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Do these kikes really believe that they can convince a single goy with such low energy kvetching?
meh, this is low energy
Salon are faggots who only appeal to their dwindling numbers.
They don't see the paradigm shift and they'll go extinct in a few years.
Moonman's getting kinda lame.
Why do they care what Trump's son does?
He's like 30-something, he's his own person.
Fuck off, what's next? Satanism? :^)
Because Trump is going to appoint his son as the ambassador of memes.
Which over time will be the most important position in government.
They're goners,m8.
Look at so many of their articles, only the dumbest can believe them and really not even they are that stupid anymore. It's beginning over for them.
I'm pretty sure the title in the last pic was "I'm a pedophile, YOU'RE the monsters.". Did it get edited or what?
Get Wrecked.
Seems like you`ve shifted universes again. It`s always been like that over here.
That's a separate article where he whines about how mean the internet nazis were to him when all he wanted to do was fuck kids.
There was a follow-up article called something like "I'm a pedophile, YOU'RE the monsters," by the same pedofaggot, after people online called him a pedofaggot and reminded him he belongs in a bog.
WTF I hate Trump now¨!
Salon is losing readership as fast as Hillary is losing voters. Their strategy of politically correct race-baiting is not working out for them. Don't tell them what they are doing wrong. Let them die a slow painful death.
Wait a sec faggot, I'm right.
Wew, sounds like you need to explore homosexuality, it seems just your niché
Is she referring to the old lady with curly hair who's obviously false flagging, or someone else?
muh Reagan was a secret Nazi
pfft I'l check my own trips then
ok satan.
Jews aren't white, Moishe, now get out.
Has the negro thug who wrote a article titled
" every supporter of the 2th em should be shot"
And after
"Gunplay is all i know, the gun i illegally own.
Don't poke yourself with that edge.
Isn't there a farmhouse, somewhere, that she should be crushed under?
Even if it’s fake, it only helps the campaign.
why don't you go fuck a hyena
Im not going to tell you what to do but I really dont think that is helping.
Isn't he race-mixing with a kikess?
One of the 'top' Salon writers went over to Gawker to make a site called 'The Cuck'. It's likely tongue in cheek, but you can see how much we got under their skin: the
Fuck off
Disinfo garbage. Probably run by an alphabet org.
His wife isn't a kike.
Yeah I just saw that. She doesn't Jewish, anyway.
*She doesn't look Jewish, anyway
Must be a Jared Tay-Sachs type of huwhite nationalist.
Jewess or not, gotta admit the prince has good taste.
No doubt. It was just in the folder.
Jewish norms say the important parent is the mother, if her father ws a kike or not, is irrelevant. Unless her mother was jewish as well.
We don't care about Jewish laws. We care about genetics.
Jew genes are jew genes. Would you be defending him if he married a woman who was half negro?
She said Reagan was a white supremacist in the article too
I coulnt give more of a fuck who he's having sex with, as long as he's still our boy.
They're just desperately clawing for Donald to make another screwup in-between the debates because Hillary is totally fucked because of the Terrorist attacks ruining what was supposed to be a debate topic designed for her, the economy and National Security. Now thanks to THREE terrorist attacks on our own soil this week alone her normal rhetoric is invalid, so she needs a cudgel to hit Trump Sr with.
She won't bring up Trump Jr in the debates but its what the media is giving her to work with, if she actually tries this it plays right into Trump Srs hands and comes off totally desperate. So I doubt she'll go through with it, she will lose the first debate either way.
I REALLY hope she atcks his kids on live TV, oh man that would just be icing on he cake.
Can you imagine insulting your opponents family for votes? lel
Basket of Deplorables 2.0 incoming
maybe God Emperor actually is the Hitler lefties promised
Genetics, nigger, genetics.
I recall a while ago, there was a big thread here on how Donald Jr., Eric, and Barron bear odd similarities to Les Enfants Terribles
Don't let your memes be dreams
thats pretty rad, m8te
It would but she won't, Hillary is Arrogant, not stupid.
I can't wait until this guy becomes president. he'll make his dad look like Jimmy Carter by comparison I think.
