I decided to check out Sinfest to see if he pulls a John Oliver with 2016. I wasn't impressed so I went back to the election day and the ongoing story shift to a 9/11.
Post-Trump Salt
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Is tatsuya even japanese? or is he just korean with a japanese artistic name? Or a white guy with a japanese artistic name.
Maybe he's Japanese American or something.
Probably. Anyway, I guess he still writes shit? Is he butthurt Trump won?
I honestly don't know. He is the typical brainwashed leftist cartoonists but maybe he has taken it a lot better then others. He managed to lay off his feminist bullshit to make an entire arc demonizing America.
Implying one isn't related with the other.
Was this in the early 2000's or just recently?
Feminism in the current year is about hating Western values and excusing Islam.
America… Western values… Terrorists just think they are the same.
Whoever drew that in an attempt to villainize them has backfired horribly because it just makes them look badass. Who's the hot chick in the back?
Implying they are not the heroes we need.
I think the chick in the back is Hillary, and the forefront characters are standing on the gigantic pile of money she wasted trying to win the election.
Doubt that's what the artist was going for but it looks pretty obvious to me.
I think the artist added the "TRUMP" belt last when they realized the character actually looked more like Hillary.
what is he even trying to say with this comic?
You'd have to be pretty desperate for salt if you're going to Tatsuya for it. His comics are abstract art at this point.
Believe it or not, this is Kim Kardashian's mom.
And just so you guys know the artist's name is Arthur Adams.
Tatsuya should get a helicopter ride.
Sinfest is still going?
Not the Arthur Adams?
A nice effort, but it could be better. The goal is to make him look like the God Emperor of mankind. Come on, lefties! You aren't even trying!
What the fuck is even happening here?
I'm assuming the green haired chick is Liberty, and for some reason short circuit's a fucking top hat that causes uncle Sam to aloha snackbar
then as Death is about to 86 2016, devil comes in and gives current year horns
then current year is in uncle sam's voltron knockoff and accidentally initiates a self destruct BECAUSE EVERYTHING MECHANICAL NEEDS A SELF DESTRUCT BUTTON
uncle sam is like "your ass is grass old man, hasta la vista baby"
then the zogbot explodes with current year still inside
It means 2016 was the worst and we should feel glad it died, unaware that 2017 is going to be pretty fun.
Sounds like bullshit but whatever.
Man this shit is like the epitome of 2deep4u.
Is it just me or does Trump look like Granny Goodness in that pic?
Im surprised no did an edit yet
Freedom was attacked by the state this caused the US to go mad and lose control. 2016 became a devil of a year and died along with the symbol of America's strength.
It's not hard to understand if you don't have your head crammed up drumpf's ass.
Why start at 2016 though? You could argue this shit began after 9/11. Hell you can go even further and say this shit started after WW2 and say that FDR was responsible for creating the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us of.
Can I get the one where the Crewniverse are crying when he wins.
Guys, I can only recognize Trump and Putin in the pic, who are the rest of them?
martin shkrelli is on the goblin glider. I don't know the other two though.
I love that the media is still assblasted about Shkreli even though they were the ones who misreported on his actions and made him look like an asshole.
The old man behind Trump is some FIFA executive that got caught laundering money or some shit back in 2015. The woman in the background is Kim Kardashian's mom, which is puzzling on can she be lumped together to all people that libshits hate so much.
Because we were finally starting to get our shit together. We had a black president, the general public was forward looking and progressive, people were standing up against the corrupt and entrenched white supremacy in police forces. The drumpf pops up with his siren song blaming all the poor little white folks problems on those dang dirty minorities. And the media jumps on his bandwagon and acts like the perfect strawman to set him up as some outsider implicitly supporting his campaign and ensuring that it wouldn't just disappear like it was supposed to. Everything went mad in 2016 and diversity, the symbol of America's strength, became corrupted by the way the drumpfkins manipulated the facts regarding BLM to make them look like violent thugs causing diversity to self destruct.
I know you people read way to many comics, but you could at least try to understand the story they are telling without Bendis tier dialog repeating a simplified explanation over and over again until it gets through your thick skulls.
Man you're really going out with this bait tonight.
It's probably that one fag from Holla Forums.
Just post as TruthSeeker or something, it might trigger him.
Well now its obvious that its him, probably posting without a name because it got him banned and he doesn't want to lose another VPN.
