Why isn't Holla Forums on this?

Why? Its practically calling us anons. Girl who acts like a nigger thinks she is a nigger but look she is white. Please tell me we are already on this.

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Quality thread, you need to make more threads OP

She is just an attention whore tbh

She has an Instagram anons :3

who cares? She is a whore

fuck off milo

sage! attention whore eceleb faggotry

I wonder what it will take to get rid of males like you

meep meep wiggers are about as interesting as wesley snipes movies tbh no homo

We could damage her, post her on a black lives matter or spam the hell out of her pooptube account.

Well we could make her wish she hadn't walked down the road, easily fixable. I'm sure its a matter of time be for an user finds her phone number or some shit to hit her where it hurts

Death or people that don't act all retarded hanging out on some random corner