Bigot Drumbf is trying to ruin life of a brave, funny and beautiful comedian forever.
Bigot Drumbf is trying to ruin life of a brave, funny and beautiful comedian forever
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nb4 dribbled druppolds
sdey kugd druppy guppies
She snapped because of all those sex dreams with him.
Drumpfcucks are disgusting
her tears nourish me tbh
deers ub laffder at ur babby pumbgin in a wig noorish u?
quggd 2 the lasd rnt u druppold?
Would face fuck and slap around while she cries.
Needs blond pubes tbh, then it'd be bretty gud
she's so hot
And them humiliate her about her wrinkles and age.
-wait, why is face fucking associated with /Monster/?
yeah i thought only furshit was associated with that board
Hillary would have gotten old pretty fast. Trump was truly the lulz candidate.
nice, really enjoyed this one. feeling a strong 8 on it made me chuckle.
but Anthony only rates things on a scale of 5-1..?
Glad you understand.
no, i rate on a scale of 0 - yellow flannel
Yeah, that's how burger politics work, dumbass. It's so heavily rigged against third parties that it would take a third of the country voting for one to get anywhere, and at that point you'd be so close to civil war that it wouldn't matter.
I remember Norm Macdonald interviewed a comedian that had sex with her, and he said she kept asking to punch him in the face.
post it faggot
Let's victimize a child because you got a face full of consequence from the dipshittery you pulled.
Perpetrator playing the victim. What an absolutely malevolent caustic thundercunt.
she sounds jewish
As liberals have been fond of pointing out for the past eight years, the First Amendment only protects citizens from censorship by government agencies. A performer being fired by her private employer because they don't want to be associated with her problematic' speech is perfectly legal.
But that only applies to *them* not *us*, can't you see that?!?
It is a very strange phenomenon, user
Just about every famous femicunt under the sun got where they are today by turning into the victim at the drop of a hat, after spending weeks, months, or even years as the aggressor.
Shes Irish, her lawyer is jewish though.
Not the Norm clip, but it was Fred Stoller and he wrote a book about it.
consider this:
hate my mother though
You're a real sonofabitch, you know that?
getting real tired of you fags pretending to be libtards all day everyday
getting real tired of you niggers pretending to be withe nationalists all day
I called this months ago, I fucking knew that these fags were just SJW's in disguise. After all that impotent name calling we can finally see who the real cucks are, it's been less than a year and you have already taken off your masks…At least it took 8 years for the original SJW's to go full retard…Fuck the alt-right, fuck Trumpf and fuck anybody who agrees with ruining people's careers over jokes.
t. SJW
Take your medicine, you're having an episode.
Also this. Looks like the name calling was projection all along…Really makes you think…You at now aware that the alt-right are unironic cuckolds.
wasn't she in cisbusters?
dont try to associate yourself with the dubs emperor, drumpfdrone
The SJWs were the good guys all along.
menopausal cunt
Dumb cunt did that all on her own
t.Butthurt alt-righters who don't like hearing the truth
Are you aware that you have ruined this fun board with your political bullshit? GREAT WORK ASSHOLES! YOUR MEDAL IS ON IT'S WAY! I hope you fucking choke on it.
Trumpfcucks everybody! Point and laugh!
Interesting theory. I must admit I've had suspicions about this myself, it requires more research but I'm leaning towards the same conclusions that you are user.
No, they are just preferable to the rightards. They are "good" when compared to the alt-right if that's what you mean.
This guy gets it.
i love this guy. endless source of keks.
Ruin what?
He's a bore who made Holla Forums turn to shit a year ago.
And he's not BO
his oblivious retardation is funny.
Fuck you, you are either an ally or you are a piece of shit. There are people getting FUCKING MURDERED every day and even after it's waved in your FUCKING FACE you still can't fucking get it?? FUCK YOU! YOU ARE THE REASON WHY THESE PIECES OF SHIT STILL RUN THINGS!!
What she did isn't different from when people a few years ago would hang and burn dolls of Obama. What she did is a common form a politically incorrect protest toward the president.
That being said, the first amendment doesn't protect your ass from being fired over something your boss thinks brings bad press to his company so she got what was coming to her.
And you're a fascist that needs to get thrown into a blender with all the other fascists on this planet.
Feels real bad man.
do you spend every waking hour on this site lul
you must lead one sad existance
That's some small text.
The first amendment needs to be repealed. Drumpf would never have stolen the election without it. All the edgy neetsocs would be in jail like they deserve as well.
Except nobody did that. The press would have gone into a fucking fit.
The left started screaming about 'muh discourse' when Sarah Palin used crosshairs to mark important races. The left is like Jews; they cry out in pain as they strike you.
