lol at least we got rid of those pesky pedos and pony posters this is such a #based board now
More and more meta posting about board quality
meep meep natural and organic faggotry wins the day tbh no homo
i love you meep meep poster keep up the good work
hurry feed the spergasaurus organic vegan pumpkin pie to make him calm down!
Unerrate thread attacked unfairly by a spergasaurus. Meep meep and all that tbh, folks.
what does it mean
spergasaurus knows meme magic when spergasaurus sees it
ar u relate to aligater? i like cicken nugs made from gater meet
no! I'm related to dragon dildos. my friend are pepe and feels and gondola
hi im sperganergus friend schmoloo scmloo how are you in the gooses noose?
Aren't you kinda short for a stormtrooper, friendo?
Woah your amazing!!!
that's why I stand on peoples heads when they are not looking, but only if permission but somehow they say okay without knowing but im nice
You break the rules play the game and now we'll all die just like in saw.
wow! really? I think your amazing too! Wowowowoww!!!!
you know the rules!
and so do I!
npt sur what a dragon dildo is but i can rty to eat anyway
Not sure what this retarded shit is all about, but Mr. Spergasaurus is pretty funny, tbh fam.
somebody wouldn't leave you like any other guy!
Ohhh wee wouldn't be there like tree flare
we wouldn't wanna flip a clown
you wouldn't wanna give an octopus a blowjob
but life is all about being an oddjob!
never gonna moose your goose!
never gonna noose your caboose!
never gonna obtuse your choose, of my love!
meep meep this tbh fam no homo
But srsly, that's some poemetry worthy of Shakespeare, nigger.
based thread tbh
thank u. thank u.
You are assuming these are two different people/groups.
That is not a valid assumption.
There are two groups on Holla Forums anymore.
Group One is Dysnomia's vols complaining about board quality, and then spamming the board as if there are two battling factions.
Group Two are a handful of regular anons waiting for the battle to end so that they can post normal chan threads on Holla Forums again, completely oblivious to the fact that if it weren't for all the shitposting bots and vols there would only be two or three anons left here.
meep meep there's a fuckload more than that you stupid fag but thanks for being gay tbh no homo
meep meep keep bumping this thread you useless virgins tbh no homo
no they are the same
meep meep big if true tbh no homo
ribbit ribbit
The fact that something so retarded sounds so believable means that it is probably true. Fuck this place.
i just have a hard time believing he made bots to spam the board
meep meep we're all the same faggot deep dowpn inside tbh no homo
how new are you?
more like newt lol
fucking based #MAGA
honestly even the quality of the spam has gone down.
i agree but pls do not post my gf only i can do that
shit quality spam is based and free speech kys tbh anti-freedom cuck
Everyone is growing out of image board usage but the kids aren't growing in to it as they are using phones to corporate post.
It's over fam, we are the 7chan and endchan now. We are wading the the receding tide of a draining ocean.
i will be here until i kill myself
8/b/ has gone through many shit phases before and 90% of the time i don't even know what it is the mods have done to trigger people so hard.
based tbh
ban all spammers tbh
All those girls are gross tbh