Is that suppose to be Milo in he back flying?
No, that guy that raised the price of AIDS medicine around 100%.
Martin Shkrelli.
The bait is strong with this one.
Your dedication to trolling is impressive, for the current year.
Read these in Ed Asner's voice
Trump's victory wasn't owed to the right, it was entirely owed to the left that demonized and ostracized those who weren't on their side. For all the flaws that the right has, they were the only individuals who were willing open-minded to hearing the perspective of others. Including the "white trash" working class that you denounce despite you supposedly loving the impoverished. That's not even including the numerous lies that the press told about him.
Continue to do what you're doing so that we can get a guaranteed 8 years.
Anyone got the mordak trump manga? Is that shit going to get another issue?
Didnt hillary lost because they didnt go for bernie and the democrats not voting? And burgers voting for the lesser evil?
Has there been a post election ms marvel reaction yet?
Well since they released their comic telling people to get out and vote nearly a month late it should be due some time in march.
Yes that too.
Well it is unclear if it was Bernie getting screwed or Bernie being a part of Hillary's plan. Either way it didn't quite work out for her the way she would have wanted. Meanwhile Trump built up a strange coalition of rural people, ZeroHedgers, Holla Forums denizens and blue collar workers along with most standard Republican voters from all sectors. I don't know if Bernie would have won or not, but Hillary had no chance to win even with massive voter fraud. Even the fraud machine in places like Milwaukee or Philly wasn't enough to override the rest of the states they were in for a change.
I think Bernie only came into her plan later. Initially I think he ran on his own until Hillary screwed him over and forced him to back her up.
Also, didn't ZeroHedge was that popular now.
didn't know
Well he did buy himself a brand new summer house after the election
This much salt is bad for me, but it's oh so delicious.
I apologize for earlier. I didn't give you enough credit.
True dubs that is true.
Let's see how are they going to be when they are banned to any official meeting or even fucked up by the 'fake news' laws Obama is trying to push.
what the fuck are you talking about? Sinfest ended abruptly in late 2011, and I was sad to see it go, but it's over now. Who drew that crap?
If you have trips you must be telling the truth.
I also like to lie to myself, user ;_;
Oh boy!
Anything that upsets Racheal Maddow makes me very happy.
Hello again, 2004.
It's been a long time.
Well at least the anti-war left will come back now after being silent on Obama drone striking civillians and continuing to meddle in the Middle East making it worse. For the record I don't like Bush either.
Keep posting, I need more salt for my freedom fries.
I hated Bush, love Trump and I don't think it's just because I'm older and wiser.
Maybe its the foreign policy? Honestly I can't tell until he steps into the white house.
Are these elfs that prevalent? I keep hearing people talking about them but I've never seen them.
Somehow i doubt that, they really seem to have a hard on for a second cold war
That's what gets me the most about this never ending salt storm.
The fucker hasn't even gotten into office and he's already gotten more flak than Bush ever did.
Imagine the what the first year is going to bring.
The fact that Trump is despised by the powers that be while Bush was one of them is part of it. I certainly hope Trump's foreign policy won't be imperial adventurism.
Well that's going to depend on whether he's actually going to turn out to be the tyrant so many people are convinced he's going to be.
It would certainly be entertaining to watch the greatest saltstorm of our time turn into the greatest backpedal routine ever.
At this point, I'd welcome a tyrant if he managed to turn back the tide of shit we're dealing with.
Is the author of the first pic dumb? He never started the whole "fake news" thing
That's never going to happen, but watch how the left and the media blow out if propotion everything he does so they can cry for the next 8 years how they put literal Hitler in the white house. Hell, they are already doing it and america isn't even under his goverment yet.
It's just combining "The Emperor's New Clothes" with the alt-right use of "lugenpresse." Where it fails is in pretending that the press exposed Trump as false in some way.
Get the fuck out of my country
Losers don't get to make demands.
All Americans get to demand freedom. Now get the fuck out. Maybe Putin will put you up at his place if you keep shilling.
It would be pretty hard for him to be even half the tyrant king nigger was when even half of his own party fucking hates him and most likely won't allow him to get away with executive orders without some form of struggle.
I thought the point of executive orders was it could bypass congress.
