Pussy is overrated. Prove this wrong.
Pussy is overrated. Prove this wrong
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What alternative do you propose, wise user?
"eating" pussy is gayer than sucking dick
makes no sense
You win this time, OP
google "sounding" with safemode off
I somehow agree with it.
that doesn't explain me shit
sucking dick is a primitive display of masculinity
going down on a female's genitals is vulgar and effeminate
Why would a man humble himself to a woman by eating her pussy? He's making himself subservient by focusing on her pleasure. Sucking dick, despite being obviously completely gay, is at least directed on a higher being – a man.
so heterosexual girls are masculine? Faggot.
believe what you want, you said it's gay that's all I needed to read.
But the original comment, which wasn't mine, stated that "eating pussy is GAYER than sucking dick."
I stated the opposite.
No you didn't. You're probably pretending to be that user or something.
I'm not, I stated that licking pussy wasn't gay and I'm not OP.
I'm talking about the first user to bring that up.
I know and I was counter-arguing.
keep slurping on femos piss holes, faggot
Besides the meme, I think the point of this thread is more about pussy being overrated than about cunnilingus.
then I said that sounding, the alternative, was gay.
it's not gay when two men do it
halfchan is that way: 4chan.org
thank you for passing by
ok, i havent been there since 2010
did it get better or something
there are trannies and gaylords waiting for you at least.
They still pretend to be homophobes over there.
except on the 10 gay threads on the catalog. But hey I'm not the best to advertise halfchan, I haven't been there since I came here with the exodus.
If not, just try one of the numerous gay boards around here. I'm sure you'll find interesting pictures to fap to.
I'm not gay user, but I agree with the OP.
that's a contradictory post.
Not really. The OP is just addressing pussy, and we all know that is not the only orifice on a woman.
mouth, pussy, ass. If you're a real man, you swap between all and show her who's the boss.
Also it's way harder to make a woman cum than a man, so play hardmode or you're gay.
wizard spotted
don't say thing like that, I'm already hungry enough
yeah, keep telling yourself that
whatever makes you feel like a big man
I'm not in high school anymore, bro. The pussy is the least arousing part of a bitch's body, and I don't give a fuck if she cums. The female orgasm is a meme anyways.
what that?
I agree that pussy isn't much arousing. Female orgasm isn't much more of a meme than you cumming though.
What do you mean?
It means that they cum like you do.
So, this is your comeback? By claiming that I don't cum. Wtf.
I claimed that they cum you retard.
Then by claiming I cum like them, whatever the hell that even means.
no one's deafer than the one that doesn't want to listen, eh.
Then enlighten me. What do I need to hear from you?
Girls cum. Do you acknowledge this fact?
No, they can simply piss during sex. But whether or not they can experience an orgasm is a little more debatable. My vote goes with no.
so you're deaf then. Some of them piss, when they're just weak and haven't pissed in a while, but the real squirters ejaculate vaginal lubricant in very high dose. They're pretty rare though, but all of them cum vaginal lubricant in variable amount.
it's piss from their inherently weak bladders
how many times does this need to be explained to you
Yes it is but do you understand why?
= A scientific look at women =
In general, men have approximately 6.5 times the amount of gray matter related to general intelligence than women, and women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence than men. Gray matter represents information processing centers in the brain, and white matter represents the networking of – or connections between – these processing centers.
Men’s brains are 8-13% bigger in absolute volume, they overall contain 9% more grey matter and 13% more white matter on average.
Men have 5 more IQ points in general
Men generally score the highest in the SATs
Men make up 75% of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Women are twice as likely to get depressed, due to brooding.
Women are twice as likely to develop an anxiety disorder.
Women are twice as likely to develop PTSD after a traumatic event.
Mothers are more than twice as likely to abuse their children as fathers.
>Stats for all years -> acf.hhs.gov
Men are physically stronger than women, who have, on average, less total muscle mass, both in absolute terms and relative to total body mass. The greater muscle mass of men is the result of testosterone-induced muscular hypertrophy. Men also have denser, stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments.
“user if this were true why haven’t I heard it before”
Sex in society, is the highest form of social validation and acceptance, so many people base their self-worth on how much sex they have/have had. When you say sex isn’t important you can attack somebody’s sense of identity.
There’s a reason why:
-> cunt is the most offensive word in the English language.
-> there have been extremely few successful matriarchies in history.
-> 90+% of inspirational historical figures are men.
-> women feel like the world treats them as lesser to men.
-> it’s frowned upon for men to hit women.
Think about it.
you're completely missing the point of this thread you gay MGTOW.
This cats are fucking shit
Dogs all the way
Well lookie here we have an implict roman here
I ain't FAGTOW. I still fuck bitchs (which is easy with abs and a dick 2 inches over the national average). It just so happens I'm not a brainlet.
Can this vaginal fluid impregnate a woman
Than it's not cum
Pussy eating master race reporting in. If i didnt have cheesy fish-flavored roast beef meat flaps every night, i would probably kill myself.
what about mice?
semantics, now, heh?
You still didn't prove that you can make a difference between piss and vaginal lubricant. Read what you want to read, but you forgot one part of my reply.
Skaven are based off of them so they're not so bad
semantics, semetics
I'll Lubricat your boivagina if you don't leaf
I don't expect much from anons, and still you managed to disappoint me.
I'd lick her pussy for hours every day.
says the faggot evading the question.
everything this lady says is absolutely spot on correct for 99% of them.
Sounds like something only a incel would say
Honestly, why would you say that? Cunnilingus is the most unnecessary sex act for a guy.
It causes cancer too.
I know. I was about to comment on that several hours ago. Look up Michael Douglas.
I can't
Nice redpills, user.
Yeah, I'll stick with vaginal fingering/fisting.
feels good though
Not as good as other things.
do you mean non-sexual thngs?
when your dick is stiff, chess or hunting just don't scratch that itch for pussy, tho'. wimmin are great and so are many other hobbies.
Her mouth, as well as some other things, was what I had in mind. I firmly agree with the OP.
I like your posts, but there's no need to knock MGTOW. They are the most red-pilled guys out there.