They have google, facebook, 4chan, reddit, discord etc Nobody is censoring them not on college nor anywhere. In fact they own pretty much everything on the internet and they are the one consorting each place like youtube and whole countries in Europe.
Their board is mostly dead and the only guys visiting them are "kekistan dumbfucks and jewish Holla Forumstards". That's why they rely on bots to get their board ranked. All of the memes are forced and nobody likes them.
If you look up the background of Holla Forums, they are mostly all children from rich to super rich parents and it really makes you think.
I also can remember the schooldays when every leftwing group was always white kids without exception - on a school with 30%+ shit skin immigrants. While promoting open borders and defending shit skins, they never ever talked or interacted wit them. It's kind of like with countries north Korea with "muh communism" but literally 0 foreigners. And it really makes you think.
You got to understand this is how world works. Nations are made from patriots and traitors, there's left and right, there's darkness and there's light.
Michael Parker
There are also government entities who fund that shit.
Andrew Hughes
based midget thread tbh
Jason Wright
Read about time-zones and find out how they influence on-line activity. Such knowledge belongs to Babbys First Internet 101 newfag
Carter Robinson
/redditpol/ is botting again and getting too close we have to shitpost harder
Gabriel Russell
On yeah. Forgot to check the Holla Forums get. Consider them checked.
What we need is more users. (or more proxies) Not even esoteric -tier shitposting can raise the count of "Active ISPs".
Kayden James
failed get
Jaxon Collins
That's a valid point
Dylan Foster
bruh… you cant just post some weird pic of a chink with needles in his neck w/o offering some sort of context… can anyone provide me with an explanation for the neck-needles? i must know… for reasons
Mason Collins
just bad clothing design/whatever the fuck reason those would be there it looks like. theyre clearly not puncturing his skin
Lucas Ortiz
check out this sweet meme I got from Holla Forums
Cameron Harris
Even sweeter
Joshua Thomas
It's so you don't lower your head when standing at attention.
Joseph Reyes everybody gets bought off in american politics. it is a broken system tbh
Jackson Gonzalez
If you want to trigger Holla Forums, just mention how they aren't special and everyone in college believes in the same shit they do. They have a maximum victim complex
Michael Wright
Holla Forums is shitty mainstream, They are the government.
Connor Brown
based korea
David Brooks
Lincoln Phillips
Holla Forums used to be fairly anti-feminist which is a quick way to get banned from a lot of sites. Now it's practically indistinguishable from /r/socialism
Connor Powell
That's the reason why they are the most hated board on this site. Even /christian/ is not afraid of naming the jew and calling others faggots. But Holla Forums is so fucking politically correct, you can't offend anyone at all, except if its straight white males or "porky". They are a colony of reddit normies who want the entire website to be just like them.
William Clark
Christian Howard
Look at what I have found on sudo. They are literally bot spamming Holla Forums with reddit tier normfag articles.
I guess this is what the Holla Forums spike was all about. It's leftypol trying shit up Holla Forums.
It wasn't always like that. Back when the board had about 500-600 users it was much better, but people wanted to grow the board, so they tried to get Redditors. People need to learn that inviting Reddit into your community never works. They don't assimilate, they just change the existing community to be more like them - dumb, uncritical and there only to social network or virtue signal instead of whatever the community was originally about.
BTW nobody's ever actually provided any proof that it's mostly bots, but still.
Caleb Morris
reddit out
Angel Diaz
Well it is suspicious… but whatever it is, there is some shit going on. They are literally cancer-spreading and there 3 of them now
Liam Hall
really nignog?
Matthew Long
I know you are not a smart person and it's may challenging for you to understand but Google, including YouTube, does not make much profit at all. They were never about making money in first place. All of their financial aspects are mostly about self-sustaining their system because they are the market cap. Their true profit comes form tax evasion and all kind of sneaky fraud. What they present as "profit" at the end of the quarter is a lie for shareholders.
Google and Facekike is literally free shit.
Isaac Morgan
i remember back when it was just people who came over from /lit/ because theory threads were getting deleted on /lit/…fuck i miss that
Christopher Scott
Daily reminder that leftypol is LITERALLY the same eight 17-21 year old kids masturbating/LARPing over revolutions and capitalism based on 1800s utopian economic theories heavily tied to a mainly agricultural and early industrial economy written by a LITERAL semetic armchair anthropologist.
It's fucking astounding that the entire developed world shifted to a 110% corporatist framework owned by central banks decades ago and you still have these dumb nobodies signaling about "capitalism". Also, their memes are not funny at all. Pathetic.