Daily Reminder that TruthSeeker won the meme war and Sudocuck can't do anything about it but cry and cry
Get your head out of your ass
t. neutral non-american
Blatant fearmongering on the part of the left, who are built on exaggeration and overreaction. Trump's not going to march right wing death squads down the streets of LA, rounding up every brown skinned faggot he sees and putting them in POZ camps. He's going to tighten immigration laws, OH BOO HOO I CAN'T ENTER THE US ILLEGALLY ANYMORE FUCK YOU MY SPIC ASS DESERVES TO TAKE UP YOUR SPACE AND RESOURCES WAH WAH! keep us from getting fucked up the ass by muslims, Just like ninety percent of Europe and probably save a few American jobs along the way. Even if he only manages to do, like, a third of that then he's a pretty solid president, unlike King Nigger, who fucked things up royally to such a degree that even I, a hardcore liberal at the time, could no longer defend him.
He'll also probably do well to help stabilize our relationship with Russia, which is a good thing. We can all agree, no matter your opinion on Putin, that Hillary would have undoubtedly sent us spiraling into a nuclear holocaust due to her Russian boogeyman. As a man who cannot afford a nuclear bunker, I'm happy to avoid such an event.
That's cuck talk there, sir. No real American should ever welcome a tyrant, we water the tree of liberty with their blood, for fuck's sake.
Maybe it's because I jerked off, but what do these comics have to do with the elections?
Either would've been under a rock or the entire time or you're just stupid
I thought that elf was Obama until I saw the Putin label because of course political cartoonists don't know how to draw.
Could be both
What does that jap care isn't he a neet?
or maybe his sjw handler is making him a trannies and Election Day filled him with impotent fag rage probably not though
That's actually pretty pimp, would be better is the fag didn't demonized trumps face so much
You know it, shemale.
I heard he's a sex negative feminist or something.
Is this actually what people believe?
Please stop, this isn't even funny.
I remembered that he keeps doing this Old Year baby being killed thing so I was hoping something like this (3).
[citation needed]
Spoken like a true American. I understand your pain, I too was a foolish young man and voted for Obama, a decision that I regret to this day.
I would like to see an instance where AllLivesMatter mob actually beaten up the BLM crowd.
Is there a No Lives Matter movement? Because I'd totally be into that.
Maybe we could just beat each other up.
Only in a tongue and cheek manner. Its not taken seriously, but it doesn't attract the same amount of vitriol as AllLivesMatter.
Not freedom of association or freedom from religion, according to the left.
Feels bad man.
That second image you posted is genuinely funny.
Well they've spent the last few months being crazy hawks so I doubt they'll go all in on the peacenik thing. They'll probably end up at some crazy compromise position where they complain about Trump bombing ISIS instead of Putin.
I think I saw Salon already doing that.
They're far and in between
The second one is pretty old by now
Lol, Chris-Chan only refers to him as PMURT, as spelling your name backwards is the ultimate autistic insult, and some kind of voodoo magic, apparently.
Think that nahc-sirhc will have the same effect on him?
This is less post-election salt than it is post-election sad, but Strong Female Protagonist wasn't strong enough to draw the scheduled comic page three days after the election.
Isn't it funny how Nahc-sirhc was flaming gay, and now Chris-chan is a tranny, but still hates gays, and still insists that there are fifty-seven genders?
No u.
57? I thiught it was a hundred.
Yet she can sell her commision art.
I sexually identify as an attack helicopter.
I thought those were the unknown from pokemon.
Now they're purposed.
What the hell is that?
A webcomic.
How recent are these?
Chainsawsuit was always a poor man's Channelate. But when gamergate happened he went flat out sjw white knight.
There was more evidence behind Pizzagate than the entire "Russian hack".
Also, it's a little bit sad how people immediately forgot about everyone coming out of the woodwork to talk about how the election cannot be rigged right up until Trump won.
Its no use, leftists will always consider themselves the underdogs or in disadvantage everytime. Why do you think in TFA they made the First Order (which is a remnant of the old regime) fight against the Resistence, despite the Republic being restored an them being considered the new establishment?
Absolutely disgusting.
I sexually identify as a Dalek.
Really, the most fair political cartoon would be both of them sitting in boats labeled "the media" and "the people" respectively.
Yeah, keep calling everyone who doesn't share your opinion a bigot. It's worked out so well up to this point hasn't it? And I sure do remember the riots after Obama was elected.
