Did anyone listen to the latest TDS episode with the Vice reporter? She came on their show thinking she was going to interview them about memes and Pepe. And then they proceed to brutalise her for three hours. I felt bad for her just listening to it
Did anyone listen to the latest TDS episode with the Vice reporter...
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I think it would have been better if all of them didn't try to talk at the same time.
But overall it was pretty decent.
It was horrible ghoul especially was fucking retarded with his constant long winded rambles and autistic pausing to prematurely laugh halfway through asking a question. Mike has an extremely annoying voice on par with that one croaky faggot on FTN and the fake rage was 90% cringe tier. TRS needs to keep the good hosts they have (most) and move the shit tier hosts to producing/management. I won't watch another episode for a few months this one was extremely painful highschool tier banter. I'm surprised there isn't more backlash against the few really shitty co-hosts.
That was pretty fun to be honest.
all the cool shit happens on trs
Not yet, I'm going to listen tomorrow at work.
Just started listening to TRS radio shows and this annoys me the most.
TRS Forum is actually way extreme than the people running the forum and the podcasts thats why some people call them fashy lolbergs.
If she doesn't think race exists, and she doesn't care if whites are replaced by spics, niggers and moslems, then she won't care if we replace all spics, niggers and moslems with whites because race doesn't exist.
I don't know why they didn't bring this up. They never ask her if she would care if we replaced all blacks and spic with whites.
Yeah, I noticed last week (maybe the week before) one of the hosts of TDS was whining about Holla Forums, "really far right guys", "the National Socialists", etc calling him out for being a PRfag. He said we hate everything and just want to tear people down.
He also implied that National Socialists were skinheads.
Until this point I thought they were one of us but by referring to the far right and NatSocs as if they were a separate group from him and naively thinking that NatSoc = Skinhead I was pretty disappointed.
Now I understand why people think of WN as a different group from us. They are mostly redpilled on the JQ and race but still seem to believe in liberalism and enlightenment era bullshit like democracy and republicanism. They basically want modern america but without nonwhites and jews.
Yep, Ghoul needs to get the boot. Guy simply does not belong and decreases the quality of the show.
I listened earlier and it was an especially bad one, despite their own "slam dunk" analysis of it at the end. If they do any more of these interviews it needs to be Mike Enoch one on one dismantling these fools. They can't let rambling retards like Ghoul keep interrupting with mediocre points and analysis. Enoch is an expert at setting traps and highlighting the larger issues. But then you have idiots like Ghoul and his Beavis laugh "But-uh-but-uh-but-uh … so … well, let me put it this way … heh-heh-heh, you know … [insert stupid comment]" making it so Enoch either can't finish the exercise or is only talking a third of the time, when, since he's the most skilled at this thing, he should be doing all of it.
I'm 2/3 the way through it and I'm practically yelling at no one in particular every time she tries to re-phrase or re-frame questions, or just outright avoid them. I kinda wish I had a forum account so I could join in the bantz.
VICE got their soundcloud shoah'd
Woes is self-admittedly a fag though
Fucking great episode, and Bulbasaur is back!
Ghoul did nothing wrong, ctr thinks that they can D&C TDS by shitting on him.
listen to the one with the gawker reporter as well (last week? two weeks ago?)
good shit
People like her are never going to think the displacement of whites is a bad thing. That's why you force them to admit that they think the displacement of shitskins is a bad thing, and then turn the tables on them.
I don't care much for MWs but I don't see where he admitted to being a fag according to what you posted.
also elle reeve is probably a jewess
haha that lying fucking snake bitch. "ideas or more important than race, BUT HERE I AM AMONG MY OWN PEOPLE."
also would explain why her main objection was the anti-semitism
Nah, a lot of normal people who listen regularly simply don't believe that Ghoul offers positive contributions to the show, and actually think his presence is a net-negative. Being a D&C shill doesn't enter into it for those of us who want Ghoul gone.
He has said in the past that he was a flaming homo in college but now "he's changed" and he's only a little faggy. There's a picture ive seen of him wearing a dress on here a while ago too but I never saved it.