No it isn't. He's mentally ill and unfunny. He wanted to call the FBI on someone.
Get with the times grandpa. Why am i not surprised that a Trumpflet is behind on the latest technological leaps?
Nice try Holla Forumslard, now try again. It's you cucks that like to think in black and white.
He must do. Doesn't matter whether it's 6:00 AM, 6:00 PM, 12:00 AM or 12:00 PM, this faggot always finds a way to respond to a post sent his way within 2 - 3 hours at the very latest. I figure he's on that Ubermensch sleep cycle or whatever the fuck it's called where you sleep for 2 hour intervals every 5 hours or something.
That samefagging.
man, we own you
When are all the r/the donald redditors going to go back?
You do realize almost every political stance today drinks from the same ideological spring as facism right? "Together we are stronger" is the key idea behind facism. That is why the symbol of facism is a Fasces. One stick on its own is going to break over the someones head. A bunch of sticks bound together will break someones skull. Facism existed long before 1920s Italy, arguably way back into the days of the Romans.
Sorry but you are wrong. Pics related bubby.
A bundle of sticks is a faggot.
And a Fasces is the Latin terms for a bundle of sticks, coming from the word fascis meaning "bundle".
They're still only good for making a fire.
When we unite as a board and tell them all them to adapt to the board or fuck off, we need to do it soon before this place is fully cement as /poltv/ too. It would help if the mods didn't give these fucktards free reign to spout their venom…The time is near, this board is either OURS or THEIRS, it's time to take a stand before it is too late.
Inb4 you accidentally insult his "manliness" and he resorts to calling you a cuck.
Donald Trump? More like Dolan Drumpf?
This is our site. Fuck off.
Donald Trump? More like Ronald Flumpf!
I want every trump supporter on this board dead. No memeing. I would happily put a bullet in you and your families heads.
Who's that? You and your three headmates?
Donald Trump? More like Denal Harumpf!
Donald Trump? More like Roland Chumpf!
It is essentially the great great grandfather of the police baton. If you don't believe me, make one yourself with some sticks and twine and get a buddy to hit you with it. They are surprisingly effective.
lol no power
Edge-lord detected. Prove it faggot.
Give me your address.
Why are Trumploving cucklets such beta males? They are a fucking embarrassment…Imagine being associated wit vid related.
Home of the brave? More like home of the stupid, amirite?
What's happening to Kathy Griffin is equal to what happened to Gilbert Gottfried when he got kicked from being the Aflack Duck. It's just business as usual and there is nothing strange about it. Trying to point blame on a failed "joke" when you're associated with a brand, there is always a chance of losing that sponsorship if you do a joke that is edgy. It's the gamble that you take and it's your own fault if it doesn't work out.
Can we finally admit that Holla Forums is retarded now?
Start with the top of the pyramid: Kill the President!
Reported. Can you guess who I reported you to Trumpflet?
The state police AND the cyber police?
im suing your for slander in internet court. prepare your butthole
Drumbf is a big meanie, imirite?
Not true. Kathy was a victim of toxic masculinity.
What's the difference between a toxin and venom?
butthurt, much?
Ice Cube put it rather bluntly:
The Holocaust didn't happen.
she needs to be black bred
I don't remember Gilbert moaning about that, he just sort of took it in stride. Gilbert is weird though, he doesn't really seem to have made any comedy works of real merit yet he is always hanging around comedians and celebs, doing roasts and shit, guest starred on Penn Gillette and Howard Stern shows a lot too (in like 2000-2005, dunno what he even does now).
HWNDU and the 2016 election did a fucking number on that boards quality
Reckon she does anal Camrenposter?
If masculinity is toxic/venomous and masculinity correlates with testosterone, does that mean removing the testes (I.e toxic glands) is the ultimate cure to toxic masculinity?
More like Camren Blacked'n'over
Your waifu is straight garbage bro.
You wish, Tyrone
Holla Forums still wrong as always
you can clean up after the bull is done
I'd point you toward /celeb/ but this board is the only place I've ever seen this ayy
Why do you have such awful taste in women?
The Jewess cries out as she strikes you
I'm not a medical expert, but that sounds like a logical way to treat the problem. However, it might not be enough.
Absolutely disgusting
Gilbert would laugh his way into a gas chamber.
Holla Forums Waifu BLACKED List
Maisie Williams [Unconfirmed]
Jenny Nicholson [Unconfirmed]
Camren Bicondova [Unconfirmed]
Millie Bobby Brown [Unconfirmed]
Sarah Silverman [Unconfirmed]
Daisy Ridley [TBA BLACKED]
Lindsay Ellis [BLACKED]
Margaret Maclennan [BLACKED]
Amy Schumer [BLACKED]
Feel free to add to this handy resource anons.
