What audio player does Holla Forums use? I use mpd+ncmpcpp, but currently am trying out Lollypop...

What audio player does Holla Forums use? I use mpd+ncmpcpp, but currently am trying out Lollypop. Looking for a replacement that doesn't phone to google servers (Clementine). Would prefer custom radio streams.

MP3 a shit

deos it support emoji?

Lollypop is honestly what iTunes should have been. Attractive, and straight to the point. It's really nice if you don't need a lot of bloat.


cmus or mpd+mpc.

I refuse to use any audio player that doesn't support folder structure based library management. foobar2000 is the absolute best of the best. Linux and OSX have jack and shit, you're basically limited to Clementine which has zero customization and intentionally wrong behaviors, or deadbeef which is just complete trash all around and can only do it with a plugin.

I used fb2k for many years, but found that musicbee has everything you'll ever need plus it requires less resources and has more reasonable library management. It also doesn't rape my hdd for no reason and have customizable play buffer which is nice for playing from remote nas.

Still doesn't look cross-platform. I don't understand why it's so hard to get decent software on OSX and Linux.

literally what

literally what

What the fuck do you do with your music? Dump everything into a single directory or something?

mpd + ncmpc + mpc


literally a low IQ.

I was going to say the same. Fucking normies and their botnet libraries.

I just use mpv

First, since most music is released in albums, the main sorting is by album/artist, which is in the ID3 tag or can easily be added automatically for the music that comes with no tags. I have around 200-300GB of mp3s from completely different cultures and it took almost no effort to get them all properly into albums.
My music player has a view that lists every album in your database, which gives you what you would get if you wasted time sorting them into a single folder full of albums.
Second, I add certain songs to my "good" and "best" playlists. I also have playlists such as Jazz, Metal, Power Metal, Black Metal, Progressive Metal, Lolicore. I also have a "charismatic/monolog/etc" playlist, and a "sentimental", "spring jazz", "dry", "90's terminator synth" playlists, etc. Since a song might be in multiple playlists, you can't use folders for this (unless you use hardlinks I guess? Your player would probably have to support that). I would use tags for this but my music player only supports ID3, which would mean modifying the files. I wont do that since that means when I share the files, they will be full of my own subjective classifications which is irrelevant to someone else.
BTW I use QuodLibet which is a slow piece of shit that crashes all the time.

I want to try out ncmpc but I don't have an mpd server, could you provide me with one to test?

cmus for audio
mpv for video

I still don't know how deadbeef is so unpopular. Do the people who want foobar on Linux just use foobar in WINE?

Just install it then:
sudo pacman -S mpd
sudo apt-get install mpd
cp /usr/share/doc/mpd/mpdconf.example ~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf
Then edit the config and set your music directory. Don't bother with the rest of it, the defaults are good.


Currently using musicbee, seems to have everything I would want from a music player without any extra features or bloat.

Create a playlist file out of all the files in my music folder (which are organized in folders artist/album/song) and just open the playlist on vlc.

Abyssmal performance and janky-ass UI. Feels like the gimp of audio players.

what exactly is the problem you prissy fuck

How are Zunes? I've always wanted one.

I even use it with wine after stripping out shit parts

music123 + flac123

Quod Libet

It came with XFCE.
People like should try it.

Any linux players that can make easy use of "rating" metadata?

You know, it looks really interesting though on windows it ends up like this for some reason.

Old version of winamp.

Programs should not be attractive.

This statement is so ambiguous as to be useless. Obviously library management has to do with directories on your computer whether or not it is using tag data.

"Scan folder X:/songs for music" is one example of """"folder structure based library management""""

Why you would not simply use the file browser on your computer (generally faster and with more features because navigation is a core operating-system function) and either drag+drop to the player interface or use context menus?


what's wrong with vlc

and pulseaudio sample every bit anyway so what's the point of audiophile autism on linux

I want this meme to end

he's not but redhat can just hire someone else

mpd and mpc. I really don't need to interact with my music player a lot. I need to be able to enqueue music, play music, pause it, and save playlists, and that's about it. Even a UI for mpd is much more than necessary. mpc's design also makes it incredibly easy to write a thin wrapper and use as a plugin to whatever DE or WM you want, if they allow thin script-based plugins.
I basically live in a terminal anyway, so it's convenient to have more command line programs that do what I need rather than random GUIs floating around.


do you realize that jews produce albums by putting 2 good and 20 crap songs on it? I only keep 2 good songs and remove else

and the only good music players is foobar2000, all linux players are garbage

why would you ever need anything other than mpd + ncmpcpp

localhost ~ # sudo pacman -S mpd
bash: sudo: command not found
localhost ~ # sudo apt-get install mpd
bash: sudo: command not found

in my experience all the better artists have a few albums that are consistently good. all these other dudes have like one good song among 20, and that song itself becomes boring after a while

su - root
pacman -S sudo
sudo visudo
add urself


winfag here with a still working iphone classic. I use musicbee (it's pretty decent) but can't sync it with the ipod. I spent all yesterday looking for a player to sync with, Clementine stills doesn't not sync on windows, tried a bunch of proprietary bullshit including winamp (holy fuck it is still the same after 100 years) and didn't like any, ended up installing itunes again.

can't switch right now, need a new laptop and don't have the ameridollars

such pain


How suprising. Did I bit well?

i bet your player doesn't even kick the llamas ass


Aesthetics matter. Providing a clean organization and presentation of data over a garbled monstrosity is the difference between a professional and a nigger.

I just use deadbeef. Came with puppy linux and does its thing well enough.

Get sayonara and stop using botnet

winamp on windows
winamp with wine on linux

localhost ~ # pacman -S sudo
bash: pacman: command not found