Also, what is with the lefts obsession with the KKK? They seem to seriously think it's some sort of huge organization that manipulates politics behind the scenes. While they may have been a major player in the past, they're a joke these days. It's a few thousand loosely affiliated clowns who dress in stupid costumes, call each other silly titles and burn crosses in the woods once a month. They're so pathetic even halfchan managed to intimidate them. And people also seem to forget that they also supported Obama over Hillary in 08(even they weren't delusional enough to think McCain had a chance). I believe their reason was(paraphrasing here) "better a nigger than that crazy bitch".
yup. It's hillary supporters vs the KKK, Nazis, rich people bearing arms. and your cis white male
Because they have a need to portray their opposition as Pure Literal Evil so that they have an easier time convincing everyone that they're the only possible reasonable alternative. Towards that end, every single time that they can, they rush out and put cameras on the KKK or neo-Nazis or whatever else comes across as horrible on tweets and articles and TV with the subtitle, "THIS. THIS IS WHO THEY ARE. IF YOU ARE A GOOD PERSON YOU HAVE LITERALLY NO CHOICE BUT TO GO WITH US INSTEAD."
The fact that they always manage to find the scary-looking openly-violent people on camera instead of the average heartland voter of suburbia convinces their readers/viewers that it must basically be ALL (or at least most) evil racists/sexists on the other side and anything's justifiable to stop them.
Isn't that the completely sociopathic self insert comic about a insane superhero that kidnaps and tortures people that don't swallow the sjw koolaid?
Does he think that he is Mr Mxyzptlk
One of them, at least.
I don't see how indiscriminately drone bombing middle eastern children will be helpful Barry.
What is the joke here?
they are both making the same image just using different tools.
It's an attempt to say that Trump is a child/immature.
Its funny how liberals used to praise them then they turned on wikileaks once they revealed dirt on the Democrats. Its even funnier when they say wikileaks hacked the DNC since they don't hack anything. They just release info that people give them.
It's weird to feel this much cringe over political discourse. The mud-slinging is usually bad enough, but this was an election where the most potent weapons the left could muster were grade school tier insults and wordplay based on Trump's name, aside from the usual everyone I hate is Hitler rhetoric.
They were so desperate that they went and betrayed one of the central pillars of their ass-backwards ideology by making numerous false rape accusations. All that chest pounding and soapboxing about how no woman would ever betray feminism by belittling the most serious and dire crime of rape and sexual molestation by lying about it.. and they went and rallied behind a few dozen retarded cunts who did exactly that.
Wait, we're supposed to hate the guy who says no to people who think they're hot shit?
It seems to be shitting on Obama more.
Why are political cartoons so fucking bad these days?
Wait, this needs its own topic, BRB.
Pay notice to this user.
Literally fucking bullied someone all while with a blank expression in their face. It shows their true nature.
A competent writer would have made that bitch get in so much trouble for forcing someone do whatever she wanted because she doesn't believe in consequences, but we are talking about SJWs here.
If I had money I would even comission having the sitty teen team paying the consequences of being terrorists.
"Strong Female Protagonist" but the artist makes no effort to draw her in a feminine way whatsoever. Maybe it's to stop the rule 34?
She's ugly, is what I'm saying.
Wow, I didn't even know the one doing the interrogation was suppose to be a woman.
Is she established to be a weightlifter or a martial artist, or does her strength flow from the courage of her convictions? Because he'd have to be a leukaemia patient or about 8 or 9 years old for a woman, even a tomboy jockette, to hold him down and bang his head against the table like that.
Ugh, this is more of that whole thing with the character shields protecting author mouthpieces from the consequences of their actions in a universe that wasn't written to support their filibusters.
Just like Jonesy, Chris-Chan, and Mockingbird, they could be the villain of another story without changing their actions.
America is the fucking internet now.
It might have been more believable if they drew it a different way. But one arm on his head is stronger than his whole body? Really…?
Imagine Trump shitposting on imageboards. Or better yet, imagine any president discovering imageboards. Yes, you can go as far as George Washington himself.
Wew lad.
Her super powers are listed as "super-strength, invincibility and a crippling sense of social injustice." So she just ignores weight ratios because magic-science.
So, all the powers needed to just being a sociopath and the perfect avatar of the artist.
