We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores.
We must kill every woman on the planet, they're all parasitic whores
Other urls found in this thread:
whoops, wrong pic
>pic related, the pic I wanted to post
cute bird
she's fucking PERFECT!
welp, i found my next wife
kewl #Mormon
You OK?
He's an (((unironic))) (((white nationalist))), best to ignore those bluepilled idiots
Any source on who this chick is
pretty sure sauce is in the OP pic, user. we just can't read it
Yes we need to China fag to translate for us
Or someone who can read the link.
Also, it's Japanese.
Her face looks like a crooked potato.
what fucking good is a website that i can't read to navigate?
i've fugged worse, tbh
Either use google translate, or go to the /actress section and figure it out yourself.
It's not that hard to browse.
spoonfeed me you lazy nigger
Look for the one you like and then copy paste the name of the video on google.
but they all look the same
Her name might be mi mi
Some of them have thicker eyebrows abd straighter teeth than others..
Japanese manner so elegant and pretty
looking at preview pics, they've pixelated this shit. it's not censored in the full vid rite?
Fuck this meme. If you can't tell apart Japanese people (or Chinese, or even Japanese apart from Chinese etc), that's ok: you're just ignorant. But I hate how it's a meme.
I've tried to find some, every time I remember Minimum, but nope. Never found even one video anywhere to watch.
Nope it centered in the video Chinese law
it's not a meme user. it's proven fact. you only distinguish well between faces of your own racial group. distinguishing between faces of people outside your own race takes time and study
Japanese. Fuck your meme or being a retard.
fuck that, i ain't payin for a censored video
Just search here jav4.me
Those are clearly Chinese people learn your Asian faces you fuck
i don't want to search through more random asian girls. i want to see this specific asian girl, the one in the OP pic
but if it's censored i don't want it. i want to see her sweet pussy.
Getting closer
ur mom is gay lmoa
You pedos disgust me.
fuck off
That's true for people who don't see other ethnic groups much. But here, on this site, everyone has much exposure to Japanese, etc. And I can tell apart people of most ethnic groups, but have to admit some white people look the same so, however this isn't common… it's only if they really look similar, but then this is true of any Asians as well… if they look similar, they look similar… but most don't and have no trouble, and it's not just that I travel a lot. No. I have been able to tell apart different ethnicities as long as I can remember, AND I HAVE AUTISM. Legit autism. Usually autists have trouble with faces, so how the fUCK does a literal autist tell apart people's faces better than non-autists on this site?
Maybe time, but not much… Not if you even try, or if you see these people. You can easily tell apart people, it doesn't take much, you can't just use the autistic method of "oh this hair color + this eye color", that's what many literal autists do but I'm an autist and can tell you, it's an American meme. People can tell each other's faces if they see these people more than once, if they remember their facial impression… Not expression, impression… If you imprint the face in your brain like people do, with faces they see, it isn't hard to tell apart people from different ethnic groups. Unless they're ethnic groups you don't see at all, or very little. So if you don't see Japanese, then ok, I get it. But you are on an imageboard. If you don't see any Japanese even online in pics, you are doing something wrong.
Oh so you're trolling, sorry. I'm legit autistic so I can't sometimes tell when someone is trolling or memeing or what, or if they're retarded Americans or something.
I wouldn't say kill them because they're necessary for future generations to breed but definitely beat the shit out of them regularly with no repercussions to show them real oppression
i live in an city with 98% white. i don't have the exposure to other faces
Oh my god
Just because she is 18 doesn't mean she doesn't look like a child. You're sick.
stop being such a pedo. she doesn't look like a child. she is developed. if you can't tell the diference between a small woman and a prepubescent child you're legitimately fucking retarded
whew, 2short4me
She's clearly a 12 year old.
ur mom is 12
who /hebe/ masterrace?
Can I meet yur mom
Not even online? Just look at pics of people online, of different ethnic groups. It's easy to google "[ethnicity] people" or such.
Young-looking women need love too, user, especially when society of the west and in more Asian countries growing is telling it's wrong to like women who look young. How does it make them feel, if men are afraid to be with them, out of fear to be judged?
What is this video called, or the link to it that isn't direct link? I need to know what to save it as please.
I'll post some cute girls…
Not the girl in OP.
no shit, faggot
i would have never known if you hadn't pointed that out. OP girl is flat chested. girl in that video has fat titties flopping around. it's disgusting tbh
hey guess what ur a nigger
i'm white tbh
thanks for the link and the name tho
I got u fam
i wish the girls didn't cry-moan like that in jap porn. shit's annoying
Yeah I just pretend that I'm raping them and then it makes it better
kekked and checked Holla Forumsro
All right bed time for me good night everyone
Good night
Kek, since when do people post to say they're going to sleep?
not for much longer
Saying that people have difficulty distinguishing people outside their own racial group is bullshit made up to try to pretend that white people don't have immediately distinguishing features that other races lack. White people have blond hair, red hair, brown hair, and black hair. Practically everyone else on the planet has black hair. That's a major factor. Eyes too, though that's a bit less significant. Yes I'm sure if you're exposed to asians a lot, like if you are one, you can learn to more quickly distinguish the relatively minor differences in appearance that they have, but you have to be a complete retard to not be able to tell a blond from a redhead.
cumskin whores will always exist fam
Many women dye their hair though… especially white women… Yes, they still have the complexion of a blond or a redhead, but the hair is not. So if two women look similar and dye their hair the other's color, it can be confusing at first sight. But yes, I agree with everything you said so yeah.