I found and married a good woman. She's redpilled (she even uses the term "wetback" while at home), fun to be with, and amazing mother (we're expecting our third baby), and so much more! Did I mention she's blond and had a conservative upbringing?
First of all I will say this, I always (and will always) ignore (((MGTOW))) shilling used to demoralize our race. But I will answer any questions or "objections" regarding to what I'm going to say about women. Human women, aka white women.
1) Be a man. Women have a genetic compass to what it is a real man. That is a person that seems well planted in life, someone who has his life in order, and that shows in his appearance. If you're not tall or have a chiseled face, women would still get to fall in love for you, but you must walk and talk like a man. You have to show her that your life is in order and most importantly, that you're not desperate for whatever woman that shows interest in her.
2) Now, when a man is good, it's easy to fall into temptation and get with any woman you want. However, if you're serious about finding a redpilled wife, you must look for her in the right places. You want to find a wife at a club? Don't be surprised if she goes back there again after you're married (with your permission or not). You met your wife at some (((multicultural))) event? Don't be surprised if she wants to take your kids there. Overall, make sure you find her at places where are either conservative by nature or places where you can keep an eye on her.
3) Give her peace of mind. Naturally, we think about money, but sometimes times are tough and that's understandable. Organically, what a woman wants is that she knows you're going to fix the situation and you have to convey that through action. You have to be ambitions in life and have backup plans for a woman to fall for you.
4) This is more of a perquisite, but how do you get a beautiful woman with a modest upbringing. You want a virgin, not someone who jumped into Chad's bed as soon as she saw it possible. What you want to do is to be in all white places; for example, places where there are many esoteric pioneers tend to have low trust environments which create a subhuman culture of gratification now rather than later.
5) Lastly, how do you keep a family wholesome? After 8 years of marriage, I can tell you that the thing that keeps marriage together and self-sustaining is NOT to change the things that she fell for. You manhood, your stability, your effort, and most importantly, you your dreams. If a woman sees you don't cuck out, she won't cuck you. Simple as that.