Go figure.
Not really. If we're gonna criticize it let's be be fair, she's not yet a true psychopath, but she could head down that path. At worst she's a melancholy whiner who'd rather complain about the state of the world than actually do something, and she did force that guy to use his superpowers against his will, but she's feeling bad about that (though who knows if she'll be given a magical explanation that excuses her.)
Is there anything more thin-skinned than a whiny, bootlicking trumpcuck?
I'd say they've got to stop this shit, but they never learn. All they're accomplishing is to undermine American legitimacy (you know, that argument they all made when they though it would be Trump conceding). The exact same thing happened during Bush v. Gore. They ran around screaming that Bush was a corrupt idiot and that American democracy was a sham.
I vividly remember a Putin press conference from the time. He had just pulled off a rather transparent ploy. The Russian constitution prevents someone from serving as President for too many consecutive terms. So he installed his client Medvedev as president and took the Prime Minister position for himself until he could officially run for president again. It wasn't exactly a big secret what he was doing. But when an American reporter challenged him on it he quoted Hillary Clinton and inferred that Americans were in no position to judge Russian democracy.
This shit can't go on.
trumpcuck, trumpcuck, wheres your buck?
In my bank account, something you'd have if you could land a job.
Democracy/Republicanism, forever a shit.
The page after all this really just solidifies everything here.
Uh… is this comic self aware then?
Of course not, don't be retarded.
Is just fucking ironic she just got the points the oposition holds and even become more of a dick because of that, then drowning her sorrows in fat and alcohol like all feminists do.
Hey, don't drag hamburgers into this.
I will if they come from a fast food chain.
I think it's a case of the author "pretending to get the point in an effort to make the character seem conflicted" but then nothing comes out of it.
Didn't someone suggested once to have the congresswoman mother of the buffer boy go after that bitch and her friends for exposing her son into unnecessary danger?
But user, that would mean that a female protagonist would have to face the consequences of her actions. And you can't have that in a progressive webcomic.
What's she asking him to do?
True, true.
So, her lesbian feral girlfriend is now a living organ bank who can be harvested forever, right? thanks to her buffed healing factor.
Getting someone with the most useful yet dangerous superpower of all, increasing the powerlevel of the mutant power of others to absurd levels, and forcing him to use it to her lesbian girlfriend who has a healing factor, even if that means exposing himself to any superpowered hero or villain who wants to exploit him.
Assuming she doesn't balloon into a giant tumor, yeah. Or die within the next few months because the aggressive regeneration tears through the number of times her cells can replicate without severe degradation.
I always wondered. Doesn't healing hurt? The brain automatically disconnects and let you die if it recieves so much stress, but what would happen to someone with a healing factor and being unable to die even if you are in a eternity of constant pain?
>With absolutely NO emotion: "Because I'm stronger than you."
Do you even need to ask? Even Batman can deliver a better rebuttal on his broodiest of days without saying a word?
Maybe he'll join whatever bad guys there are in return for protection from those heroes.
Cognitive disassociation would be the most likely outcome. You'd essentially become a vegetable as your mind severs itself from the body to escape the constant pain of incisions, removals, regrowths, and so on.
Not to mention the sheer amount of drugs it would take to keep someone out cold during a procedure where their health factor could now heal most incisions nigh-instantly, as one would normally expect a power boost to do.
Can you imagine the irony of that? Goes to the effort of kidnapping and assaulting this person to jank up her lesbian partner's power level, only to have it work so well that she can't even be operated on anymore since her wounds close up as soon as they're made?
Hm… So you basically become a sponge.
Also, if you cut the head what does it regenerate? the head or the body? maybe both?
Maybe even losing the sense of touch and being unable to feel pleasure in exchange of no feeling any pain. If the body can't be harmed there is no sense in keeping any sense of reward and punishment in an inmortal body.
I'm pretty sure it would grow from whichever is larger. Otherwise you'd get a "The Thing" scenario, and that's just be bad for everyone involved.
But, with the powers jacked up to Maximum, it's not outside the realm of possibility.
Or it wouldn't be, if the author actually took things to their logical extremes.
At least doubles give you the win.
I honestly wish the guy could have kept saying no and then just have been killed by her. Or alternatively this leads her down the path to being a villain.
Wasn't she buying that for her friend who has super regenerative powers (and was donating multiple organs because of it) who is in the hospital and NOT for herself?
