How does it feel like to be embraced by a lil sister/neice/daughter?
How does it feel like to be embraced by a lil sister/neice/daughter?
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it feels good fam
Nice, like silk sheets
It's alright.
feels pretty bad knowing you can't have sexual or oral intercourse with them
you sound like you have sexual frustration user
is not good for you if all you can think of is sex tbh
Whoa dude.. did you have to go there. We were having a nice nonsexual conversation. But yes it does..
cuddles with lolis only satisfy me to a point. its truly special having being in the presence of a loli but it is just a fantasy and an itch, an itch i'll never scratch.
I'm this user
How does one deal with sexual frustration on this level. This is 8ch.. so don't say get a girlfriend or hire an Escort. We ugly and broke beta's, fams.
tbh lot of this can apply in this case too
just have to live without the obvious
Feels alright. Just remember to change the bed sheets before your wife gets home.
I like sticking my dick in my neice
Well fuck dude.. I have either tried most of these things or don't want to get off my fat ass to workout..
Guess I will just explode one day and do something crazy.. regret it.. then kill myself.. or just kill myself.. Which ever comes first.
Nourishing, comforting, redeeming, inspiringā¦ it's a lot of positive emotions and then there is the smell of her hair and clothes; perhaps perfume or something sweet she has applied. Her soft, smooth skin is so tender and disarms you in your jaded comparatively old body. You feel the love resonating like a sun inside your soul and when they tell you 'I love you' there is not a shadow of a doubt that it is true; and what's more unconditional. You look into her eyes and you see such beauty, vulnerability, yet openness and it makes you think how at one time, you were similar, but the years have weathered your outlook. You would do anything to save her from the world but cannot, as life must be lived. You wish that she could be forever young, safe and free to embrace you for eternity. But she too will age, will die a new death every year as she changes. Loving her is bitter sweet.
I hope to know soon enough.
My 41-year-old mum is just a month (give or take) away from shitting out a set of twins, both girls from what they can tell. I'm pretty much a NEET and still live with my folks, no plans on moving out anytime soon, so I'll probably get some quality years with them. I've already volunteered for babysitting duties and such.
How do I into being the best big brother ever, Holla Forums?
Do you guys just get your lolifix from family? Just wondering
Best sibling.hmm. Onesies. Uh, find 'em a good as hell stuffed animal cause that shit can last a lifetime
feels pretty great to not be pedo trash tbh
That structure makes no fucking sense. Pick any design criteria from appearance to weight distribution to strength and it fails at that.
the scene appears to be lacking gravity, thus built without that in mind
the upper levels seem to be built haphazardly, as if by different architects over a long period of time
this shit wouldn't last in an asteroid field or a warzone but as a civilian vessel it makes enough sense
Those twins are going to be born with downers
If there were no gravity they wouldn't be flying through an atmosphere, which they clearly are. Or any upper levels for that matter. And it doesn't look like any kind of vessel aside from the sideways pipes and the weird little flappy things. The shape of the thing doesn't have enough consistency with anything to represent anything. It's not a boat, it's not a building, it's not a dock, it's not a space-ship, it's not a city. it's nothing but an odd assortment of levels jammed together in an unlikely configuration ill-suited to any purpose. And that makes the picture garbage.
I pray for birth complications you premeditated toddlercon faggot.
I hope you're not implying that I intend to fuck them, or some other such nonsense, user. I will, however, cuddle the ever living shit out of them, and they will have the fullest exhaustion of my emotional intimacy.
Feels good knowing I can have meaningful and loving relationships with young children and not have a splash of guilt on my conscience because I'm not a degenerate pedofag with impure motives.
Lots of lube and patient penetration training. Although it seems counterintuitive, based on how much many adult women fear anal, you can actually assfuck a little girl before it's safe and comfortable to do vaginal penetration.
Deets here: xnyvcjj6ybauprjx.onion (safe link, no erotic photos)
I wish my little sisters, cousins and nieces were actually hot
I wish i had this niece to sleep next to tbh
my 12 yo cousin is hawt but ive given up on her tbh
t. gay
why are little girls always deleted on imageboards, whats in them thats magical?
Inside is what's magical
Yuck, future roastie.
they not deleted in hispachan tbh
id love to put my peepee inside her cunny
i do speak/read/write spanish but its barely middle school level
also krautchan has threads up too
stop banning my proxies ffs
too much skin reported
fug you jim
Who in their right mind would click that.
There's a lot to be thankful for today
We might be stupid but we're not retarded tbh
It is just a link to the 'pedophiles handbook' bro. Calm the fuck down user.
tbh ive been wanting to read that like since forever but im not a fan of reading :/
yeah but it has lots of words tbh
wat was it?
A Steam Key for GTAV
GTA is gay anyways tbh
its love, not molesting tbh
that book is all about molesting
girls are realy soft
moar liek dis plox
I hope you get hit by a bus
Fam you got the akl bubble bathtub pick of tina from her insta?
I mean I can get it myself but she have over 3000 posts and its just too many to dig thru
*you got all the bubble bathtub pics
It'll just get reported by some faggot on his way to the bathhouse.
It doesn't have nudity anyway and its quite artsy and its from insta.
Bls fam. Wish isaved those before when i saw em.
Sorry, have some fresh Zhe Zhe instead
Them dump em to lolifuggs insted :DDD
reported for linking to dost violation
They can use their tard strength to jerk him off.
funny pics where x-DD
Goddamn it I fucking hate these pedofags posting skinny fucking 8 year olds.
I actually feel disgust at lolis every time I see them here, holy shit. Like they're getting in my face, screaming and/or fucking around my property. hippity hoppity get off my property u littel shites
go to halfchan if you dont like it tbh
that's why you fug them instead of hitting them
When I was younger my younger cousins would always come up to me and give me a kiss on the cheek and give me a big great hug. Some of the really younger ones would sometimes miss my cheek and kiss me on the lips or honestly some of them kissed their parents on the lips and would, in turn, think you also kiss cousins on the lips so they would kiss me also on the lips. I'd always freak out a bit in front of the adults but they always thought it was extremely cute.
A few lgs in particular were always so happy to have me around and would sit and jump up on my lap and just want me to embrace them and tickle them. We'd stay up all night just talking for hours and hours about their school or their parents or movies. Very mundane discussions but those were the highlights of my life.
Then they all grew up and every single one of them turned into sluts and whores and single moms. Every. Single. One.
It's been around 17 years since I've gotten so much as a hug from any young girls. Well, females entirely for that matter. I'm in my mid 30s. I would have never guessed that I'd be yearning to go back to the times of simply getting a kiss on the cheek meant the world to me. I felt wanted. I felt like I was loved. You truly never realize how good you had it until it is all goneā¦
mix of thee things: coercion, manipulation and conditioning. although you could argue all three of them are synonymous so idk.