Stop shilling your podcast here, it's getting tiresome.
why would someone shill their own podcast and not provide a link?
Haha, oh wow.
Vice always fucking does this and the stupid thing is they knew this going into the interview. Heres what Vice does
They've done this with 3 different WN figures.
Hes a self-admitted Christcuck, meaning he interprets the bible fucking wrong.
Anyway Millennial Woes is not on the right at all, hes in the same wheelhouse as Sargon of Akkad.
I'm listening to it right now, it's really nice to listen to Holla Forums eloquent edition.
Have to white knight MW here.
He has sopped being "little faggy", and has a gf now.
Enoch shills for the official 9/11 narrative and claims there's no jewish conspiracy.
check out kulturkampf if you're not already listening to it
Yeah, Ghoul was really annoying in this one in particular.
He would interrupt people and then mentally and verbally stutter for a bout 20 seconds before arriving at the freaking point.
These guys really need to break up this crew into smaller groups. There's just too many people tripping over each other to say stupid shit all the time.
This is why Fash The Nation is much better.
This video is confusing. He says he's not a homo at 3:00 then says some pretty wishy-washy shit about being attracted to men right after.
Not sure what to think but he never really seemed gay to me, though I don't really care since I don't pay much attention to him.
Is it all audibooks of greec philosophical books? I've already read a couple of Plato books like the Republic.
she had to set her twitter account to private because of this
no they're roundtable discussions on various works of western philosophy
they're getting round to Nietzsche soon, but what they've done already is very high quality
Yeah I have to admit the christcuck le dyoos vault xDD larping as a response to the homos in the altright has really gotten out of hand lately as well. I mean it's nice that some of them call out these fags but seriously these christnutters are basically fedora-tier themselves.
That sounds pretty good, this is the first time I've checked out TRS so I'm behind on all the drama and what's decent.
who's that?
the girl from Vice who was on the podcast that this thread is about
Vice should be frozen out completely. There's nothing to gain from giving their reporters access that couldn't be got from any other equally gay but slightly less evil company. Look at this shit:
*UW-Madison is the college that offers a postgraduate degree in "Feminist Biology."
If you wouldn't trust this bitch on your show, you shouldn't trust anyone who works for her.
Ghoul made both interviews unbearable. You can sense the awkward tension he brings through the ether, and that's not good on any podcast. A real turnoff for anyone on the fence who may be listening.
It would be better if it was just Sven, Enoch, and McNabb with the occasional guest.
McNabb hit it out of the park with the dindu delivery wambulance stories.
But Ghoul is the fucking Beavis of TRS. He sounds like Beavis and gives the impression of someone nearly as retarded half the time. Is this not addressed on the forums? I can't imagine it never coming up. I'm surprised he's still allowed to come on.
Ghoul almost ruined this episode. He was hogging air time and wasn't able to put a coherent sentence together without stumbling and giggling through it for 3 minutes.
Passed me off when Seventh or Mike would try to get something in and he sperged out.
vice reporter TDS just bullycided - also possibly a jewess
TDS is mostly shitposting, sometimes they have good discussions on how to break down leftist rhetoric etc
Fash the Nation and The Weekly Narrative are pretty good current events shows
Kulturkampf is a high quality philsophy discussion show
Darwin Digest is decent, they try and discuss various topics from a scientific point of view
Rebel Yell is a southern nationalist show, the host Musonius Rufus is a pretty knowledgeable guy and brings up some interesting lines of thinking although he has some lolbertarian tendencies - his interviews with Mark Citadel and Michael Cushman are worth listening to
The Australian podcast the Convict Report is good if you're Australian I guess
the rest you can probably miss
She didn't an hero, so they didn't go hard enough on her.
Thanks for the breakdown m8, I'll definitely check those out.
No he just claims that Israel wasn't directly behind 9/11, which to give him some credit may be true, they may have just had Intel on it and didn't act purposefully. That in and of itself is a crime, but doesn't necessarily mean they orchestrated it.
However I am inclined to believe otherwise, IMO its possible they financed it.
