nogs, but at least it won't be a new experience for her.

not worth it tbh

don't do it fam

t. american

She think you're not into cuckholding so she doesn't want to make you feel inadequate by commenting on superior physiques. Prove to you're serious by bring home a black guy and prepping him for her.

You're obviously not man enough for her, give her to me.
Don't worry, I'll be sending you pics of her gulping down on my fat white cock from time to time, and taking it down to the hilt with her whorish cunt.

Sauce on the pic, the bitch looks familiar