I vaguely remember people saying something about that. Can't put my finger on it though…
This is amazing, this writer has finally made a "for the greater good" character utterly detestable. There are villains who have done far worse for far less that I still manage to find likable. But she does this to help other people and I still want to see her de-powered and shoved face first into a running woodchipper.
I legit jerked off to this. Is there something wrong with me?
Not being picky about what you fap to is like the opposite of being a fetishist so i guess it's healthy?
So, what would she have done if he did nothing at all? What if he just sat there, floated there, in her arms the whole time?
Of leads him down the path of being a super villain and possibly one with official government sanction. He now has a good reason to hate and fear vigilante supers and a senator mother who could easily sponsor an Iron Man style registration act.
If only he had a brother who could do the reverse and weaken or depower someone for revenge.
Shouldn't it be legs first?
Unintentionally or not, this is a good look into the mindset of SJW's. As soon as they get even a tiny bit of power they'll use it to force anyone they can fall in line. Just look at any forum where an SJW was made a mod. It takes less than a day for the number of bans to skyrocket.
SJW logic is not complicated, it's:
That's why they always use fear to get what they want. Because why try to reason with evil?
I hate this character but something bugs me about the way the character is supposed to be portrayed as "Struggling with the responsibility".
Like "SEE She drinks to cope".
I can't put my finger on why this bothers me so much even though theoretically this could make for a compelling (Flawed) character.
So they are wannabe tyrants?
More like people that see in black-and-white.
It's because it's meant to garner audience sympathy and thus completely forgiving the character of whatever fault or failure without the writer ever having to address those negative traits in any way. I fucking HATE that shit too.
Law and Order is terrible for that kind of thing. I can't tell you how many times they had one or the detectives screw up someones life because of bad evidence or bad intuition but at the very end they have the officer looking sad and misty eyed. Because they fell "bad" about it you as an audience member are suppose to forgive their rank incompetence at their job. Same thing when Quagmire dressed down Brian. It hurt Brian's feelings so you're suppose to give him a pass at his shittiness.
Is this the comic where all the superheroes with game-changing powers were mysteriously killed minutes after gaining their powers, so the protagonists can never do anything – someone much more powerful has always been in charge?
Don't read it.
Holy shit that's exactly it. Its a character arc that needs to happen but is avoided with misty eyes.
Like she becomes directly under the control of some other force that force her to do what THEY want for the greater good, so "Holy shit I am a bitch!".
Honestly, I think of Korra when this thing happens.
I don't, personally, but I was reading a webcomic thread on a forum elsewhere at the time, and it being a non-comic for the day was mentioned and got all the upvotes and sympathy from people still too depressed to leave their houses yet.
The weak should fear the strong
I read the next few pages of the shit-show that is Strong Female Protagonist.
Do you expect consequences? HAHA fuck that. She gets mildly sad and her super cool ethnic scarred (donut steal) mentor / professor starts spouting some Philosophy 101 and that's probably going to make here feel all better.
Go figure since it's SJW writing and they don't actually understand consequences or reality. It's all dogma and moral relativism to them.
I'll agree with that, homemade burgers far outclass McDonald's burgers, if you do 'em right.
Does anyone have the Steven Universe looking comic about the androgynous queers literally-shaking after Trump wins?
I had this thought in Justice League: The New Frontier. Everyone I spoke with said Wonder Woman was fine to do what she wanted since "she was doing good" and that means she can strongarm whoever she wants.
I always wanted to see what would happen if a stronger guy showed up and did what he wanted. I'd like to see a story with a villain/individual the heroes simply cannot defeat/destroy/move, and how they cope with having to let him do what he pleases.
yes i agree
especially if 'what he pleases' involves wonder woman deepthroating his cock until she learns some humility
Moral absolutism always leads to this kind and shit, but even philosopher never expected that we could have global media organizations carefully cultivating a horde of useful idiots who would enforce the moral absolutes of special interests.
Even within smaller organizations like BLM, the majority of people participating don't seem to realize that the people sitting at the top of their shit-heap are all demanding money, authority, social power, and so on. One of the cunts who got on stage and screamed at Bernie Sanders started some White Guilt reparations service where you send black people money and they will tell you ways that you can give black people more money so you can be a real ally.