You're either a D&C kike or a purist asshole that just wants to larp as a nazi for the edge factor. Either way reported
OP doesn't seem like a shill at all, don't be so defensive
If you do any real research, it's obvious that they did it, but that's less of an issue than the fact that he claimed that anybody who doesn't by the official story believes that Bush orchestrated the whole thing, and for some reason left the dancing Israelis out of the discussion. He also claimed that the 9/11 truth movement was all about the 2004 election, but Loose Change came out in 2005, and it only really became a "movement" in 2006/2007.
This is a good strategy though. This girl is clearly a mediocre "journalist" who just wanted to get a few good quotes about pepe memes — which is totally dumb.
So telling her they'll only do the interview in the form of her being a guest on their podcast, was smart because it allowed them to use her instead of just getting used by her.
She probably won't even include any of this in her piece but it doesn't matter.
Every one who gets approached for interviews should be doing this.
Call it: Sam Hyding the Press.
Does anyone have the link to their meets site?
I do recall it being posted here once and you could look up your location and find other people who post from the same area but there wasn't anyone near me back then.
Lurk more before you pussy. These people deserve nothing less than pure unadulterated brutality.
Yep, it's the only way to handle the lügenpresse apart from just ignoring them.
Enoch is still about 1/4 normie.
As a forum member, we are *much* farther right than TDS hosts are. It actually pisses us off, because the fucking goys up stairs don't actually go into the forum hardly at all and just stay in their cult metting place that is the TRS facebook group.
They tried to go to the forum, but they eventually just went back to fagbook and now they're disconnected from the consensus and can't even *lead the way* for their forum.
I mean, I like the guys, but damn. They do not prioritize the #1 area of , apparently plebeian, discussion on their site. Gets a little frustrating.
Really entertaining. There were a few moments where none of the panel was saying the extremely obvious counter-argument, but most of the problems were caused by Elle NEVER FUCKING ANSWERING ANYTHING.
also everyone sperging out and arguing with each other about inane random shit should probably kill yourselves honestly. you are all likely overweight or skinny, unemployed, and complete social recluses. you probably wouldn't even be able to have a coherent debate on politics without breaking down into retarded autistic insults because you spend ALL of your time here instead of just some of your time.
What she should have done was just play along and go full 1488 and then after the fact just deny everything and say they were playing along to "get the scoop"
you have to have a forum invite from a member - I used mine already, unfortunately
to clarify: each member only has like 2 invites that they can give to non-members
The whole format of TDS is not good for having hostile guests on. They should interview them separately one on one and play it as a segment. It always ends up a clusterfuck and this was no exception.
Never, ever, ever feel bad for your enemies. As yourself this question…had the roles been reversed, do you think leftists would feel bad for us?
Quit being a fucking cuck and start taking pleasure in the humiliation of our enemies as they flail helplessly about.
I see, I guess it didn't require a forum account back in the day.
Well they called it in the interview, it's pure double standard holding/cognitive dissonance. They just won't publicly admit it because they know in the end it'll make them look so much worse than if they just play dumb (although I'm not 100% certain she's playing dumb, but may actually be retarded.)
correct, they changed that recently
Thanks for this post, I was about to ask if anyone could recommend podcasts to check out. I don't normally listen to this kind of thing, I hate e-celeb shit and I've tried giving TDS a chance but the obnoxious dorks on mic piss me off.
no problem - I was highly suspicious of e-celeb faggotry as well, but outside of TDS most of the other shows seem to avoid this
How do you think Vice will react to this? By shutting down the article?
Ya done fucked up, Ghoul.
You had a chance to do something great with the alt media. Instead you just shat yourself and giggled nine a nine year old.
Back of the line, amateurs. Let the big boys handle the meming.
Also the vice reporter sounds and looks hot, if they knew what they were doing they would've had her FaceTime in and red pill via flirting the girl on air.
I'm both cringing and extremely entertained at the same time.
Good to hear about Bulby though.