I think women with flat or small chests are sexy also as long as she still desirable. , my point is actually attractive women.
pic not related
lol What is that from?
Well than you post someone attractive with small or flat chest!
I missed you drumpfsperg
But the election is over you should move onto something else now. Pretty sure you were big into the waifu wars but that is also dead, maybe you could start defending the new star wars? That'll piss people off real easy.
If he does that he'll be looking at a global report user.
tbqh its normal sized text on a really big canvas
drupquks drupquks weres ur buqs?
dond u hab sum drupdik 2 suk?
Shut you whore mouth.
that slut hoovers bbc
who is she? :p
it truly must suck to a be woman in this day and age because there is just no pride in it anymore.
Literally looks like a melted candle.
You're right, it's KIKED.
All this left wing salt is absolutely wonderful, turnabout is fair play. It's pure sophistry to claim somebody is a hypocrite for saying they don't like hitting people and then hit somebody back when somebody hits them for no reason.
If you dish it out, prepare to get it back.
fresh oc.
shit im bad at captions
Bad at OC too
Jesus, I'd heard you people had awful taste but fucking hell you people really are off the deep end.
oh knows how dare we hold the group to their own standards.
I personally don't care what she did but the fact she got pulled down by both sides for her shitty joke is just and endless source of schandekek
you know you want to hatefuck her in the dark
preferably gagged
preferably she be someone else
delete this
ya… but its fun
They are already associated.
can you do this without the Jewish star so I can post in on Twitter without my account being shoa'ed?
Wait, so if Trump voters are tearing her down, and lefties are also tearing her down, then who the fuck is defending her and why?
Go suck a fuck.
Jim "cuck" Carrey is defending her and a bunch of high profile loonies ;)
Real americans.
Hillary Clinton is that you? ♥
Typical. You faggots really don't give a shit about free speech do you?
No. Now would you kindly leave?
Holy shit you cucklets are pathetic. Here's the new alt-right motto, free of charge:
You've got love how free speech suddenly isn't important to them now that they are in a position of power. Really makes you think. These are the same people who destroyed America as we knew it, take a good long look at their comments and then ponder on what we need to DO about them (I have a few suggestions!). They think they are hot shit right now…maybe it's time we give them a cold, hard, dose of reality that they won't recover from anytime soon…Show them that they aren't quite as hot as they thought they were… It's time to start banning Holla Forumseddit (and it has been for months) Do the right thing mods, this board needs to be purged.
Scurry on back to Holla Forums, you silly hatefilled trolls!
Scuttle on back to your hole, you stupid little troll!
She's Irish Catholic anyway. Trumpcucks are some straight-up retards.
You forgot Chöe BLACKED Moretz and Jennette BLACKED McCurdy
Hold on, this brings up another question, since Holla Forumsacks (actual Holla Forumsacks not the shills that infest the board) don't like or trust Trump anymore because of his constant Israel dicksucking, then why do the shitposts never change?
Are we stuck in a post-election loop?
Rules for thee but not for me!
Rules for thee but not for me!
Look at me I am in the alt-right mom! Is it cool if I watch Trump on TV after cartoons?? What? No? Fuck off mom, you are a woman like Hillary and I hate women like Trump/Kek who is my new god (I have to have a god at all times because I am allergic to reason, evidence and rational thinking). I am gonna grab girls pussies in class tomorrow and tell teacher that climate change isn't real even though it has factual basis in reality!
Former trump fan here. I gotta say, I'm fucking disapointed with this shitshow. I hate cuck shills as much as the next fella, but this is not the right way to go about this whole thing. It just feels wrong…are we really gonna become the new cucks? REALLY?!?! Fuck that shit, I'd rather be a liberal than a cuck shill SJW. At least liberals have some integrity and actually believe what they preach…It's been a fun ride but I'm out, I ain't no cuck shill for nobody. It's over, we lost…
You know you're in trouble when a jew cuck makes more sense than daddy Trump…I guess I need to find a new daddy now…I feel so lost, I can't believe we failed so hard…I'm so tired of losing, I can't take 8 more years of this…COME BACK DADDY! PLEASE!!!
this guy always makes me laugh
You must be pretty easily entertained.
I've yet to even snort at one of his posts.
I can't help but read every one of them though, there's something fascinating about this shit.
I have low standards for Holla Forums I guess but this is a cut above the usual cuck posting and such here.
There's lower than no standards?
Negative standards?
Where do you think you are?