I find it funny that they were totally expecting that Trump's side would fucking riot, but they had also failed to be gracious losers about any of this shit.
"Sweetheart." I mentioned this on Holla Forums but it bears repeating, here: any time a feminist resorts to dear, sweetie, darling, or any other false terms of endearment, it means you've triggered her beyond all belief.
We would have. We were also laughing our asses off knowing that if we won, the SJWs were going to be too hamstrung by their own feels and insecurities to do anything other than write furious editorials and draw pathetic strawman cartoons.
Didn't she claim that she should be given a medal ever day she doesn't commit genocide?
Not only they did all that shit, but they showed they weren't so much better in losing with grace. Throwing a riot towards a election just because their side didn't win, trying to abolish the electoral college despite it being rigged in their advantage (the state with most electoral votes is libshit haven California). Honestly, I felt so smug at the humble pie they were force fed this election, for three straight weeks and I am not even American but a HUE monkey.
I think
That'd be great, though not a villain, but an anti hero.
I think that was the magical thing of this election, even if you weren't american you still could feel the butthurt of it.
Get ready to watch for the next 4 years how the bitch about every single thing that Trump does, while with Obama they didn't even blink an eye
B-but if we revealed our evidence behind the Russian superhackers we'd be giving away how we got the information!
J-just trust us Goyim, we've got irrevocable proof! Now if you don't mind I have to go spend some quality time with these friendly little girls at this pizza parlor…
lsn't this rape?
No you silly drumpfcuckletchinno, men can't get raped ever.
They've made 8 years into a much more plausible scenario with with their apocalyptic warnings and panic, too. All he's got to do is be at least halfway passable to hold onto his original voters and gain a small chunk of "Huh, everybody convinced me this would be The End of Life four years ago but this actually didn't turn out so bad at all" voters from the other side.
I really like this young uncle sam design. It's a really good design. People aught to make more with it.
Don't forget that the Dems are fully intent to double down on their KILL WHITEY rhetoric.
Sorry for /a/ but I really wanted to make this
I have to wonder when are they going to start worrying about PR? Because they ain't winning any hearts and minds with this psychotic rethoric. Even trying to put it into other people's minds that the Chicago torture vid harms BLM's image greatly, but absolutely nothing can make them break rank and condemn the attack for political reasons.
Figured out how to disable or kill her. She isn't resistant to poison.
I really want comics to go back to heroes who took themselves serious, but were still able to laugh at themselves.
It doesn't help that they're clamoring around Cory Booker.
Goldang, THAT is some salt.
I really want superheroes to stop advertising themselves as some flavor of asshole.
So Knock out gas? I do remember some comics bring up how Alcohol doesn't affect certain invulnerable meta humans. This is just a lazy attempt to humanize the character like said
The Left has refused to admit the flaws of its heuristics and lost an election that they really shouldn't have (I meant in the odds were at their favor way). I haven't heard a mainstream organization condemn BLM minus Fox News (controlled opposition). I can't think of any other demographic so pro-crime and so pro-general thuggery as Black people. They basically worship these self destructive behaviors and mentalities.
>>>Holla Forums609877
And they will never admit that they are wrong and that is why they are ensuring the right's rise all over the world. It will take a monumental fuck up that will push people into the left's arms again, which is unlikely to happen. The media is so throughtly discredited that if a genuine scandal involving Trump were to happen, the people wouldn't care as they would brush it off as another character assassination that backfired like
Every day I'm glad they're losing their grip and people who matter are starting to see sense.
Lets set protesters with peace plaques against the Dark Lord Trump and his demonic army from the Abyss. What could possibly go wrong?
Reality hasn't even set in for them because they still act like they are in charge.
I'm sort of reminded about Nintendo, and how the gaming press generally treats them.
The only real outcome that should happen.
I'm surprised there's no robot from the anti-Trump side like from that zenpencils comic.
It's more notable that there isn't a single white person on the anti-Trump side. Of course, for all the hijabs, there aren't any Muslim men either. Wouldn't want people being scared of "diversity".
Nice, kinda wish to see something similar but with Skitter, especially since the so called hero is exactly the kind of person that pic related hates the most.
Yeah, that's always annoying. At least Worm did a good job at making sure Taylor faced consequences for her actions, she was still sympathetic most of the time too.
