Can we talk about beards for a moment? There seems to be a lot of people growing beards these days who are fully capable of shaving. Why do they do this? A man living out in the wild or in a hut would shave if he had the proper tools to do so. This man right here is a faggot. He's soft and mushy. He takes it up the ass and says muh lady when a damsel is in distress. If you whipped out a blade and put it to his throat, he would cry like a baby. He needs it to appear manly. Real men shave every day. They understand the importance of routine and discipline. They do not need a hairy security blanket like a four year old baby. If you have a beard, you are signaling to other homosexuals that you are, in fact, a raging faggot. Thank you for listening, and don't forget to shave every morning to start your day off right.
Can we talk about beards for a moment...
keeping your face shaved is a pain in the ass, and only wagecucks who are required by their employer or subhumans who can't grow a proper beard shave their shit off. there is a point to be made for staying well groomed, but face facts user… real men have beards
somehow I doubt I can explain it to somebody like you
Replying to OP's bait thread, but this. If men were meant to shave they would be beardless like women. A true man is one with nature.
No pain, no gain. Discipline is the key to success. If you have no discipline, you will not be successful. If you have a beard, other men will want to have sex with you because you signal to them that you are gay. Beards are the new baggy pants. Don't be a faggot. Don't forget to shave.
shaving is unnatural. Men were supposed to have beards, that's why they grow naturally. If you shave it off you are going against nature.
Using the Internet is unnatural. When was the last time you used a fork? You were given a brain to think. I suggest you use it.
shaving is for faggots who want to look like girls
If you're a man and shaving makes you look like a woman, I suggest you grow a beard because you're already a slinky boy.
I bet you've tried to grow a beard and it came in all patchy and thin because you are a low-T beta faggot. Now you spend most of your days on the internet complaining about how beards suck.
I have a short beard because I feel like I'm ugly and figure it's best to cover as much of my face as possible. It's only a minimal benefit but it's something.
I enjoy shaving tbh
If any of you guys shave you should try getting yourself a decent safety razor, a badger shaving brush, and a decent soap. Feels and smells fantastic.
I know you're a 20's something homosexual who hasn't come out of the closet yet. If you want to attract other men, that's your prerogative. If you want to project that hard, that's your prerogative too.
you're the one projecting here. I've noticed a pattern in your comments. You're obviously a latent homosexual. It's okay to be gay, it's 2017.
Muh beard reflects all magic back at caster and adds auto-phenixdown +20 defence against redditors, shills and evades all physical damage done by pedos and SJWs.
It's never okay to be gay. You're a repulsive homosexual and most of society wishes you dead. I hope younger guys aren't lured into this gay phenomenon of growing facial hair. MGTOW is another homosexual movement where you find many gay men with beards. Hopefully you know you will burn in hell. God does not reward laziness. I will be waking up tomorrow at 06:00, not because I have to, but because I can. I am a disciplined man.
That's why I gots one.
t. thin bearded soy boy
Well actually fags can't have beards, they be like ewww gross all this hair around my face its gross.
forced meme is forced tbh
Lulz, wut?
oh shit le 9gay army is here
Ams is supposeds tos bes triggereds? Ims sooooooooos triggereds bys urs posts in a reeeeeeeees mads nows niggerses. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES
oh, okay
a cordless electric razor is a pain in the ass?
what does "can't grow a proper beard" even mean???
a beard is when you just.. …. … don't shave?
please post pics of guys who cannot grow a proper beard, so I at least know what it looks like
also guy in OP pic is hipster…. why get haircuts and ignore the beard? it makes no sense. let both go wild if you are claiming to be le wilde-man
I find beards to be rather dirty, TBH
tho guys who work in extreme cold do it just to help keep their faces warm
pic not related
You do realise that article says the reason for shit beards is when niggers don't wash their hands?
Do you take a shit, rub your hand on your ass and then touch your face?
Now this, this is a good argument.
But is it gayer to have smooth skin or to have hairy skin?
Tbh hard to tell at the point.
OP is sour grapes as fuck. This is coming from someone who recently shaved, no actual man gives a fuck about how other guys look. Only woman and faggots care about how men look
tbh shaving is a manly ritual but having a beard is also manly
how about having a beard is manly but growing a beard isn't but the ability to grow a beard is?
calling other men un-manly is pretty unmanly tbh
Real men don't give a fuck about what you think real men should be like.
meep meep you shave your wife's ballsack every day tbh no homo
Nothing screams "lack of testosterone" like a patchy beard.
Fuck that, if i had a similar beard i'd shave everyday too.
But since i don't, i only shave once or twice a month, because the perfect beard is short but not absent.
trying to be the bigger man and compromise with another man is manly tho tbh
I think it is sad.
Having a beard is one of the very few things men can do to distinguish themselves from 3DPD.
fucking /thread, fam
Hipster millennials gain major authenticity points with beards. It makes them appear older, more worldly, wiser, and more experienced. Couple a rich beard with 10 or 20 tattoos, a modern haircut and you can't lose with the hipster ladies no matter how vapid you are.