I don't understand the rules of this site. Last one was nuked because some 20 yo dude posted his face and said he was 15.
C'mon man
Hebe thread
I mean it was a dude posing as a chick.
this tbh
girlyboi did nothing wrong
Even if that was someone under 18, which is questionable. I see no rules on this website against it.
FFS we might as well go back to 4chan.
out you go nigger
All I wanted was pics of her feet tbh
Ive been on 4chan since 2009 and threads on Holla Forums there don't get deleted for no reason like this
threadly reminder girlyboi wanted conversation on discord
mods 404'd the thread because of you
Mods deleted the undies pic before the thread got nuked, if it was feet instead of undies the thread would still be here tbh
But where are the rules against this? Thread deleted for nothing and the OP banned probably. I'm next?
they ban for "pedoshit" that doesn't break any rule. how new are you?
Tfw requested undies but not banned
she gone now, knowing she likely bare ip posted here and females are stupid enough they dont know how to change ips or set up a vpn in the first place
She said she was here because she was banned for a month on cuckchan, so I'm betting you're 100% right.
I'm back. I'm a meme?
And no im at someone else's house, states away from where I live. Absolutely no need to cover my tracks
talking to her on discord. she's not b&, but i doubt she'll be posting pics again
Nah I'm here. You guys really think I've got a peen? Rude
nah. it's part of the ruse tbh
Post proof and feet tbh
Nice trap fbi
t. larp
fake and gay
You won't fool me
Ah. Why do you think im a trap.
its mainly leftover 4chaners here that ask for dick pics
well don't mind if i do
Okay that's a fucking work of art. Thank you user. Loving it
it's not gay if she has a feminine benis
Yeah I have a huge peen. Biggest. Largest this side of the fucking Rocky Mountains
Stop saying "I" if you ain't gonna prove it nigger
post pics of your feminine penis on cuckchan. traps are welcome there.
Nah I was banned for things
How should I prove it
and the memes begin
too ugly to spend my time editing
Because you haven't proved otherwise. Nobody can fall for this shit except the mods.
Show boobs/pussy or gtfo
Ok I'm fucking laughing so hard. This is good shit. Best meme gets pics
Even if I do it'll be later. I enjoy pissing you off cause your reactions are super cute
May I suggest platonic feet pics in the mean time?
Awww. Wonder what you look like xx
Will quote for the rest of my life
Not falling for it. Just enjoying a few beers before bed, then heading to family in the early am
Send pics to juliannenowak on discord
Nah I said meme winner gets pics.
And yeah this guys right still
Low quality attention whoring on the same level as her tbh.
Maybe be a man and ask for her digits if you want attention.
these fucking stupid pedos
don't worry nibba
I woke my friends up just to show them this shit. I'm loving
Yeah that's fine, do your fag shit on discord.
What I want to know are the rules on this website.
Are there really no rules besides breaking the law? TELL ME THE RULES ON Holla Forums you stupid fuckers
The rules are: don't do anything that offends the mods sensibilities.
kys nigger
this tbh
don't post cp. and to these faggot mods, any girl under 18, clothed or nude, is cp
Only one site wide rule, that is dont post illegal shit. Board are created by individuals, and the board owners can create what ever rules they want.
trips of truth tbh
Officially the rule is don't post content that violates dost. But occasionally Jim swoops in and deletes and bans people who post non-lewd lg pics.
Take your shill whore back to discord and orbit her there
thanks for the idea what not to do tbh
samefag tbh
Id like to request that the Mods/Gods delete this thread.
We have nothing more to gain here..
…. Or do we?
report it but it ain't going anywhere
Their enjoying memes as well
Image stolen from my girl madison
So pedophiles are now calling themselves hebephiles now?
I thought I wouldn't get laughed at by a bunch of teenage girls again after I graduated high school tbh
What the shit are you niggers doing, go back to work or school or whatever
you using paint? why so shit?
don't lie you would let her shit on your chest
fuck off text poster
Well this is my thread that I started, and they deleted the previous one for no apparent reason.
fugg. i wasn't paying attention. almost missed it
No I'm not laughing. Honestly I think it's all endearing. Not making fun of, it's just these pics are fucking hilarious
vols are faggots
I lowered the hardness to make it look more realistic nigger
fuck! there's no 8. what does kek mean by this?
Thats not what the pic is saying mongoloid, its order of impregnation.
Ok this actually made me smile. Hug/10
i already gave my order of impregnation
holy shit how fucking retarded are you they are ranking how fuckable is the girl you stupid shit
whew laddie
I know that your autism prevents you from fully understanding sarcasm, but please try harder next time.