On the page after that it turns out the bourbon isn't even for her. WHAT A TWIST
So, she really is a psycho. Alright, why can't any Westerners make a series where we are not suppose to relate with the insane person?
I heard that Holla Forums was trying to take over all other boards.
Can someone explain what the fuck is going on and bad is it on Holla Forums?
There's no market, there are comic where you follow s insane girl on a mission but they never last more than a couple issues.
Holla Forums has been trying that for months, but more recently its been a couple goons from Holla Forums thats been trying to raid Holla Forums after we called them out on their bullshit, they even made a meta thread about it to cry, hell even Holla Forums somehow got dragged and and started to laugh at them. So a lot of shitposting is probably from them especially if they namefage as truthseeker. Jusr spam the report button until the mods do anything.
My Contribution
Holla Forums blames everything on Holla Forums, Reddit and Something Awful, Holla Forums blames everything on Holla Forums, accept any cries of subversion with a molecule of salt because Holla Forums is just as subversive in its own way as Holla Forums and any of their other boogeymen.
But this time it really is a couple Holla Forums shitposters sperging out as mentions, so keep your eyes peeled for that Truthseeker tell.
I hightly doubt Holla Forums would care for a board like this, ive seen that they have their own Holla Forums threads there and in all honestly coming to Holla Forums isn't really strategically important because they already right us off
Just another autism storm that Holla Forums gets from time to time. Pay it no mind.
I'm going to use these as ancient runes for my DND campaign and see if the SJW in the group recognizes it.
He probably will. He's convinced he's "asexual" because he's fat, never showers, and is and a virgin. Also we know he's lying because he's been caught jacking off like 5 times in the past
They'll probably just think you're ripping off the unowns and say they forgot to buy any pokeballs before leaving town or some shit.
I don't this is how asexuality works.
I wouldn't mind the Trump fear if it wasn't the Obama Dicksucking.
I always thought the left considered preppers to be tinfoil hat nutters to be laughed at?
Say it ain't so!
Holla Forums loves comics and cartoons.
holy shit, I fucking love those jimmy neutron redpill pics. Got any more?
The left is so fucking blind that they STILL blame people other than themselves for "creating" Trump
They still don't get it at all :^)
I have one
They have become absolutely everything they have been saying their enemies are for the past decade.
Yeah exactly. He's never been laid because he's the type of guy to jerk off in a dorm bathroom, and he's just convinced himself he doesn't actually want to get laid instead.
I have to wonder how many webcomics will do the SOPA thing and temporary blackout their pages in protest starting in 12 hours 25 minutes 30 seconds.
The left always was what they accused their enemies of, it was all projection nothing more.
The proper way to know how to do the job is to get elected to the Senate, spend two years there, then declare for presidency.
wait, what? I'm surprised they haven't run out of "-isms" yet.
Not until they tire of ismism.
Nativism basically means protecting natives' interests in their own countries.
But that's completely reasonable. In fact, it makes more sense to focus on the people that are already here instead of bringing in a bunch of refugees. We've already got enough problems, bringing in more people is not a solution to them.
The way he draws himself looks like a huge sissy, so he is probably Hapa, probably korean.
and /a/ is wither trying to take over Holla Forums or just really enjoys mocking the cartoon half of the board.
But, you don't understand. They're living the hard life in war torn countries, meanwhile you're just sitting on your ass posting on a niche imageboard. What if one of those innovent souls is the next Hemingway/Isabella/Tesla/Lincoln/Einstein/Reagan? Also, what about all the innocent children who are being sent into crowds and being blown to bits? We have to save them. 😉
It's like she doesn't know that men are on average 50% stronger than women.
Couldn't you prevent that by getting rid of the welfare state?
What an insightful and accurate description of our democratic republic.
You fucking deserve it. I have my own logical reservations about Trump as I would about any president, but just GOD. Just fucking KILL YOURSELF already. You spend all your fucking time constructing this HELL for yourself, so fucking BURN in it.
But that fucking Obama cocksucking. He could honestly murder a black disabled orphan and rip open its neck and drink its blood and people would celebrate.
I went to upload something to Imgur earlier in the week, right after his farewell speech or whatever, and basically the entire front page of the site was covered in upvoted sappy "Thank you for your service" tributes to both of 'em. People were actually getting teary-eyed over Biden getting a participation medal.
Have at you.