The following is a phrase from a UK Government job advertisement
See for yourself:
The following is a phrase from a UK Government job advertisement
See for yourself:
Isn't this obvious to most of Holla Forums? That "social justice" in its current state is basically just an attempt to make capitalism more palatable to women and sexual/ethnic minorities?
I've been increasingly less convinced of this over the last few weeks.
i noticed a few more liberal cunts posting who are obviously new and foreign to this board
Phone center.
The "We shall now make up numbers on how unemployment was decreased, even if 6 months later the same people will be "NEETs" again" of late capitalism.
I've been in with them before. Basically all of them non stop post about communism, from Marxism Leninism Maoism to the Post-Left.
I don't think it's more them being used, as much as it is people in power cashing in during an election.
I'm absolutely convinced that, if somebody with a bone to pick and enough intelligence resources to pull it off (maybe Putin) digs deep enough, extensive proof of SJWism being a government-backed subversion operation gone horribly awry, and early leaders within the SJWism being literal plant agents, will emerge.
Something Al Qaeda-tier or better.
pol was lower in numbers than leftypol for the better part of a year now
the only difference is pol has been the default board paradigm on other LARGER or OLDER imageboards so when random new people get here they need to be herded at pol first, that is where spamboats and DISINFO comes in
leftypol has been growing in power rapidly in the last 2 years, only during this election cycle has it passed the threshold for relevance and there is currently much shitposting here
i recommend you infiltrate some pol groups on skype, tox, and other forums and then find out for yourself, the young pol posters get steered to "hate lefties and jews" even before they know what the difference is between a bank and a cooperative
we know
why do you think all IDPOL movements are so fucking toothless?
2nd pic really made a whole lot of issues I had with OWS much clearer. Saved.
It's not "lower". We are rising though.
Not sure how much of it is because the GG thingy is over and chan culture is ending too.
/r/ing the pasta about all the levelheaded people being driven out of OWS by bullying whiners
Got more stuff like this? Maybe we can debunk 'gultral marzizmss' or at least tie it back to private interests. Daily reminder that Soros benefit from there being a state, and strawmanning the left as much as possible. He sure as shit wouldn't benefit from workers owning his factories, among other things.
The social justice movement is a direct consequence of the failure of marxist "theory". Basically jewish marxist (((intellectuals))) had to abandon pure economic determinism and focus on the superstructure because the revolution was not happening and the living standards of workers were rising every year
I thought the suggestion of a substitute proletariat came earlier, from Gramsci, Holla Forums?
Er I'm pretty sure they just mean that in the older sense of the term social justice and not SJW.
Please, even if it's to get a rise out of Holla Forumslacks, don't ever apologize for this worthless tosh.
Why does Adorno cause so much consternation on both the left and the right? He must have been onto something…
Nah he's just a huge fag. Was Ayn Rand onto something because most people on either side of the spectrum thinking she's a total retard?
I highly recommend Kerry Bolton's 'Revolution from Above' if you're interested in this subject. He presents a well researched and extensively referenced argument that most forms of contemporary Social Justice such as the idpol Holla Forums hates so much was created by wealthy capitalists through foundations like the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation in order to better exploit and globalise the world. It's not very long but it's very eye opening.
Have you, by chance, ever read anything by him? Because you sure do sound like the echo of a meme.
Got a link?
I don't know where you get that silly fantasy, but the history of social justice is not difficult to find. You can seriously just google that shit. Look for John Rawls.
It is pretty hard to find that stugf. Googling SJW history isn't going to give you anything useful accept a bunch of poorly researched videos by alt-righters.