German Pirate Party politician an heroes after raping and killing a man


Translation mine:

Claus-Brunner reportedly abused and killed a man before own suicide!

[Caption: The corpse of the Pirate politician Gerwald Claus-Brunner was found on Monday in Berlin-Steglitz.]

New shocking details regarding the death of Gerwald Claus-Brunner: According to information from BILD, the second man found dead in the apartment was supposedly killed by the Pirate politician. He committed suicide thereafter.

For those who are unaware, the Pirate Party is a mixture of internet lolbergturdcucks and the Green Party of Germany, i.e.:

- The Pirate Party was originally founded for the purpose of digital freedom (hence "pirate") and characterizes itself as social-liberal-progressive.
- The party is mainly known for being a staunch supporter of Neo-Marxism, Anti-Fascism and radical feminism (hence the lengthy introduction including "any" genders).
- Like the German Green party, the Pirate party wants to legalize Incest, Pedophilia, consensual sexual relations between parents and their children, child marriages, child pornography, adoption of by homosexual couples and implement additional, gender neutral bathrooms in all public institutions.
- The party is a proponent of the Frankfurt school and proposed a bill to "Stop advancing the national Interests of Germany" („Antrag gegen nationale Egoismen“) in 2012, which called for Germany's historic responsibility to establish a one-world multicultural utopia for "all the 7 billion world citizens".
- It also called to end public schools and outlaw thought crimes, with especially harsh punishments for anyone glorifying an aspect of Germany's history between 1933-1945.
- They actively support and encourage unrestricted mass illegal immigration from the 3rd world into Germany as it advances their interests in a borderless one world paradise.


Other urls found in this thread:

probably got pozzed or cheated on.

Some additional information
- he stalked his victim
- police was informed by his victim that the homosexual stalked him
- police did nothing
- autopsy revealed that the sad story about incurably ill (he blabbered about organ failure in 1-2 years) was a lie
- he raped and killed the guy before the elections in Berlin
- a few of the old pirate gang is now in the parliament for the left party

Dat fucking necklace.

We can probably make fun of them by calling them butt pirates and mix it with jew jokes to make sure people get offended in the process.

Nice pick up, Satan.

Faggots are monstrous and evil.

he was just a regular, highly autistic goy

he started wearing the star of david after getting criticised for wearing a shemagh on his head


He is a homosexual who praised the bombing of German cities on social media and tweeted that he would love to use weapons against the AfD.

why im not surprised?

Why are these faggots so hateful ? Even if they win, they lose.



figured he had a mental deficit at some point.

Every time.

This story seems pretty fishy. You know how hard it would be to drag a corpse by yourself from one apartment to another?

What are you suggesting?

That they killed him for not being enough of a faggot or too much of a faggot?

you guys have his DNA test results?


I laughed audibly.

Calling bullshit.

Clearly (((they))) didn't like him.

I'm not suggesting anything but Viacom has been going after pirates lately.

He looks like a goy. Pretty sure has to be correct.

At least he plundered the booty before he died.

What do you mean? It's a different guy


The corpse laid 2 days in his apartment and had HIV, it was also a known degenerate.
Source: le ebin german hacker club the corpse was a member of

They are politically dead. They used to be "pirates" but now they're just your average cultural marxists that nobody even bothers voting for anymore. There would be much better targets to go after if internet pirates are a thorn in your side, I imagine.

well that was expected
i… what? why?


We had a thread about this sperg last year and he came to visit.
There's a chance that we might have bullied him into doing this.

Good riddance.

Oy gevalt!

Horsefuckers are found everywhere on the political spectrum for some reason. Also this pirate party takes "pony breaks" during meetings when discussions get too heated. Then they watch an episode of MLP.

I kid you not. The marxist subversion was very quick and easy on this one.

we are talking about germany right?
jews in germany are likely to be mixed. whats his origin? he does not look german at all.

i mean its a jew controlled left wing party trying to get some votes to keep the real opposition split apart.


i remember hearing about that once, but i thought they just did it as like a spare time after discussion thing, like a much more pathetic version of going out for drinks or something. but more to the point, just the shirt itself – i just cannot imagine what my little pony has anything to do with white pride

Well it's definitely subverted as stated in this thread already. From what I've seen, they started out as a genuine "internet freedom" party (basically a one issue party) and quickly got into the federal parliament (you need at least 5%). Soon after they went full marxist, which wasn't hard to accomplish with most of their members being beta neckbeards and faggots. Now they usually get less than 1% in any election. They got turned irrelevant, so not doing much to snag votes or split oppositions, really.
At least that's my take on it, I haven't looked thoroughly into their short history

He was pretty large, apparently.

I never expected that I would NEED a pony reaction image…

Are these niggers serious?

It's just that it has one of the most cancerous fanbases in all of history and they inject their shit into literally everything.
You could probably google search any topic with an added "pony" or "MLP" at the end and would find things. It's autism of a magnitude unimaginable

He is said to have overwhelmed him at the door, strangled and killed by blows to the head. Then he should have tied him up with cable ties and managed by hand truck and car in his Steglitzer apartment. Investigators are looking for clues, after which the perpetrator allegedly sexually abused the victim.

