How does it feel like to be embraced by a lil sister/neice/daughter?

How does it feel like to be embraced by a lil sister/neice/daughter?


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it feels good fam

Nice, like silk sheets

It's alright.

feels pretty bad knowing you can't have sexual or oral intercourse with them

you sound like you have sexual frustration user
is not good for you if all you can think of is sex tbh

Whoa dude.. did you have to go there. We were having a nice nonsexual conversation. But yes it does..

cuddles with lolis only satisfy me to a point. its truly special having being in the presence of a loli but it is just a fantasy and an itch, an itch i'll never scratch.


I'm this user
How does one deal with sexual frustration on this level. This is 8ch.. so don't say get a girlfriend or hire an Escort. We ugly and broke beta's, fams.

tbh lot of this can apply in this case too
just have to live without the obvious