Just look at the Catalog, niggers!
Cuck Holla Forums is what we have Holla Forumsecome.
ITT We Try To Prove We Are NOT Cuckchan Holla Forums
active pedo threads kept this place alive tbh
Someone start posting midgets tbh
And by midgets I mean cute children in dresses and skimpy/ provocative clothing. Thank you.
Best thing to post to repel pedo's is very old people porn, they hate that shit. Fire away!
You forgot to add:
Protip: You Cannot.
You are a retard if you think that we have to prove something to you.
Lel. Is that you, Way?
Is that why you tried to keep my IP from posting?
Cuckchanner detected.
Im just a bored pedo. Relax, I'm one of you.
You are dumb, you just proved it.
K now cum already spastic
Yeah, that's what I tell my bitch right before I pop it in da pooper.
cuckchan hasn't even heard of smallposting
so long as it doesn't violate dost
we don't want to offend jim
we are based, therefore we are not cuckchan