Nah their lame. already forgot about you
fuck them tbh
I would tbh
Literally or figuratively
yes. kek
lel, are you still learning english bruv?
Post more pics I need them to "make memes". I promis, will not save
Bored still
notyourremedy #2273
Send good memes
Send feet pics
you said that for the past few hours, try being lewd tbh, then orgasm yourself
Who's she gonna send feet pics to retard
can confirm. this is the discord posted in the previous thread
whether it's the qt, we may never know
I actually just want her to post feet tbh
mods will probably delet tbh
Feet are 100% platonic and not inherently sexual tbh
Room full of good christian girls. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place
i'll give you a hard place to get stuck on tbh
That just makes it hotter tbh
2lewd user
The truth comes out im that short bitch from the incredibles
I would but the lights are on
even better
never fuck a tricky jew bitch in the dark user-kun
Nah I'd get kicked out of her house. Maybe when the lights go off
but not nearly as smart
you sure you don't have to go use the ladies room?
Hm. Well, haven't outfitted a baby with a set of flame retardant clothes but I suppose i can
Talk to me in discord if you want something
already am tbh
you into Hurt core also?
do this and record vid
Ehhhh. Maybe. Dunno
I'm just trying to convey im not an idiot. Not a genius but not an idiot either
of course not. girls hold the average. it's only normal
Incredibles reference? The flaming baby?
Vid of what
of cause not a woman's iq caps out at 73
That's what I was implying
pretty sure i already said that user
didn't post a graph though
So what should I do, then
i'm not your mother. do whatever the fuck you want, user
I know, I was backing up what you said
Aw damn. I guess you don't want me to call you 'daddy' then, either
You little tease
top kek
no, i don't have a daddy fetish
I know for a fact some in this board do
Having a girl call you daddy isn't about them thinking that you're their actual father autismo. It's about dominance and them fantasizing about you having complete control over them.
Oh well. Being dominated is great….
you don't have to explain the shit, faggot
a girl can be dominated without the roleplay tbh
Yeah I know. Firsthand experience.
Completely accurate
natural and organic
"Mmm daddy fuck me harder"
"Yes patriarch more forceful intercourse"
Which do you prefer user. Obviously option 2
obviously. it rolls off the tongue with grace
Was told to stick out tongue
No. You're clearly a faggot
open vagine tbh
Ah yeah. I did mess around w this 12 year old girl one time. She made super cute noises
Yeah, we're going to need you to go into explicit details.
looks like lips & tongue built to suck a dick tbh
checking these digits
Jill. Absolutely adorable. Invited me to her birthday party cause she said she looked up to me. Ended up making out in the shower, then all night in a pillow fort. Lotsa, Uh. Touching. Like I said, extremely cute noises.
Never realized how shit I looked in these pics, but yeah. Qt
and she delivers again
Now do you want to add me on discord? I mean me and her have been talking about hanging out again I dunno. This threadlike be dead by then
sorry i have to sleep big day tomorrow if you know what i mean
good night thanksgiving qt i'm thankful for you
This is like. Cutest thing I've heard all week. Thanks. Made me smile.
glad I could help tbh
Then talk to meeee
Cus then I'll make you smile?? It's like a super win win
hey friend I sent you a request, accept ittt
kys pedo
I am 13 in this pic.
Proof, faggot
No you aren't, fakeposter
As I was saying, I was accusing hebe girl of posting lg's
that girl is fbi bait
Probably. But you can't go to jail if you don't break the law
I was only posting text and one pic kek
Let my niece drink some wine earlier and now she's giving me lewd looks and constantly sitting on my lap giving me kisses on the cheek.
And why would I wanna be fbi bait I just like watching spergs. All cute
Sharpie in pooper tbh
Check my dubs
How the fuck do 15 year old girls find 8ch, it's the most obscure clearnet site
is she related to you by blood or marriage?
Why even bother tbh
we migrating here now?
meh, maybe she posts feet tonight
it seems so
I mean do you REALLY want feet. Like really really
Honestly can't tell what's joke or real kek
dont want granny feet tbh footfag
I don't, but footfag does.
And Uh. I've been doing stuff like this since I was about 11? Only got into 8ch recently. But like omegle, 4ch. Shit like that hehe
we come in peace
lg feet are perfect but they usually grow out of it, just wanted to find out what hers were like at 15 tbh
what's wrong with her face?
Haha i'm a girl too xDDddddd Give me money silly grown up boys
And the anti's thought we were just shitposting when we said girls sexualize themselves
Post profs like she did faggot
Only trashy ones not worth anything.
Maybe I am. Guess so
Post more before you get banned tbh
no, ill be a hoarder this time tbh, mods deleted thread before i could of offload more