EU Parliament President 'Trump Is a Problem for the Whole World'
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If anyone needed more proof that jews are against Trump.
How did this kike get to become president of the parliament? And after his outrageous remarks?
I never saw a picture of him before. This kike is disgustingly jewish, he looks like a zyklon ben caricature come to life.
Bring it on, kike.
Wow fuck off Schulz.
God fucking damnit does democracy really mean nothing to these virtue signallign jerkwads
You would have to be pretty responsible to not burn through your inheritance and actually grow it.
And he's a turbo manlet to boot.
the nationalists are rising the day of the rope is coming.
any americans here? (((schulz))) is telling you to vote for TRUMP!
Remember when Obongo went to the UK and told them to vote remain? HOW DO THESE ELITES STILL NOT GET IT? Nothing will get Trump elected faster than a bunch of foreign leaders saying it shouldn't happen. Kek will it.
Who the fuck is this guy?
I never voted for him, never even heard of him and he speaks on my and every european's behalf?
what the fuck is an EU?
Cuck krauts voted for him.
Just look at that fucking conk.
is that a Freudian slip from this unelected retard?
This guy's a fucking caricature.
I love the taste of kike tears
No. EU leaders are by definition unelected by the people and get elected by the EU parliament which itself is unelected by the people. It's all one massive echo chamber.
I'm quite sure that the cunt's particular role requires him to be an elected MEP, good luck finding out if that's the case or not.
Straight out of a Ben Garrison cartoon.
Trump is a right wing strawman Jews can attack to make themselves look good. He works for them.
Globalists shitting themselves.
Indeed, he does
It is the will of Kek(pbuh)
That is called a Gollum.
We hear him loud and clear friend.
burgerfag here, i read the entire interview, just to see how things look from the ivory tower of a head kike in control
he tries as hard as possible to make it sound like the world is definitively ending if we don't do what he wants, and he also implicitly threatens Britain and Hungary with economic sanctions if they don't pozz themselves with refugees. On top of all this, he was a kike simply put in power by fellow kikes, no input from EU "citizens" at all.
He doesn't affect me too much from across the pond but given half the chance I'd gut him.
Serious question - is Schultz genetically a Jew?
He's chrsitian but looks 100% jew
red pill me on cypto kikes
He's a crypto. He's done virtually nothing to protect Christians and everything to shill for kikes.
The EU parliament needs to burn, it's annoying some Holla Forumsacks (specifically Americans) think it's some white nationalist pan european project.
No. Lurk moar.
Who on earth do you know that believes this garbage? What kind of white nationalist project floods white nations with non-whites?
EU must be destroyed
Jews don't care what we think. They will be arrogant as long as they are let to be in power.
I ask you: Do you want total war? If necessary, do you want a war more total and radical than anything that we can even imagine today?
(The crowd rises as one man. It displays unprecedented enthusiasm. Thousands of voices join in shouting: “Führer command, we follow!” A wave of shouts of Heil flows through the hall. As if by command, the flags and standards are raised as the highest expression of the sacred moment in which the crowd honors the Führer.)
I ask you: Are you ready from now on to give your full strength to provide the Eastern Front with the men and munitions it needs to give Bolshevism the death blow?
I ask you: Do you take a holy oath to the front that the homeland stands firm behind them, and that you will give them everything they need to win the victory?
Now, people rise up and let the storm break loose!
(The minister’s final words were lost in unending stormy applause)
lmao. if hes christian he aint reading the same bible i am.
You can see what kind by looking at the European parliament majority coalition composition.
Tip: It's cuckservatives, communists and libcucks.
and it will be destroyed, either by the redpilled part of it's people or russia. i think russia will beat us to it. in fact, it will beat everybody to it, especially america, and my guess is, pissrael too.
we are entering a critical time. if we succeed, the nwo is toast. toast.
trump being elected is only a minor step. the next step, is to get this sandnigger invasion to a halt and then fuck up the (((united nations))) and the satanist pope in rome. that faggot and his clan needs to get purged from this earth.
Schulz is a Major crypto-kike
No one votes for the EU Parliament President. Welcome to European democracy.
you can be a christian while being genetically a jew
christianity is a jewish sect to begin with anyway
jews are a race
You can go to the oven with them.