The Death Panel didn't come out looking good from this one. It was essentially a five-on-one verbal gangbang against a woman. The optics are terrible for anyone sympathetic to the Vice reporter or even neutral. From the start they made it clear that they did not want to engage with her questions which made her obvious disingenuity, attempts to derail the conversation, and unwillingness to engage justifiable. They would spam three different lines of questioning at any given time and simultaneously demand a response or talk over any response she'd give. At random intervals, they'd spam memes and drops, most of which are terribly overused as is. I'm not 1% sympathetic to a fucking Vice reporter, but to all outward appearances everyone except Bulbasaur, Lauritz, and maybe Enoch came off as massive jackasses (especially Seventh Son with his sperg canned rage, which did not help at all), even though they were right. I can only hope this deters any more journalists from turning episodes of the Daily Shoah even shittier than usual.
4/10 bring back Fake Black History Month.
Also Mike's voice is not annoying, he actually sounds cool and like someone you'd want to just hang out with.
He sounds human and resonates with most non-elitist people
Can't argue with those trips.
They seem to have this desperate need to get validation for their opinions from the chick.
Why, because she's a journalist? You guys should know they are disingenuous by default.
And the ganging up format needs to stop. When making interviews, they ought to use Enoch and one other guy.
Hang yourself, you're not better than a nigger muh dicking.
I thought they were going to take the Sam Hyde route on this and just end it but then they went on their whole tangent.
Which is why her claiming to be from the south is so dishonest, since "I'm southern" means I'm a White Christian usually.
She looks so weird because she's a kike
fuck me
definitely, Enoch's really the only guy who knows how to argue
If they just ended after Sam Hyding her it'd be a good segment. Instead, they tried desperately to convert her on air, which would never ever happen, especially while she's pretending to be politically distanced from the discussion for the sake of her job and her relationships with people she knows.
I gave her instagoy profile a long hard look. I'm not getting a kike vibe from her. She just look like a Midewest white girl
by 'I'm from the south' she probably really means 'my parents were cosmopolitan jews that moved to Atlanta/Dallas/Tampa/NoVA/Charlotte as part of the rootless managerial class/to operate some regional bank office'
yea but that was dishonest because she even said "I'm just as southern as him" at one point meaning Bulbasaur
She was letting them just assume she's from a typical White southern background.
Lying by omission
Don't feel bad for her, she was a piece of shit who tried to play them, that's why they got triggered.
Well, she did claim to have gone to school in a rural area, but honestly that whole story seemed like bullshit.
I sure did. Even without seeing her picture, if you listen you can hear she's squeamish about the antisemitic remarks, hence why she pointed those out specifically. Hell, even at the end she made it a point to go back on the jews being a no no topic for discussion she didn't even bring up their other beliefs about non-whites just jews.
Not to mention her argumentative tactics are 100% Jewish. That could have been just as a result of where she lives/works therefore the groups she socializes with, though.
This, her repeated "cool it down with the antisemetic remarks if you want to gain more followers" was a pretty bright red flag if not a complete give away since some christcucks that love the greatest ally more than life itself do exist.
Actually I'm really gaining respect for her. She's holding her own quite well. She's getting crushed in the arguments, but putting up a good fight.
Yeah, she's a liberal hipster living in Jew York City
After listening to this, I have to agree that Mike Enoch is the strongest debater of the bunch. Seventh Son is great for production/drops/songs etc. when it's not in the context of a debate. I get that it's shitposting in audio but when your show revolves around taking things seriously, they really need to stick to a 1v1. I like ghoul for counter-signal memes but he's 3'rd mic on the show and is at best, good for the odd interjection.
I get that it's hard to restrain yourself when there's someone being that dumb, but I think that dead air from her incredibly stupid statements would have served to drive the point home. It's empty rhetoric and pure avoidance and she doesn't have anything to follow up on, and I think she knows this; but the guys keep giving her an out by walking all over each others points. She can move on to someone else's questions instantly because they're somehow worried that they're somehow not going to get their point across in 3 and a half hours between them so they're constantly bombarding with questions. As much as I hate to cross-reference, the McInnes interview was a perfect example of letting someone's retarded statement completely sink in.
