Who should we consider the main figures of the alt-Left? Pic related

Who should we consider the main figures of the alt-Left? Pic related.

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Please no


fuck no

Who is that?
Also, pics related.



what does "alt" mean anyway?
sounds esoteric and smells like hippie faggotry

Ross pls go back to Facebook with all the other maladjusted Bolsheviks and grad school commies.

Basically the socially conservative left.


It's already a thing whether we like it or not. So we might as well just go with it.

He is a pretty cool guy I'l admit, but he is almost obsessed about aesthetic theory. Don't see whats "alternative" about him.


kinda, though he was still a Marxist

10/10 argument lad.

Stop trying to make "alt-left" happen. It's not going to happen.


nothing alternative about him
just your run of the mill pretentious leftcom

Except he was more of a syndicalist than a leftcom. Also, he was very unorthodox for a Marxist, he criticizes Marx on multiple occasions in his book.

Don't be so sure fam.

Also, I forgot to mention, his theories about the power of myth fall more into the realm of metaphysics than pure materialism. That's why these ideas influenced Mussolini.

its not a thing just cause you say it is, piss off

Don't bully Ro$$ Doge!

My goodness, well if the alt-right is Milo and Gavin, then the alt-left equivalent would be "upstanding" young leftists like Owen Jones.

Sorel or Ross Wolfe?
Cuz either way you're wrong.

Gavin doesn't consider himself alt right, the alt right is more like Richard Spencer

You made your bed Holla Forums, now lie in it.

I don't think you could be more of a generic leftist than Owen Jones. I like him, but he's exactly what 99% of the people think of when they think of a Leftist.

reminder ross wolfe browses Holla Forums too

I like that quote about porn though.

The alt right doesnt even like milo, milo is just a sassy gay libertarian using the alt right to get famous.
Another thing is that the alt right has actually made an impact with its many trolls and flustered normie journalists writing about them in mainstream news websites.

The idea of the "alt left" is just an idea right now.

The alt right even has a wiki page.

Lefty pol is nothing but a thorn in the side of leftist sub reddits.

literally as retarded as 'i'm economically conservative' discussion
alt left will never be a thing

Leftism is an economic ideology. Liberals GTFO.

Pic related. its me

just because you still have contradictory thoughts doesn't mean i have to accept them, bucko

The usage of "alt" in alt-left to suggest a skepticism of multiculturalism makes the false assumption that that's what "alt" indicates in term alt-right. Hate to break it to you, but it's the word right that indicates that, not alt.

I can dislike whoever I want faggot.

Ha has feelings too, u know



The fuck bruh? The fuck?
We're just the left. It's the neokantians and "marxian" postmodernists that have deviated into "alternative" territory.
The legitimacy of our intellectual heritage is a serious thing. It certainly wouldn't do to confuse that matter just so we could superficially imitate the fascists.

Ross did nuffin wronk

fuck your special snowflake internet leftist bullshit

He has the most punchable face ever.

Also, isn't he a Zionist?

don't use the term alt-left, it associates us with alt-right. and that's fucking gay



He's written defenses of Israel on his Charnel House blog.


twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=from:rosswolfe israel&src=typd