Anyone who still thinks like this is a subhuman. This include most left/right retards, lolberg, anarchists and you.
Oh, are you mad, you subhuman? Cant have your harris posting anymore?
I doubt that even an anglo is this stupid though, so your are probably a half breed amerishit subhuman.
he sure aint acting like one…
he's a drunk and a shithead. the only problem are parasites like him, fagging up the world for their zio masters. but then, all of brussels is a shit show. except tintin, potato chips, pedo bear and van damme, this entire cesspool of niggery is a dump of all the shit no country has use for, including the (((european union))). well not much longer, this shitstain upon us will get erased soon….
Don't worry burgers, after MEGA happenened we will give this jew as a "present".
You can hang it on a tree like a christmas ornament!
Fuck these kikes.
Is this a trick question?
Why are kikes SO UGLY?
Because what you ARE is what you look like.
If you are a greedy weakling that cannot deal with their emotiional weaknesses, you will look fat
If you are a miserable hater of people better than you, you will develop the SJW fishmouth
If you are the nastiest, most spiteful, manipulative evil anti-life degenerate, you will look like a jew.
God has forsaken us.
America, for the love of all that us good and Holy: you must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Our once beautiful homeland might be ruined in the coming years, but you can't let our genes die out.
generations of inbreeding
No, just super cucked.
The Talmud explicitly states that non-Jews are the property of Jews. Jews AND Muslims both need to be exterminated.
Sure, we should all know just from looking, we have experience.
But schulz has adopted a traditional german name, and claims to be roman catholic.
YOU are super cucked if you think that man is NOT a jew.
It is so obvious it hurts.
THey are a problem for the whole world, not Trump.
Trump is a solution
Hopefully a final solution.
Fuck this Kike is scared.
Everyone needs to remember that the reason everybody is so terrified of him is Because he is literally protected by God.
Do they not realise that their headline is self incriminating?
After 30+ years of demonising nationalist political parties, and doing whatever it takes to ensure they have no power
So the "crisis" is no fault of the nationalists as they have had no power.
Therefore, the fault must lay entirely on the socialists.
Checkmate lefties, communism, socialism, whatever you want to call it, is a shitty system that ALWAYS fails due to inbuilt flaw.
In fact, I would go so far as to say that it is DESIGNED to fail, to enable the chosen to buy countries assets and resources for pennies on the dollar.
Socialism is like the toxin in a komodo dragon's saliva, that slowly weakens the bitten victim, who struggles on over the course of a few days, until, finally, the toxicity is too much, organs fail, and it collapses.
THEN, the dragon who has been following for days, steps in to feast on the carcass.
Jews are that komodo dragon, socialism the toxic saliva that infects the victim after the bite.
What's bad for the EU is good for white people.
Anything the EU wants or says, the opposite is what should be supported.
This idea needs to die. There never were any fucking Jews, the Bible is allegorical and meant to pass on ideas of how to live not be an accurate retelling of History. Jews infiltrated and wrote themselves in. Nothing about the Old Testament is old it was written after Jesus by schizophrenic people's who write shitty fanfic
Anything with "U" in the title is suspect.
etc etc
The "U" is code for jew
All of these are jewed
Find a single example of a "union" that was not post jew (pro tip, you can't)
The jew is always pushing for "union" via monotheism, via monopoly with him at the top of course
This. It's fucking spoopy how many cryptos there are.
fuck this guy
Everyone with a sense of reality knows Trump isn't fit to be President, he is: A bigot (no one can deny it), a corrupt (see pay-to-play and the shady things he does with the money of his foundation), he's a HUGE liar (lied about Iraq War, about his medical records, about the birther movement, about his wealth etc) he doesn't have mental stability (look at his twitter and speeches, did you forget the "Second Amedment people" comment?!) and the knowledge (just watch his interviews, it's a joke, he doesn't know how to answer anything) to be the fucking President of the most powerful country on earth. Period.
it's just that Trump supporters are too blind to realize it. It's like Trump himself said months ago: "I could shoot somebody in the middle of the 5th avenue and I wouldn't lose any voters".
Even Trump knows his supporters don't care about anything.
Please, don't make the wrong decision Nov. 8!
Dude it's clearly satire.
Just gut him?