She's probably like one of the whitest kikes on planet earth, though. But you can tell there's something genetically "off" about her, she's not really white
I remember some time last year, a thread was made asking for help in naming a podcast show. That podcast show became the Daily Shoah. Now, I'm reading this having never listened to their shit, and I want death on these faggots.
If you can't see the signs, i don't what to tell you, lurk more i guess
Maybe it was 2014 tho. Either way, I remember that thread. And to read this… These faggots are pulling something.
Your evidence that she's a Jew is that antisemitic remarks upset her. "Anti-semitic remarks" upset most people.
she said she was 'among her people' at a bat mitzvah
not 100% conclusive, but still
no it's this
It's also worth noting that those huwhite liberal hipsters (while not antisemitic) they don't really make a point to go out of their way to defend jews, they much rather defend Palestinians and the like. Were they the Vice reporter, they wouldn't specifically end the discussion by saying "stop talking about jews, you filthy goyim" I exaggerated of course but my point stands
Was almost going to post above before seeing this post. All i gotta say is that you're fooling yourself user, again lurk more.
Yeah why did she keep bitching about the antisemitism?
She's fucking a Jew.
She's a Christian that's been warped by college, most likely, and now works in Jew York.
well she's dating a jew
she's the definition of why girls should have no right to choose their mates
He's a super kike, too. Related, his sister's (?) wedding:
he's one of the most jewish looking jews actually
you can really tell jews aren't white from shits like him
She using her "sexy" voice to get information from them in the beginning. It was disgusting how sleazy the Lugenpresse is.
Need to fix my jew-dar
He interrupts too much
I think she thought if she said she was from the "rural south" that means shes one of us "hyte racists". She doesn't know the south is full of niggers and spics.
stop thinking with your dick
She's having her world destroyed which is why she's so defensive.
Too bad they were trying to win points in an argument instead of winning her over.
Take note:
Don't do this and don't be afraid of the "verbal IQ!!!" that people project onto kikes. Having tact and bearing is far better than being aggressive and loud.
She's obviously like spick tier intelligent or lower
You can tell she's a complete moron who only has her job because she sucks kike cock
I don't listen to TRS, is ghoul the guy who sounds fat and autistic? Deep voice but mumbles and slurs words?
At least he's self aware as a Jew. The guy knows that without "losing" they don't have any ground to stand on as they bitch
Source: Part spic, pls no bully
No, I didn't listen because the new javascript radio don't work on linux.
They weren't trying to convert her. As stated, she was a patsy used to tear down her general leftist ideas.
haha, Jeb! can't even get respect from the heebs.
he's the one who stutters a lot, finds it difficult to spit out his point
click this to download
he also claimed he created pepe and the iron pill, as a joke
he's the guy behind counter signal memes for fashy goys (the ms paint portrait comics)
they sperged out for 3 hours on a fat ditz from vice who literally pranced around like a majestic fat whale around any and all serious questions, then ended by kvetching "muh chosen"
what a waste of my life.
(that fucking opening with here thought was fucking priceless. )
david duke steals my memes
there will be no clicks, its a video
so how do you play it?
Confirmed reptoids.
Anyone have info on why they look so odd outside of being spans of Satan?
might be the inbreeding
might be that they're cursed by god
who knows
He followed me for a while, back when I added many TRS faggots on my useless Twatter. His memes are pure shit compared to what is produced on imageboards. It's all ironic leftards' arguments made with a shitty MS paint drawing.
Fetal Zyklon-B Spectrum Disorder
Damn why have I never heard this simple line before.
All I'm going to say is that is the best a Vice "journalist" deserves. They are literally meant to be high school journalist tier shit so they deserve that treatment.
good point
might use this in the future
Gripe of mine here.
I think that their "no enemies to the right" policy is a very good one but I also think that they do not understand just what those words mean.
In theory one would think that "no enemies to the right" means that if you are the moderate cuckservative going out there and asking for watered down policies that you would not denounce the hardcore extremists of your party calling for the genocide of non-whites and installing a dictatorship.
Seems like a good idea, solidarity of the right to defend from attacks and let the extremists push the discourse so far right that even the leftists start to be basically entry-level right wingers.
