I need something worksafe and botnet free.
What's a good webmail that's not Gmail?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cock.li obviously
I thought protonmail was compromised YEARS ago?
Well well well, looks like the FUD has started to turn up.
Quick searches turn up a few obvious weakpoints of Protonmail, namely the optional "recovery address" and the reliance on javascript. Nothing inherently broken.
how do you make an easy to use webmail without JS?
If you stick to the browser, you can't. Best options I know of are to either provide IMAP/POP3 support or an easy to use plugin for a standalone mail program like Thunderbird. Protonmail would have to do the latter.
If they'd ever fucking open up new registrations again. It's been a whole year now since they closed it up.
setup with online host or host your own tbh
members.fsf.org email. 10$ a month.
cock.li is the only thing that isn't complete garbage. Literally every other host tries to hard and puts all this (((security))) and (((UX))) into their websites.
here's a real practical problem with protonmail: it asks you to verify by phone/email/donation, and if you choose email, certain email domains are banned, such as yandex.com
Daily reminder that Google, Yahoo, Yandex, and Microsoft are cancer.
Fastmail. Using your own domain is best.
Even gmail has an html only version.
How many times has cock.li been raided now?
Protonmail without any form of client side scripting would remove all the security. Encrypting/decrypting on your computer rather than the server is literally the whole point.
ISPmail guide for Debian Jessie
Why doesn't Holla Forums use HTTPS by default?
How does it feel knowing that the Soviet Union got the last laugh?
I use my uni's mail.
Bump because this is relevant to me.
Currently using ProtonMail, would like to know if there's any serious flaws with it because mobile requires a non-open-sourced client and it doesn't really do IMAP?
Is Vincent (cock.li) good now that it's in Romania or is shit still fucked??
Protonmail *can't* do IMAP due to how they encrypt the mailbox on the server. That's the problem.
So what's the alternative?
If you want a widespread standardised protocol that works with an encrypted mailbox, there isn't one. At the moment you can either not use mailbox encryption, or use Protonmail in a browser, or use an app/plugin to allow something else to talk with it.
Would bet money on you being a dark gentleman
Even if you self-host your email, how do you know that hosting companies are not with a knife on their throat like google, yahoo, etc
fucking hell
Trust us, goy.
While you are here, f.. be eye, can you please see to it that Sigaint returns. t.
Confirmed Gewgle or Mikesause dev.
Agent Fud is working overtime today, lol
What is your opinion of posteo.de?
It seems pretty good for personal mail, while cock.li for online shitposting.
I've been using posteo for over a year. I haven't had any complains, although the site seems to be run by german "green party" leftists which is amusing to a NatSoc like me (I guess we agree on environment and tech). Although to be honest, they are probably less pozed than google; I've never seen depictions of non-whites celebrating white accomplishments for instance. Their staff photo looked exceedingly white too.
Pretty sure you can just use 10minutemail and be done with it.
sends and receives emails without JS
supports both webmail (squirellmail) and standalone clients
only requirement is you need torbrowser to open it, you can order it here torproject.org
Is it called "Sekrit Skwerl Mail"?
do i give a fuck? anything related to email is already compromised anyway. the only purpose for email is logging into these sites run by fucking charlatans who require an email address to sign up, and have an ever growing blacklist of "bad" email domains. that and the rare time you actually need to talk to a normalfag
well yeah it will probably work if you only need to log in once
I hate this so much.
>only requirement is you need torbrowser to open it, you can order it here torproject.org
You need Tor, not necessarily Tor browser.
Thing is, I want to use a FOSS app (K9 mail, for instance) to access my ProtonMail mailbox on Android since the PM people haven't released the source code for their app and the browser version doesn't really work on Android
Is cock.li really a better alternative? At least Vincent seems to be pretty transparent about getting requests, etc. ProtonMail is silent in comparison
I don't remember this. Excuse me while I check...
Dunno what it was like when you guys tried it, but protonmail these days allows captcha as the anti-spam thing, so no phone/email/donation necessary.
Let me guess, you use smoke signals instead?
the fuck is even being implied here? i use end to end encryption for anything serious.
I checked a month ago, and some months before that, because people are always shilling this homo dogshit. And it still happens today. This time I didn't even get an option to provide an email account. This is over tor. Maybe it doesn't happen over clearnet, but I don't care. Anything that blocks tor is fucking retarded and run by charlatans.
Interesting. Pic related taken just now via Mullvad VPN, so I guess they've made Tor users jump through more hoops.
what about this:
i-is this child porn..?
I use Derpymail unironically since the end of Voila.fr
I'd make it for the same reason I'd make a cock.li account: Spam/alternative mail.
In some countries it might be.
by killing yourself and respawning as someone who isn't a hipster faggot who thinks it's impossible to make a few web forms without the latest JS frameworks
Sweet, got [email protected]/* */
In some countries, it's illegal to swear on WhatsApp.
i2pmail tbh
Was literally thinking this just now
For the same reason that 8ch doesn't allow you to make threads via Tor or upload images using Tor.
You can make threads via Tor, as long as a file isn't required. That's why Holla Forums lets you start threads without files.
Everybody will get raided at some time.
Goog thing about cock is that it's totally okay with Tor/VPNs and of course also doesn't censor anything. And you shouldn't ever assume a server is unraided, because it may happen at any time, and also it could have been done already but, for example, (((they))) forbid server operator to tell anyone.
I dunno, but I use HTTPS Everywhere which works pretty well.
in case they're too lazy to update certs ppl can still connect without warnings? lol
Better question, why do browsers allow it and not push https connections by default?
Which is why end to end encryption is so damn important. Also why US/UK are way overdue for a good revolution, but I digress.
Why is that even a problem? Can't HTTP be used as a fallback in case HTTPS actually fails? And this assuming that nothing older than TLS 1.2 and/or 1.3 is being used.
Are you fucking stupid? What is with these meme lately about the entire web being under HTTPS. It's literally impossible to do this. HTTPS implies trusting central authorities. To get certs for hundreds of millions of domains implies the trusted central authorities (the people controlling CAs and people in their company) would grow to hundreds of thousands of people (if it's not already there) or even millions. It was bad enough when it was only 3.
What's the diference?
Tor is a network for routing TCP traffic of any kind. The Tor Browser is a distribution of Firefox that's configured to safely use Tor.
You can use Tor with other browsers. You'll lose a lot of protection that way, so it should only be done in certain cases, depending on your threat model.
Using Tor with another browser to ban evade on Holla Forums is probably ok, for example, but in general, just stick with the Tor browser.
You can also use Tor for things other than web browsing. I've set up my package manager to use it.