No, what you need to do is make incisions into that kike's stomach and slide raw bacon into the slits, then keep him alive in a filthy basement for as long as possible as the maggots slowly crawl inside of him, feeding off of the raw bacon.
Schultz is a undemocratically elected kike appointed by who knows to sit in the european comission. Not a single civilian has even voted for this disgusting pile of trash.
I live in EU, and I've never heard of him before, but I don't care, fuck Soviet Union of EU, I've seen enough socialism in my lifetime
Everyone with a sense of reality knows Jews aren't fit to be alive, they are: bigots (no one can deny it), corrupt (see pay-to-play and the shady things they do with the currency reserves of every country), they're HUGE liars (lied about Egypt, about the Christian religion, about their medical records in 302-40s Germany, about morality, etc) they don't have mental stability (look at the news paper headlines and twitters and adl/splc speeches, did you forget the "Holocaust" comments?!) and the knowledge (just watch their interviews, it's a joke, they don't know how to answer anything) to be the people in charge of the most powerful country on earth. Period.
it's just that Jew supporters are too blind to realize it. It's like Netanyahu himself said months ago:"Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews.And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, 'If you expel them, they'll all come here.' 'So what should I do with them?' he asked. He said, 'Burn them'."
Even Jews know their supporters don't care about anything.
Please, don't make the wrong decision Nov. 8, buy a rope!
damn good one, too bad you didn't dubs
Kek is on the winning side.
Joke's on you, I already have several hundred yards in a backyard shed.
Seeing this pasta a bit too much for my tastes.
kill the cryptokike
slaughter him
read more:
I actually recommend that Holla Forums keeps tabs on jewish publications like Haaretz and Israel Times. You'd be surprised how open they are about their intentions when they're not writing for goyim like the NYT.
Those kikes put a fucking ad in my copy/paste. They'll do anything for a sheckle.
Trump I already won, I won't even vote (haven't even registered) because I already he is the victor… and he will come with a vengeance, I feel it in my bones.
The brits abandoned the sinking ship when Trump paid them a visit, sharing his high energy with the rainy island, every time he'll visit a EU country it will drop out of the EU until only Belgium remains.
You Euros need to end this faggot.
I can't find anything in his biography hinting at Jewish heritage. More likely, he's one of Merkel's ex-Stasi officials.
Either you are a shill, or complacent
You are doing exactly what (((they))) want you to do, "oh he's already won"
Just do an absentee ballot you lazy fuckass
Kill yourself, just do it.
Unless you live in California or New York, there's no reason why you shouldn't go out and vote for him this November.
California I agree with, but 2016 has been such a wild and unpredictable election season that even the liberal stronghold NY might fall to Trump.
But yeah, I agree odds are against him – nonetheless, anyone who wouldn't go out to vote for the only candidate advocating for border walls and mass deportations can hardly call himself a true Holla Forumsack. I begrudgingly voted for Romney four years ago but this time I will walk into the voting booth with pride.
yes, you're right
>Unless you live in California or New York, there's no reason why you shouldn't go out and vote for him this November.
Why? If you live in NY you should definitely go out and vote for Trump.
Protip: the jews of the Bible are most likely an extinct race. it ain't the jews you see today though. They are no different than the black jews, only difference is that they started LARPing before the niggers did.
Don't believe the kikes, NY is Trump strong.
It's none of that faggot's business.
Also, if you live in California you should go vote for Trump. Also, literally anywhere else.
Trump has the potential for a clean sweep victory.
That's a blatant kike. He has 6 gorillion signs on him saying so.
California and New York SHOULD ABSOLUTELY get out and vote.
Maybe we can turn these degenerate states red.
(((martin schulz))) and his (((relatives))) (((administrations))) are not a problem for the world?
Stopped reading.
Even here in America's pozzhole, you gotta at least lay your marker down for Making America Great Again.
I beg of You, Kek, send sanity to at least half of California's voters, or a plague of frogs for the duration of Trump's administration, whichever amuses You more.
Friendly reminder to you Ameribros that this guy was an alcoholic bookseller whose career was accelerated by (((them))).
Usury is another jew word with U
How many jews were involved in the Kalmar Union?
Fuck this crypto-kike, can't wait to watch this motherfucker hang.