Located at wibr.me. I am sick of google and the boring results it returns so I'm building my own. I want to rebuild the web to be like it was in the early days, where mostly personal and hobbyist type pages existed, that were lightweight and easy to read. Please try it out and give me feedback. If you want to submit a page to it, I'd appreciate it. There aren't many pages indexed at the moment.
I am building a search engine
Other urls found in this thread:
What's your search methodology? What separates this from other sites, simplicity of presentation aside?
Searx is a tool to query multiple different sources. What good is a meta-search engine it if good search results don't exist?
hwelp, hwhat I'm trying to do here is only permit the indexing of websites that have certain specific criteria met. The sites must be simple in design, they must not employ excessive use of css, they must not use ads that are intrusive (such as ads that appear over top of content). They must contain actual content on each page. For example, a landing page may not have a lot of textual content, and as such it might not be indexed. However, a sub-page containing actual content would be indexed. All in all, I want to create a web of pages that are more reminiscent of what the early internet was, where hobbyists would create web pages based on topics they are interested in.
I'll make the logo.
pls do!
9001 hours in microsoft cinegimpshop-krita.net
you can unfilter nsfw
well that wasn't too bad. thanks for the laugh
What all exactly is finished on this?
why would you search for 'the'? You dont deserve a result.
It's an extremely common word that's guaranteed to be found on millions of pages?
its an unnecessary waste of resources to search for that. If you want to search for something like 'the' then use google.
alternately, try ' the* ' and you'll get what you want
That's pretty cool user. I also miss that part of the web. Nice nostalgia trip seeing all these old web formats.
Thanks I'm glad you like it
is this project open sauced?
Sorry it's not, but it's based on the lamp stack. So if you can do lamp you can do this.
Why must it be open source? What do you get out of that? Not even your patron saint supports open source.
I didn't invent the use of the term.
are you really this dumb?
of course he does, but he doesnt limit to that, he wants software to be open source and also free, which means freedom to modify and redistribute
Make it open source or free if you want it to live and be used. I'm frankly impressed by what you make and would love to help but not if it is closed source. I want to be able to use it once you will be bored of hosting it for free.
He has a point though. With all the crap going on in free software and open source community sometimes I too think about making projects closed source. Why would I want take shit from likes of Coraline Ada, or why would I enjoy being involved in libreboot drama? I don't want to be associated with those people. Few years ago no one was talking about "issues" they are coming up with and for some reason every project has to have CoCs and diversity statements. You literary can't find any major open source software project without those things. I don't know what went wrong but this is not the type of community I want to be involved with.
We want liberty to share and fork your project , I'm not asking you to make drama and give your stance on libreboot hq. It is completely stupid to think that you'll be associated with dumb niggers because of the ability of building from source
I remember this captcha system, some shitty german imageboards uses the same.
does this really work?
This. Would ever someone take i.e. Floens as SJW?
my liege! pls add
Maybe blog.torproject.org, but it seems to be full of CSS crap now :'(
Can you make something like wibr.me/NSFW or nsfw.wibr.me which we can search from to get unfiltered results? Your site works without cookies and referrers, but currently we need to enable cookies to turn off the filter (a problem with most other search engines as well)
If a Holla Forumsnician only would have 4 tabs open, in his browser, that's exactly what they would be.
Please do come back when you release the source code under a free license. If you are going to release the source code, but either haven't done so, or is still the single owner of the copyright of this software, read this: gnu.org
literally everything in that screenshot is a meme
watch at 2:48, your patron saint does not support open source.
My good sir,
erights is now indexed.
longpoke.github.io does not contain any useful textual content. Consider submitting a sub page. Only pages that are submitted will be indexed.
Blogs are a general nono for this search engine as most blog entries are quite short and useless. Blogs are for people too lazy to create a website. IMO.
so how do you plan to make money off of user data with this?
Eventually, put an ad to the right of the search results.
I like your idea and would consider doing it, but why turn off cookies? (serious question)
I think these are good
and are more like informal papers than blog posts
Because I don't want sites to know two requests I make are from the same person. For example I might look up some topics on Wikipedia, like some music I like, then some electrical engineering topic, and then some information about Chechnya. I don't want someone to know all the things I'm interested in and some given time. I get the same privacy automatically when I visit libraries and read books physically.
Also, I personally just have my browser forget my cookies/history after quitting.
arigatou gozaimasu
yeah i used to do it like that but now i care a bit more about my tracks.
hope you get cancer and die faggot
What if this faggot actually is a fucking jap?
If there are certain terms your search engine won't search for, you should print an error message saying so and why when these terms are entered.
do you see any kanji, or were you born in a cave?
ya know what would be nifty? Make it so it auto queries and archives whois data and shit like that for sites.
Stick to proprietary and proprietary accessories hank.
Obscure websites missing aren't googles fault you netard. Google doesn't doesn't index them because they're either dead domains or offline permanently since 10-15 years ago.
And there's tons of great information on those obscure websites. I'm perfectly okay with this project.
The last update to google made it just about useless for my deeply autistic use of the web.