imagine having such little faith in your life's work that you sell it for 10 fucking grand, surely he would have made atleast that much off royalties even if the game failed.
also witcher tv show thread
imagine having such little faith in your life's work that you sell it for 10 fucking grand, surely he would have made atleast that much off royalties even if the game failed.
also witcher tv show thread
Were kikes somehow involved in this kikery?
he's polish so 10k usd is worth like 1 million comparatively
they offered him royalties but he declined.
I don't think cdpr has any jews working there, does poland even have any jews left?
poles are subhuman. worse than burgers.
They're turning it into a tv show now? Don't know whether to be hyped or concerned.
False, Jew spotted.
Reported for Poliophobia.
What? You're a poliophile? Fucking diseased.
But why?
Polish arrogance.
he didn't think it would make any money so he instead asked to be paid upfront or no deal.
he'll get money from the show now though.
Its a shitty video game I never played
Be afraid.. be very afraid…
Poland would declare war on the US.
liberals are shaming about fear of having your wallet stolen now?
I mean the show is on Netflix, and soros recently sold some Disney stock for Netflix…
How many of them will get culturally enriched on the Jewflix series?
First of all it wasnt Sapkowski greatest job, it was his side project small fantasy flick he has written to fuel his alcoholism in the 90'
Secondly witcher was only known on polish market back then
Third of all 9500$ was quite a lot in poland at that time
Witcher tv show already exists, it was made in early 2000s in Poland it's complete shit
This. Sapkowski doesn't even like the Witcher and how popular it got, he never thought anything would come of it. I think he once said he wishes he killed off Gerald after the first short story.
He can be a faggot hipster while CDPR becomes a global powerhouse in gaming. Instead of embracing this new medium and maybe partnering with CDPR to make another IP he decided he was going to stay a bohemian bum.
The Shiter was never good, the devs are pozzed as fuck and the tv will be the same shit just magnified by a couple magnitudes.
And this is why we can't have nice things.
Sapkowski gets my respect for not pretending the garbage wrote for some quick vodka money, that only sold because poles are merely barely literate and couldn't read generic anglo fantasy in original English, is any good even though it became popular among video gaming plebs.
Typical Merchant, slurring against Poles and Americans alike.
Considering the quality of Central-European RPGS at the time I can see why. Hell Witcher 1 barely got by it wasn't until bitcher 2 that everything took off.
The setting has always had mudshits though and it's one merchant.
you seem pretty butthurt
He's just being a hipster contrarian.
Whelp, you've sold me, user. The power of them tittays compels me.
Witcher 2 heavily focuses on the redhead, and the white haired one appears in Witcher 3 and you can't fug her.
Without CDP magic nobody would ever know his story, its just another Tolkien shit afterall