Definitely. After all, Hideo Kojima is a master meme magician.
Trump is quite literally Big Boss, in addition to being a big guy for you.
Donalt Trump Jr. is Patrick Bateman
Wew that article made me love Don Jr. even more.
Makes me think Donald Trump isn't exactly the new Hitler we've been waiting for, but Jr. DEFINITELY is.
Feels good we've got him behind the scenes.
Reminded me of Adam Gadahn, the American Al Qaeda that people openly laughed at and no one bought, obviously a kike pretending to be a jihadi.
Just Googled it and apparently they wrote him out of the story awhile back:
Allegedly he was killed, in reality he took off that dumbass fake terrorist outfit and went to Schlomo's Eats for some gefilte fish.
Not Jewish if mother isn't Jewish by the Kikes own rules.
White nationalism is chad nationalism
Wouldn't even surprise me anymore.
giving a bump. finish her
Fresh OC
fuck you
But she is Jewish, you fuckwit.
Reminder that if you still aren't slicking your hair back 80s style, then you aren't white.
We don't follow Jewish laws here, Shlomo.
Trump is a shadow of his own son, the chosen one.
My thoughts too
Now I really want to be a future-fashist.
I hope they're loading up on the finasteride if they don't want to end up with their old man's look
He just has a dark tan because he spends a lot of time outdoors compared to the others. Remember he's really into hunting and shooting.
>And then came the Skittles incident. Donald Jr. sent out a deeply offensive tweet with an image of a bowl of Skittles and the words “If I had a bowl of Skittles and I told you three would kill you would you take a handful? That’s our Syrian refugee problem.” It’s a terrible metaphor, wrong in every way, and Donald Jr. took some heat for it. But it’s yet another window into his association with alt-right white nationalism. That bad metaphor has been around in various forms for a long time. In this country it was usually a bowl of M&Ms representing black people. The people who traffic in this garbage changed it to Skittles because that was the candy Trayvon Martin had bought at a convenience store on the night he was shot dead by vigilante George Zimmerman. Yes, it’s that sick.
Not sure if this is considered journalism.
What a time to be alive…
Mess with the Don Jr. =DEATH BY 1000 SKITTLES!
We will enjoy making the American traitors choke on skittles!
fucking kek'd
LMAO the desperation to link them to
looks more like, a man, duh.
I think she wrote articles on GamerGate and online violence. I doubt she even has the capacity to do blogger journalism properly.
Salon is completely irrelevant and I bet they never made any profits in the last 15 years. Some jewish wallet must be keeping that boat from sinking.
Looks like a billionaire world leader to me, user.
Wrong missing 3rd part user
Loooooks huwhite to me!
This. How many mud people are we letting in now. isn't much better
In case you didn't know here's the famous parody of Salon's Twitter account:
What have i done.
Here, have a rare picture of the evil frog racists in compensation.
New name for Rapefugees?
Also works because Trayvon
But Donald's got a full head of hair, user.
More that I look, something isn't right. Is Don Jr Trump's biological son? He looks part latin or something while the other kids all look the same.
I also notice that Ivana has a history of dating swarthy looking men post divorce.
He has Donald's facial features; he's very clearly Donald's biological son unless you've got some sort of face-blindness.
wow - this is the best moonman i have heard by far
Why you wearing Levi's? You're wearing goddamn JEW JEANS!
Yeah I thought two blonde parents equals a blond kid, what gives?
Yeah definitely.
Yeah partially. It could be that Trump impregnated someone else and that he and Ivana raised him.
Well, they aren't wrong.
Maybe he knocked up Melania when she was 9.
Goddamnit, I love his facial expressions. He truly is the Pepe President.
If these people were even half correct in their exaggerations we should all be dancing with joy.
Capture of the OP from that thread, I believe the conclusion was that Barron shall be the true successor
Or maybe Ivana had an affair with the Mexican president many years ago, and that's why Trump dislikes them.
Invest in some rope.
since when became patriotism "hite nationalism"?
since the jew pest decided to tout it in it's propaganda (((media)))
fuck their bs. just ignore them all, they are worthless and shall all become disbanded or go bankrupt. seize every kike asset and throw them out of america, that will be a start.