In practice they seem to do the reverse of this. They use it to mean "do not attack anything to the right of a typical shitlib". They instead shit talk the extremists of their movement and simultaneously defend the moderates and entryists, pushing the popular discourse back toward the middle.
This is why I respect Jazzhands so much more than the TDS guys, I don't think you will ever hear them come out and say "Jews have no place in this movement" with no qualifiers like they did on FtN.
It was wonderfully
I don't feel bad for her at all. If her research into the Daily Shoah consisted of looking at Pepe memes online for a couple of hours then she isn't doing her job properly.
I figured that guy for kind of a faggot from the moment I heard him.
Jazzhands did come out as an AnCap in a podcast. TRS's "No punching to the right" is pure hypocrisy though. They did go against people to the right of them aka NatSocs and "1488ers". All the shit they get from Holla Forums is warranted.
No they don't, there is nobody in specific they go against, its not hypocritical. They go against ideas not people.
Getting shit from Holla Forums is always warranted.
The phrase 'gas the kikes race war now' was actually used in this episode though. I remain somewhat positive.
They go against those ideas, and thereby the people who espouse them.
TRS are largely lolberg LARPers - funny folks, but largely soft and weak ideologically, IMHO at least.
The do alot of networking and providing alot of people with with a paltform to network.
They might be the ones doing the most for our general "movement".
Exactly. They have no idea what "No punching to your right" means.
It means that those ebil 1488er nahtzees are punching to the left when they criticise altistic entryists.
lmao like what
You mean like the idea that Trump is a Jew shill and we shouldn't support him because he has Jews around him therefore RAHOWA
Nobody said that.
Trump is the least bad candidate by any measure, whether or not he will do anything after being elected doesn't matter. You don't have to be a shill to take issue with certain ideas of the TRS guys.
Thats literally the only reason they talk shit on the NEETSoc crowd
That explains why she was so bothered by the anti-semitism,but the racism was fine
I'm listenting to this now. She's talking about how the reason she likes the Olympics is because there are women in itGDFAHWHASHAGWQARHBA
This requires too much patience.
she so dumb
Hopefully Elle "Race does not exist but here I am among my people aren't jews great there is something of the master race about them I am a strong woman my boyfiend tells me that jews are the chosen people and I believe him" Reeves is forced to hide out in an attic without WiFi for two years when inevitably internet discourse becomes too triggering for her.
December 4: It's been a month since I last had a pumpkin latte. Has the world ever witnessed such suffering?
January 28: It's been so long since I've seen a person of colour. I'm trapped here in a non-diverse un-safe space with a white person of priviledge - myself!
Febuary 10: Peeked out the window and saw a man wearing a 'Pepe' T-shirt.
Man's inhumanity to man! Thankfully he didn't notice me. I am surrounded by horror. When will this nightmare ever end?
they were trolled by her more often tbh
by her presence alone.
not really "turning the tables" like in sam hyde interview because they displayed way more emotional investment than her, which ruined the more sober arguments they had.
Been invited to TRS twice and used throwaway emails both times, forgot username and emails.
Anyone wanna send me one? I could ask the dude who sent me one last time but I don't wanna insult him that I wasted his last invite…. Won't be wasting my next one.
you might've got it from me - I gave out both my invites to anons here
Good one faggot, nobody ever sends me invites.
How do you even know who can be trusted with an invite? Not to say that their forums haven't been infiltrated by at least one nose but I'd be too spooked to hand it out on Holla Forums.
nah got one from someone I know IRL. Then got another from someone on a discord server.
Neither time did I ask for an invite, but instead they urged me to come there. Anyways, now I want to give it another chance. If you have an invite I promise not to waste.
I am a strong follower and shiller of Dr. William Pierce. He is my god and I do my best to spread his message to every cucked and confused white person who is worth saving.
Made a throwaway email if anyone wants to help me out. Thanks.
[email protected]/* */
Ghoul actually did a really good job this time, although Bulbasaur is best.
Woes is a faggot, Slug2_ best boypussy.
never mind boys.
I checked my browser history and thankfully the username pops up in the "page title" thing. So don't need an invite, got my acc back.