Holla Forums is the most Kino board on Holla Forums.
This board is controlled by the jews now
She was trying to do her standup act at the press conference. It was so bad. Mostly humblebragging, reminding people she was in Law & Order, and repeating that she's very edgy and in your face because she says "dicks".
Sally Weaver wasn't a character.
Stay mad!!!
You are trying too hard Chaim ;)
Stop touching your prostate while typing you pathetic Jew-Fag.
Every time I come to Holla Forums it makes me appreciate /a/ more. This board is a dumpster fire.
Maybe you should go back there
Exactly! They will screech all day about wanting to commit atrocities and genocides, rewriting history for their propaganda, make memes of dead palestinians and such (cause that's funny?) and basically being disgusting
But as soon as somebody, as a piece of rebellious art that intends to spark discussion, FICTIONALLY beheads daddy drumpf they get all their fee fees in a twist like the snowflakes they are. "Wah wah, its only bad when the libruls and ess jay dubble yews do it!!!" Oh shut up. It's super transparent, and it won't be happening for much longer once we get our way.
I'm all for freedom of speech and I don't think our leaders should be above criticism or being satirized or joked about, but Kathy took it too far. I know George Carlin once said that "the job of a comedian is to find the line and then cross it" but there's a difference between telling jokes about people and making something that is akin to death threats.
At least there's more freedom here, which results in more fun threads for every shit one.
Don't forget banning people for accidentally misplacing a comma.
Lol. So true. /a/ btfo Holla Forums will forever be more Kino! Lulz
At least you can discuss the board topic on /a/. I'm sorry it hurts your fee fees when they ban you for posting your NTR fantasies :^)
Anybody who voted Chump is getting exactly what they deserve, you wanted a megalomaniacal monster in the Whitehouse? Well guess what, you got him!
I remain smug in the knowledge that I was right about everything yet again. But don't mistake my schadenfreude for happiness, your reckless arrogance will have negative effects for all of us. THANKS A BUNCH!
nope, I committed the greatest /a/ crime there is.
I said Little Witch Academia is shit
All tv shows and movies are shit, they're not worth discussing. Just go to >>>/television/
An other proof of Leftists-Muslim alliance sponsored by the Jewish mafia. Thanks for proving our point.
>he lost
You bastard!
You deserve everything you get!
*his own posts spamming
I'm not that faggot, I was just telling the other faggt to go there instead of whining here.
So subtle!
I regret nothing
Why would you do this.
Here, I'll post other shitty alternatives
Meido was right to banish you then.
I didn't know snakes drink water…
shall I go on?
More like Trumpster Fire!
how can one man be so wrong?
Oh I thought you were just baiting people. I didn't think someones taste could be this shit.
I wish i were in the hillary timeline
Why doesn't /a/ add "Disliking moe anime" to the rules at this point?
Quick we need to find that man's information, send it to the internet police and get him fired immediately! Time is of the essence, we need to strike while the fire is hot! Let's fucking ruin this ignorant little libcucks life. I'm getting hard just thinking about it, lets fuck this guy hard.
"Moe" anime does not exist.
Let's dox GWAR while we're at it.
Uhhhhm…Guys…I think kek is trying to tell us something here…It's time do some memeomancy methinks!
At your command!
Is this the "fapbait does not exist" autist?
Anime is cartoons by the way
muh waifu is the only reason you /a/utists worship this pretty generic stuff so much.
Of course your waifu's get less screen time these days then your dick gets in a vag but hey let not criticize the /a/ darling too much.
Getting real fucking reddit up in here.
I don't mind that type of anime occasionally, but after a while it gets boring.
Let's take this to Holla Forums, reddit and Twitter we'll get this scumbag fired in no time. If the pedes can deal with slander, corruption and SJW cucks then we can deal with this guy. Let's show him that this centipede has a real nasty sting! Some say it is even venomous…I wouldn't know anything about that…:^p
thirsty snake is the most satisfying gif I have ever seen
look at him! he's so thirsty, then he gets happy
Yeah actually I'm kind of fine with that.
Let the galaxy burn.
Satanist spotted and reported.
Also reported for anthropomorphism.
t.Edgelord memekiddo
Your kind would be the first to go in "le happening". The multicultural death squads are going to crush you. Btw, where are your right wing derp squads? Shouldn't they be deployed by now? Could it be that you don't actually have any? Prepare your anus Drumpfcuck, that's where your "happening" is going to be.
Says the guy protected by the police.
I am right behind you!