Fucking savage.
Na tbh, my guess would be that Trump fathered some kid with a Latin model, and took the child for his family.
If I didn't already know that was satire, I would have taken that, at first glance, as genuine sentiment from the assholes at Salon.
this autist got it wrong.
liquid snake has the recessive (blonde) features.
Your post number backwards matches your post number forwards. Is Kek speaking through this post?
Shit, man, good eye. I've never seen Kek speak through palindromes before so this is an interesting development if true.
What product do you think they are using in their hair?
Shouldn't you be getting ready for you criminal hearing tomorrow, Mr.Combetta?
oh, ho wterrbl
Aside from numbers, what's wrong with it?
clearly Brylcreem or a higher-end imitation.
His sons are probably going to be fine, Trump doesn't have male-pattern baldness, just aging and doing it gracefully.
Eric is going to look most like his dad in the hair dept.
I support Trump but man, that first image is the fucking douchiest thing I could ever imagine. You just know he's telling the guy on the other end about his new Ferrari.
well, I guess its better than the 「CurrentYear」 fashion
when you're out at night I can't even see ya
The kike scene is so confused now that they're calling everyone a white supremacist. The guy is married to a fucking new yet still somehow a white supremacist.
beyond (((coincidence)))
Three terrorist attacks and a chimpout
Also reminder that pic related is a feminist meme that's been floating around Tumblr since at least 2012 and progressives are all very well aware of it
Never correct your enemies when they are making a mistake.
With that being said, who's looking forward to Trump creating the Department of RWDS?
He promised to create new jobs and he'll do it too!
DJT Jr. for pres in 2220
Keep America Great Forever
Satanists are worse than Christians, literally the antipattern to Christian memes
Esotericism is the true path.
If Donald Junior becomes the leader of the alt-right, I will pledge my sword to him.
Well, first I will go out and buy a sword. Then I will pledge it to him.
Lads, even if this isn't real, we need to meme it into reality.
I guess it's actually Trump Jr. that is literally Hitler
Sadly, he and Eric will die in the civil war between themselves and Barron once their Triumvirate falls apart. Then Barron will be our Augustus.
That patch is killer. I'll be glad to see it when the RWDS happen.
Anyone got those family pictures that Eric posted up? The ones that weren't anywhere else on the internet.
Go away my man
Mostly just the numbers make the issue.
Like saying you will drown if underwater, then having your bit dismissed with the next rain shower.
Oh and the usage of a product in a political ad without endorsement from the manufacturer or permission from the picture taker.
Which with all the money Trump has should have been easy, but then again, if you can just bully your way through why not?
Niggers showed it worked, and had their death squads, now white man shall follow their path as they have always done.
I doubt you'll have anything like that at even 40 moshe
He's not the 2nd Emperor but instead he's Lion El'Jonson
Nice find mate. That's a KEEPER
i gotchu fam
Liquid actually had the dominant genes, but was brought up to believe he had the recessive genes.
Solid is the inferior clone
Eric already training to be a big cat like his lion of a father
jews and shabbos goyim lap it up, goy
does it matter if salon loses readership? it still can act as an opinion setter if it's read by (((influential))) people
Supreme retard, you know satanism is exactly the opposite of white nationalism right? Kikes, everyone in the establishment, commies are all satanists, so please kill yourself and go to hell like the rest of your kike friends
I bet all those halfchan faggots who came here recently are the ones that actually believe we're the "alt-right"
This is one the most ridiculous things I've read so far:
Nazi Who Originated Donald Trump Jr.’s Skittles Metaphor Was Hanged at Nuremberg
by Naomi LaChance
The Intercept is Pierre Omidyar's blog just like the The Washington Post is Jeff Bezos' blog. He's a Trump hater:
back down gears cunt
I'm a newfag. Can I get some other Moonman? This one is amazing, but I need more.
I actually think that Don Jr is Jew wise. I have no inside knowledge but I can "feel" it. He keeps his power level to himself for the most part…
stfu nigger
Sause? I'm making a new thread so this is not an idel