(how the fuck do you delete posts here? thought you clicked on the arrow and delete pops up, but it's not right now…. does that only apply for like 1m after the post?)
click the three vertical dots by the arrows for the delete option
help I think I may have autism
If you or anyone else feels so inclined to sent invites send that shit to [email protected]/* */
Will donate with memes.
they should both be bogged tbh
oh you mean on here?
you can't delete posts here
Both are worthy of the bog.
Oh shit must have been on other 8ch boards. Alright i'm cool with that. The email already self-destructed anyway so no matter…
Thanks to the kind user, here's a Trump-chan.
This is Woes answering if he is gay:
Did we listen to the same podcast? She completely disarmed them by simply asking for a single fucking example of the claims they made and they couldn't. You could hear the wind leaving them.
And they had no response to the charge that "white" is a bullshit category because factually she is correct that in the U.S. Italians and Irish were barely considered human and above niggers in the early days of the country. She's right that there are still shit flinging threads constantly to this day about whether they and Spaniards are white. Americans have no identity, you're all mystery meat. If your identity is a 23andme pie chart that's broken down into a fucking kaleidoscope of European ethnicities then you're already Brazil and you have been since 1790 when you made that your immigration policy. German = Irish is the same egalitarian, Marxist shit as "white" = abo.
Then Sven and Enoch raged out in frustration like children while she stayed cool and beat them at their own Socratic shit and predictably would not argue in good faith. WTF did you expect? Though I suspect she was probably being coached or had been prepped by her Jewish boyfriend/fiance. Of Coursh. But that shit was embarrassing. It hurt to listen to.
it means he has mild attraction to men but his sexuality is mainly hetero
No one actually thinks the Irish and Italians aren't White, anymore. That was a belief of some White people who had no firsthand contact with Irish or Italians for maybe 100 or so years.
The belief went away because it was seen to be obviously false.
I hope for your sakr you're trolling, faggot
So yeah, for a group that wants normalfag outreach and thinks numbers filling their big tent is a good idea this is terrible PR. Anyone outside of the alt-right echo chamber is going to side with the girl here. So basically. .
It means he's a straight guy who bottoms, because he's such a beta he can be dominated by top fags.
you're making shit up now
Woes is a good person and does a lot for the cause. KYS
That was practice.
The whole idea that Irish "weren't White in the past" is based on the notion that race is a social construct, so White privilege theory literally says that the Irish "became White" which just means they became considered White.
They didn't go down her rabbithole
>No one actually thinks the Blacks and Mexicans aren't American, anymore. That was a belief of some White people who had no firsthand contact with Blacks or Mexicans for maybe 100 or so years.
See how this goes? America was the first step towards this hell world we now live in. The first slip down the slope.
What happened there?
He's a tranny bottom boy who loves to eatta da poo poo.
In all seriousness, all these e-celebs need to do their time in the Holla Forumsshark tank and experience argumentative ego death. They can't handle direct attacks on their brand and constantly fag out.
dude she got BTFO.
roast me Holla Forums
comparing italians with niggers is retarded
fuck off
Obviously race is not a social construct but in the U.S. "white" is. White became a thing because the real, concrete ethnic identities of English, German, French etc were lost through intermarriage. No one in Europe calls themselves "white."
Une personne mal attentionné, alcoolisées, diffusant de la musique à l'aide de son téléphone portable. Nous l'avions prévenu il n'a pas voulu entendre la voix de la raison.
UN Soldats Du Christ la châtié pour son impolitesse.
Les Soldats Du Christ on pour but de:
Sauvé notre patrie notre foi et non pas comme des catho fragiles, mais bien solides campés sur leurs deux pieds.
Notre souhait, fini le temps des bisounours, nos ancêtres nous appellent à prendre l'épée et à ne plus prôner la paix.
Nos églises nous allons les défendres, notre foi aussi.
Un pour tous, tous pour DIEU.
So you fucking faggot
Half Irish half Germans are White. No one seriously doubts whiteness except for bullshit reasons.