Exactly. Leftists are inferior so they should be forced to follow rules that are exclusive to them. It's the same reason why retarded kids have to wear helmets when regular kids don't. Everyone having the same rights and living by the same rules is retarded. That's like feeding your goldfish dog food and making your dog live in a water tank because you want the two of them to be "equal". All that's going to do kill them both. Equality is a lie. It always has been and it always will be.
Well memed my brother kukistani! PRAIASE KUK! SIEG FAIL!! 1066!!!!
This is what the alt-right actually believes.
You can only be in denial for so long, user. One day the truth will hit you, and it won't be pretty.
Actors/Characters you emulate everyday of your life
Characters you act like everyday of your life
Looks like Game Of Thrones ♥
I know you are.
Still better than the headmaster of the satanic lodge by a Mile. You have no idea what you people dodged.
We're all gonna make it
No you aren't.
If you posted this on faceberg, thousands of normies actually would laugh at this.
This triggers me more than it should, it's by far the most butchered shit joke I've ever read.
Watch me, babycakes.
Looks like he used the ugly stick instead.
The only reason (((your))) methods were ever under contention was because you pretended to believe in ideas that deeply conflicted with your actions. It may or may not be our philosophy, but we will make you live up to your own dogma.
This is how pathetic naziboos have become. Look at them and laugh.
You watched this didn't you?
what a fucking faggot
gog dam, galm dowb u driggled druppers
might makes right
We are in your house fucking your mum
How about NO?
Fuck you kill yourself
Donald Trump is a dictator, an attention seeker, a liar, a hypocrite, a creep, a jest, and above all, an extremely shrewd and rude man. His statements and actions have shown all of this to be true. He may be doing a few good things, like trying to stop illegal immigration, but his methods are just stupid, absurd and sometimes illegal. And the worst part is that he doesn’t seem to care, because according to him, he is doing nothing wrong. In my honest opinion, this is the absolute worst thing he could do. His lack of acceptance of his mistakes makes him an extremely dangerous man. Cheaters and liars can be dealt with, but a man who never accepts that he is wrong? Never! My main opposition of Donald Trump also stems from the fact that he is an extremely racist, misogynist and bigoted person who will bring America under a fascist authoritarian rule. One of the greatest democracies in the world will slowly crumble away with one man ruling them all. Doesn’t this strangely remind you of Hitler? Is this not how he rose through political ranks? He wiped out the Jews from Germany, what is it going to be in America? A genocide of Mexicans perhaps?
You know what, you leftards actually are worse than Drumpflets if only because you lie so much.
You will never get trips with that kind of low energy copypasta.
Well, better safe than sorry.
wtf i love hilary now
We banned Islam, they don't exist here.
you're really out of touch shlomo if you're trying to compare celebrities being retarded vs average awesome americans being awesome
You shut your whore mouth, that's not true at all.
Who even cares?! When this is /ourgal/ why are these Jews too sexy!!! I want to marry her, have her children take care of her, pay for her food, stroke her hair and take her to music concerts, while slaving for her and telling her how to educate our kids as a homeschooling mom even though im gone most of the day. And i might put handcuffs on her from time to time, and have her call me daddy!! When I fuck her sweetly in her asshole. Never meanly. Gal Gadot only deserve the sweetest caresses and loving. When you fuck her in the ass it should be gentle. And you should stroke her neck, back,
and hair, while you're doing it. You should also lay on her pussy with the back of your head while her legs are wrapped around you and run your hands up and down her legs while you're laying on the couch watching a show or movie. While she strokes your head and scalp gently. This is a Kino way to watch a show or movie.
Stop this.
Was that from the time someone called his waifu a drunk bitch or from the nigger penectomy drawing?
Has she been gassed yet? I need a new lampshade.
She's a potatonigger not an ovendodger.
I don't even like my mom.
Like, holy shit, grow up
g r o w u p
r o w u p g
o w u p g r
w u p g r o
u p g r o w
p g r o w u
just in case
her face is made from old stretch armstrongs
Who has their doxx? Let's get them all fired.
this guy is like those twitter tards that tweet at Trump 24/7, and he never replies
Holy fucking DROPPED.
Never meet your heroes.
There are no heroes. Except Hitler
yet another pointless drama
Bravo ameripoors
You forgot >>>/leftytelevision/ :'^)
Sarah Silverman is someone's waifu? What the heck is wrong with you?
and there's that video of her doing lewd poses in a jacket
holy shit, that made my Saturday, thank you.
trungled dropkifs giddig mag dat dere bresdint is 2 sembsitib
let me decipher this…
All leftists must be deported.
Poor son of a motherless goat ;_;
Kathy Griffin is so weird she wants to punch her lovers in the face in bed.
No wonder she never had children.
What is wrong with you?
Fucking cunt