Liam Butler
Not a surprise at all. Central banks were the ones who financed the revolution in Russia, mainly through Germany. Sanders himself is a busy person. After stealing $220+ million in campaign money, he afterwards quickly released a book on his name to suck even more money as long as the fame lasts. It's really nasty what they did to the kids by convincing them to take loans and donate that money to his campaign. I think it worked out so great because they are infantile and naive. Many of them are simply toxic
During his early campaign I saw a room full of disabled people with pink and blue colored hair who are voting for a communist. This made me kind of think: "what the hell, don't you know that once in power, communists get rid of the disabled people first?" I think this perfectly explains the communists. They are completely disconnected to reality.
Easton Kelly
Good lads, I'm proud of you, all of you.
Matthew Campbell
Google and Facebook have the most valuable resource known to man
Your information
They asserted themselves as the platform for contracting "influencers" on behalf of other information companies with no real world value. You are right though that they are a massive tax fraud.
Google holds onto YouTube for one very big reason, and that reason is to keep their tax brackets low while they make millions selling into to advertisers. This isn't even counting the hundreds of shell companies they contract overseas in tax havens in third world shitholes to do their dirty work. Globalism was a big mistake
Kayden Carter
/leftpol/ was created because people were sick of the retarded shit the tranny BO kept doing.
/leftyweebpol/ was created as an equivalent to /weebpol/ because the redditors on Holla Forums find anime offensive.
Noah Cooper
Jim himself has come out and said that Holla Forums uses bots.
Jordan White
That isn't proof. Jim is an incompetent moron and I don't trust a word he says.
I don't think anyone on Holla Forums is actually smart enough to make a bot which could pass for human. I haven't seen any obviously automated posts on their either. Half of them are unironic anarcho-primitivists.
Jayden Morris
>/leftyweebpol/ was created as an equivalent to /weebpol/ because the redditors goons on Holla Forums find anime offensive.
They're goons, user.
Wyatt Wilson
Nobody is trusting jim and no body ever did but it's still interesting how you get angry and pick up jim as a scapegoat because your board got exposed Perhaps you don't know how bots work and it's possible to set them up manually to bypass captcha for each IP which is valid for a whole day. A bot can artificially create a scripted thread with " many people" talking and replying to each other. This thread will be obviously joined by some real people too so it becomes impossible to distinguish real posts form artificial posts as there will be real human replies.
I start thinking you are trying to mislead us. Perhaps you have fallen for one of their scripted threads and now you can't admit to yourself you were dumb enough to reply to bot posts. This is why you call them stupid to convince yourself you aren't stupid yourself. there is also the great possibility you are from Holla Forums and you are doing damage control
I did.
Kevin Garcia
Holla Forums is anti-worker, as international corporations support everything they advocate, which is breaking down traditional family values, traditions, religion and racial pride.
Once you take away the concept of "the greater good", you are left with depressed individualist hedonists.
You cannot force people together, it is against human biology.
Michael Jenkins
Andrew Reed
Hunter Stewart
Brandon Richardson
I remember back they were anti israel but they changed their mind for some reason.
Christopher Davis
poleddit exists because they threw a fit and split away from Holla Forums because hey can't handle bants for shit and now they've sworn a solemn vow to ruin all of the other boards because that'll totally show everyone that Holla Forums is in the wrong or something
Gavin Cooper
bumping thred
Charles Torres
they are trying hard to slide this
Lucas Jones
shills are sliding this off the catallg
Christopher Williams
Who is surprised that leftists are fucking retards?
Fucking kek'd to myself.
Jordan Rivera
To be fair i hardly think defending stalin and gulags are politically correct things to do, but retarded yes.
Hunter Jones
why is it that you faggots always blame others for your inability to compete?
Robert Edwards
They are pushing this openly on college. I would have not believed if I wouldn't have seen it myself.
Kevin White
"PC" comes directly from the left this is a fact.
Levi Gomez
There is like 10 threads about Holla Forums here. Is this the Holla Forums meta board now? If you have a question just go and ask them. They are right over there.
Brody Smith
Kevin Hall
A meme is by traditional definition a contagious thought. A mind-virus, if you will. Quite ironically some of these fellows completely unironically regurgitate that "the left cant meme" while at the same having "the left" as the only thing they can think, talk and rant about. Has Holla Forums been completely and utterly out-played for all time in memetics? Looks fockin' likely.