This will confirm so far neither police nor prosecutors. After the murder, he killed himself electrocuted. As a trained mechatronics he knew how to manipulate a fuse box.

some people have struggle to recognize him as a jew.

here i did an facial analysis by comparing this kike to (((victoria nudelmann)))

he got typical jewish ears
typical jew eyebrows
he is mentally sick like many jews are



Muh based pooland. Muh savior of hawaiit race.

he has a star of david necklace. . . i thought that was enough of a give away.


tbh, everything from the desert has a shemagh.

You know that blue eyes are a dinstincty European trait, right?

So this party:
It's like everything bad about the modern age rolled into one. And there's apparently Pirate Parties in most European and ever some American countries, like Sweden and Canada.

yes, it shows he is an euro mixed jew same as nudelmann is

martin schulz and many other kikes have blue eyes too because at some point they intermarried with europeans and now they pretend to be white.

We had a Pirate Party here in Croatia back in 2010, it dissolved rather quickly. The news tried to shill them as some new ebin youth movement.

I believe they started from Sweden, then spread across Europe and hopped across the Atlantic.

Great spot Satan, always informative posts.

To be fair the pirate party in Germany was actually pretty good at the start, but they let themselves be infiltrated by SJWs and they faded into obscurity shortly after. They also had negative media attention similar to the AfD until they turned to shit. They were as high as 8% or something in the polls and the system was afraid they'd steal votes from Merkel, so they had to go.

they aren't though.
It originated in the caucasus, central asia.

its just more prevalent in eastern and northern europe.

Sounds about right


Real pirates are nazis.

If you read history you will know that ISIS are the modern day privateers.

Okay retarded faggot

For you

Pirates are usually free men not duped sandniggers who are slave to a parasite jew nation.

The Pyrates, a.k.a. the burners, were a secret society operating on behalf of the British crown.

Those eyes, their like empty mirror, now that's autism.

he reminds me of one of the dudes who shot up columbine, he has the crazed facial expression

In the 17th century Brits and Spaniards engaged in a proxy war where they hired pirates as mercenaries to cut off supply ships.
The U.S. coalition is using rebels ,including ISIS, to weaken Syria and Iraq.

Those rebels, including ISIS, are given life by the coalition you speak of, not some established band that already existed and operated on its own. That was my point really. "ISIS" only exists because of world jewry whereas those historical pirates existed despite the ruling kingdoms who would eventually come to hire them.

Pirates were originally navy men, train soldiers without work who turned to piracy and the occasional mercenary work. Groups like ISIS think they have their own motives; they don't do it for personal profit but to spread their religion, or so they think. Mercenaries care less who wins as long as they get paid.

Why no to the push to normalize faggotry.

How is this not considered treason against the German government right on the spot? I keep forgetting the only way to actually commit treason in Europe is to speak ill of the jews or Israel

Seems like he was…a BUTT-PIRATE

The Pirate Party of Canada is unironically the best party in Canadian politics.


Well i guess it was actually German Butt Pirate Party

Dammit you beat me to it.


It seems like we all got the same idea. What a hivemind.

This antifa faggot looks like typical r-type scum. They're always standing with one leg in a coffin and the other one in a bog.

I've always wondered: is military training actually like what they showed in that movie?

That face when the natural world has violated NAP by giving you an incurable lethal disease so you wax up your pirate pepper and walk to your neighbors to negotiate a bareback conjugal pozzload but negotiations break down faster than the lining of your large intestines.

lol they are killing themselves now
because no money because they dropped out lost in the elections

Not to mention Andrew Jackson hired Pirates

The first three weeks of BCT are pretty much like that. Week one in particular is almost unbearable. It's called hell week for a reason.

Really makes you think.

ever been to germany?
he looks typically german

they were testing themselves i.e. it's a challenge:
they were merely pretending to be retarded as a joke

germans aren't german

the straw grasping is real

I bet he had a really great ratio on a super elite torrent site though.

Citation needed. They are for the usual progressive homo/trans stuff though.

He got that Star of David after being called antisemitic (by Knobloch of the Zentralrat der Juden herself) for the thing you see him wearing on his head. In general, if you wear something with such a pattern on your head or as a shawl, some people will associate that with the clothing style of Palestinians and call you antisemitic.

The mainstream of the Pirate Party is actually even worse than that guy was, if you can believe it. He was against the party having a quota for women (he called that Tittenbonus) and got a lot of flak for it.

But where is his Turban, brown skin, and long black mustache?


You better Believe it!

lel at everybody saying he's a jew

he's a blonde blue eyed pozz victim

be him: raised in a cucked society with no positive outlet for high IQ outsiders like startups in the US

Probably a virgin at 30 thanks to feminism and turning to effeminate guys.
Holy fuck

look at this desperate kikes trying
for several days in row
to clean wash this jew by saying he is a goy

the best they can come up with is saying that jews dont have blue eyes even through everyone know that ashkenazi jews have blue eyes!


little does he know ponies are white and redpilled.

learn to archive:

the other guy on the left is a jew too

on yatsenyuk - see picture of wikipedia before it was censored!

before ww2 ukraine had a population of over
two million jews

jew rat destroyed

This commie faggot was also a high ranking member of Telecomix. /lefty/pol is now exposed for being a hub of degenerate serial killer homosexual communist larpers that it is.

this degenerate and his entire party would have been killed in the good ol' days

no need to do, he killed himself

They look grey to me.

Now this is interesting. Hopefully the rest of these hacktivist faggots suffer the same fate.

but they are definitely not brown and thats what it is about