Itt: We raid Holla Forums
Itt: We raid Holla Forums
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Holla Forums, these false flagging tricks need to stop
I just got finished spamming Holla Forums for deleting the Holla Forums thread. Somebody else do it.
I can't wait for summer to be over
Why all the false flags? Why do you feel the need to do this?
Fuck off COINTEL/pol/
You're not even trying, are you?
By the way, this is stupid because it's a waste of time, it won't make a difference – due to Holla Forums being a much higher traffic board – and it wouldn't bring us anything good even if we succeeded somehow.
Fuck off, Holla Forumsyp, nobody has the time to waste on an internet war.
There onto us
Or I guess this thread is a joke about what the rest of the site thinks we do all day
Quit spazzing out samefag.
Go back to >>>/reddit/ or something
You faggots are too retarded to raid a welfare stand
Holla Forums here, wtf yall thinking m8?
We will fucking crush you with our bloody hands …
Well, GG folks
You pinko faggots should know better than to do something stupid like this
Well at least we still have each other.
Fuck off Holla Forums.
Fuck off Holla Forums.
This falsflaging is getting really annoying
… Fucking summer!
Don't forget the sage
It seems like pol could give a fuck less either way
Oh no, this is terrible
ITT: Holla Forums fishes for screencaps to justify raiding us
that's all that ever happens, what would be the point
ITT: someone who hates one, or more likely both, of our boards tries to bait one into raiding the other so they don't have to do any work.
Lets just continue to pay almost no attention to eachother (except to laugh at the other side) and go about our day.
Hahahahahah! OP is such a fag.
Fucking caught.
Gonna start spamming the shit outta this board now in revenge.
""""""""""""""""""""epyc wynn""""""""""""""
oh no
Baudrillard was right.
The only way out of this fever dream is death comrade
based Baudrillard
Well, you successfully brought this board to Holla Forums's attention, so maybe there'll be some extra posts-per-hour and a few extra board IPs.
>>>Holla Forums6513901
So… Was getting caught part of your plan?
Where do i start with Baudrillard?
This lecture is pretty good:
No one on Holla Forums is falling for this faggot
Cmon faggots. Try harder.
Heil Hitler.
The internet is serious business.
I don't think that's the best course for everyone.
I learned a lot by getting to know a socialist, then 4/tg/ years ago started me on the journey to learn about Syndicalism.
And I discovered this site because of a friendship with a neo-nazi fascist that had a falling out with the Mormons & the Meritocratic Party.
You get a lot of perspective immersing yourself in both sides of an argument.
Recently, I've even been mulling over my own ideological ideal on what a society truly should support & encourage.
Laughter is great, but you truly need to step outside your ideological bent, see past your own rationality, and appreciate what others are concerned with- even if the far-right's concerns are often aesthetic driven, or related to a paranoid bewilderment
Sympathy of any kind soothes the savagery of many hardened ideologues as they often always find themselves waxing & waning between their own conflicting world views as they begin to develop a driven agenda.
In short, we're not so far removed from each other's goals as it would seem- especially since the far-sides both just want things to deteriorate faster for their own opportunism.
all me
Fuck off leftycucks. you know you're merely a biproduct of capitalism, a part of it.
Left wing = "we are the losers of capitalism support group"
We are all byproducts of Capitalism fam.
I want off this wild ride.
Maybe you should have saged then, dipshit
No, just OP getting accused twice over, both threads are just calling OP a shill and laughing at each other's ideological misfortunes.
No one's since taken the bait, really. But here OP can samefag.
Case and point.
No one in the Holla Forums thread fell for the bait, and all your board's other shill threads are more popular than this blatantly unsubtle shite.
>>>Holla Forums6513901
t. Holla Forums
I'm grazing here because of all the 404's yesterday and feel like staying. What a happy coincidence. You're ideologically weaker than Holla Forums
Not your personal army.
Can't win them all. That's the nature of things.
You're just giving us an excuse to fuck with you, assuming OP isn't just /int/
Good point. I've noticed there are threads here where if OP's thread isn't bumped he just starts samefagging to get things going. Y'all need thread IDs, not that your BO gives a damn what you think.
It would be just as stupid for Holla Forums to fuck with Holla Forums too much. If the board gets spammed to shit by Holla Forums I'll just use a script to spam Holla Forums to death. We can both coexist fine as long as we don't fuck eachother too much.
In a forum of discourse you don't win, you don't lose. You just gain fun and insight.
Give & take, then hope to gain back whatever you put in.
Well, OP on Holla Forums is a newfag.
And at least one person today on Holla Forums has reminded me what year it is.
So I think we're getting the heavy shilling/run around today.
And as if any of us need and excuses to piss in our shit- after all, it's teepeepee for our bungholes day.
I think we should all call it a wash and start praising American steel, thanking the Chinese factory thieves and hope they continue selling the world stolen consumer goods to spite the toy manufacturing giants that do business there, and start encouraging people to invest heavily in American Steel and Aluminum.
Just look at this and see what those happy merchants are doing to the small scale steel trader. This is insanity.
Don't bait people with MADD solutions and threats of cross board script abuse. We already have an unstable code and questionable ownership. Some people would call the bluff just to make life shittier on the rest of us.
It's really not beyond reasonable autism to meme your idea into reality, blame it on some scapegoat, then move back to cuckchan, >>>Holla Forums, or anywhere for that matter.