Nobody cares, this board is spammed all day with fedora garbage, do you have proofs of your claims?
Solipsism my dear, it says that everything is a belief (just saying) and for some reason one of those beliefs (atheism) says that other belief (christianity) isnt real because it doesnt have proofs, but a plausible hypothesis says that solipsistic problem can be fixed with the existance of God, in both philosophy and science (science, the irony).
I dont think that i am better than everybody, thats not christian, i am defending poor people attacked by a bunch of cons that believe that they are better than everybody, just check Holla Forums or /lefty/, they hate each other but they are ok even in obvious lies when they have t tip your hats. You are telling me to relax after all that hipocresy? you can prove anything, saying that you arent real is more plausible that saying that atheism is right, the problem is why lies so obvious like "the burden of proof is on christians" is showed on universities, its obvious that a bunch of elites is teaching our children a bunch of lies, i cant be relaxed watching how fine people ruin their lifes for the finite profit of a few evil men.
Caleb Sanchez
Here's how Atheism came about. Modern Religious Atheism (yes, it is a religion).
We start with the belief that there exists a God. Good? Now, we also believe there exists ONE supreme God who created the Heavens and the Earth. We're still in axioms here, these are things that we will take as true unconditionally.
Now, we assume that the Universe exists governed by Orderly Rules created by the Divine Inspiration of an Omniscient Being. We also assume that we as humans can come to some fragile, incomplete knowledge of those rules: we believe that those rules are Knowable, to some imperfect extent.
From the belief in God, we assume that the Universe is Orderly and Knowable. Those are theorems derived from the axiomatic existence of God.
Now, when we look at the world, we come to the conclusion that Human life would come into existence based on that Order and its initial conditions. Human life is implied by the laws of Physics and the Big Bang. There is no God in the Universe that we observe.
If we assume that the Universe is Orderly and Knowable as our axioms, human existence is implied by the Order and the initial conditions. At this point, some people feel that it is okay to cut God out: If we assume that God exists: we get the Universe as we know it. If we assume that God doesn't exist: we get the Universe as we know it. The simpler theory is that God doesn't exist.
Even if your sophistry is correct we still have the point of solipsism, can you observe? can you control? can you prove? can you explain? the simpler hypothesis, not theory, is that there is something supporting our existance.
Just a point: Thats the difference between buddhism and atheism, atheism stopped the searching of truth, said that everything is settled and for some reason attacked christianity, its an obvious psy op forced after the Vietnam war on major american population, modern protestatism (zionist americans) is a expected outcome after watching what they did with sacrificed childs after second council.
No. We have assumed the existence of the Universe. We have assumed that things beyond "me" exist. And when we assume these things we come to the conclusion that the existence of God, or lack thereof are both not provable by science.
Fair point on the terminology, it is a hypothesis, but I would have to disagree. The absence of the existence of something is a simpler hypothesis.
I think that it's more that Atheism is picked up by edgy, defiant children as a means of being defiant against their parents. Old people control all of the resources of society, and attacking them is an easy way to amass resources (wealth) for oneself. It really is a cross between edgy children trying to be different from their parents and economic warfare against those parents.
Michael Barnes
If we don't believe anything, we have no reason to exist. You could make all the claims about God not existing about a good portion of science, but that is stupid cause you know a lot of people are invested in it, why would they be wrong? Which is btw also true for religion.
Austin Thomas
You can't prove a negative.
Civilizations throughout history have asserted that God or the supernatural can never be full known.
Cooper Butler
One, we aren't talking about God, we're talking about the Universe, specifically, the rules upon which the Universe normally runs. Two, we are granting that we cannot know the rules of the Universe. And, we don't and we know we don't.
Ryder Perry
I don't know man, but there's nothing wrong with doubting some grand fantasy basically conjured up to hide from existential fears and manipulate the masses. Something greater may exist, but I sure don't believe any bullshit about our vague "souls" or "spirits" being taken to some magical happy land for eternity if we be good little boys.