t. Obama
T. Obama
if that was a redpilled white woman kissing a black man, that would be EXACTLY how 8/pol/ would react… I guess every race has its (((retards))) and (((bluepilleds)))
bump, this thread is epic
This thread is so self-sustaining, doesn't even need bumps!
natural and organic dubs
White nationalists and black nationalists need to work together to destroy race mixing degeneracy and to collaborate together to create both a seperate white and black ethno-state. Prove me wrong faggots.
sounds good tbh
no welfare money tho
i've always said this was best way to go. Holla Forumstards will ban you for trying to give away land
true. but if burgerland fractures into separate ethnostates, we will be under different governments, different countries
choose one
Liberia exists for just such a scenario. The Eternal Jew is the real enemy.
i agree, but it may be hard convincing them and working together like user says implies cooperation and not force
I refuse to accept that "redpilled" means virgin or cuck. Racemixing is redpilled and no amount of Holla Forums-tier shaming will make me doubt this truth!
High chance balkanisation is on the horizon. Theres going to be some kind of conflict at least. With the US army being pozzed to shit, it'll only get worse from here. pics related.
The situation is too unstable for that kind of co-operation.
Whydo you think everyone hates shoeonhead.
don't know, don't care
A compromise then - how about the Caribbean?
Please stop spamming those images, ty
no one cares, she's not fucking you cuck
How about you get nothing. Do you think you are in a position to make demands when the shit kicks off that would actually make this possible?
she's a coalburner, user
i don't give a shit really, as long as i'm not living near them.
2nd pic, it's only a matter of time, tbh
26 more years!!
and I'm a oil driller ;)
Whoever wins, we lose
as long as we purge the kikes, we win
You'd still be a nation of mongrels. You are too far gone.
kikes are the ones who prevent us from purging shitskins, user. purge the kikes, then the rest is easy
You're glowing
go back to Holla Forums faggot. your propaganda doesn't work here. a purge doesn't require violence
Both of these were transfers of state which retained the same nation. The end of the British Empire happened without conflict.
Yes because there was a power looking over, the US forced Britian out of all their colonies with the marshall plan. If they hadn't, there would have been a major conflict to get those back
bump for exposure