I'm so tired of this dumb argument kys
Also it's not like ALL WHITE PEOPLE thought Irish weren't White at one time, either
loose the glasses, other than that you're proper
Nigga every right-winger has their own personal theory as to where everything went wrong. Didn't Evola think everything went wrong when humans stopped worshipping the sun?
This shit gets old.
The problem with the question is that it is an appeal to rationality but doesn't go far enough into asking about the "science" of white people. In her mind the fact that Irish people weren't considered White before is a crack in the logic of race and racism. That hole in the narrative to her means that it's all bullshit there is no race and its all a social construct.
But if we go even farther or more 'rational' and go into the actual science we see that "Whites" biologically cluster closer together than others. (if someone has those graphs please post them). If you have ever read that Razib Khan guy he makes the point that "White" really is a thing. The point is that you can scientifically and rationally group Europeans together and call them White.
The problem with that don't punch to the right statement is that any retarded faggot can just declare himself further to your right and then demand you support him on that basis.
Even on this frontal picture the hook nose is so damn obvious.
Pol was full of people saying that exact same shit m8, go check the archives for all the posts talking about how he's a freemason or he's got jewish kids or how he loves israel etc etc.
The way I interpreted the TRS position on the "natsoc crowd" was that they felt like the stereotypical skinhead/hollywood nazi is not an effective style/look if you want to convert people, and I agree - covering yourself in prison tattoos, roiding up and goose-stepping in public is not something that will win people over to our side.
Something that almost everyone on Holla Forums should know is that people use cognitive shortcuts when they make judgements. You will never reach or convince the vast majority of people with well reasoned argument alone - you have to use emotion and rhetoric to convince them. When you present as a fat loser who meets multiple stereotypes it becomes incredibly easy for people to just stop thinking about you or your points - when you look like a loser who only believes our ideology because you couldn't succeed on your own merits and look for someone else to blame, that's what people are going to think when they hear your arguments.
Of course, even a little bit of thought makes it clear just how cruel this is - the unintelligent/awkward/incapable are exactly the kind of people who suffer first in a multicultural society and so a large portion of the people who have been in our camp for a long time are actually incapable and blaming others for their own failings. That doesn't stop people from associating our beliefs with being a loser, and that's why a lot of people both here and on TRS don't like it when people go out in public looking like fat losers and talking about how great Hitler was.
Yes, the people who regularly have Anglin as a guest on their show, and Slavros on interviews on their radio network are clearly against harder fascisms.
can't listen to TDS because not a single person on there can form a sentence without saying "like" twenty-seven times.
very triggering.
That kind of people already decided the moment they were made aware the podcast had the word Shoah in it,
OK Satan, her questions (or at least most of them) were answered. They just were actually devoid of substance. Pepe is really not that interesting of a topic. I believe the guy that said that she knew more about Pepe than him.
That's true, some moments are extremely messy.
[citation needed]
You're right, she mopped the floor with them. She would lay out some bait and they would sperg out and talk over each other and get distracted from any point they were trying to make. Towards the end of the interview they found their footing and managed to corner her on some issues, but that episode was painful to listen to. They all need major work on their debating skills, because a lesson for all you newfags and lurkers leftists will always weasel out of and around your questions.
They also definitely fucked up by not having any sources, and it was obvious.
Now, all that said, take your d&c kikery elsewhere. You yourself are arguing in bad faith here, because you know damn well what 'white' is, and we in America know it even better. Europeans do not think of themselves as White because they have never had to unite against a common enemy.
Fun fact, up until fairly recently, 'White' wasn't much of an identity here in America either, it only started gaining prominence as European ethnicities started coming into contact with non-whites, and to suggest we couldn't tell the difference between an Italian and a nigger demonstrates that you are arguing in bad faith.
Another fun fact, 'White' was a common identifier in South Africa and Rhodesia, but there were only ethnic Anglos and Boers there, who even spoke/speak different languages. Do you think contact with an outside force may have frced them to realize their similarities and common interest?
How about all of the right-wing propaganda coming out of Europe these days? 'Defend Europe', 'Europe for Europeans'. Who are Europeans? Why do you now refer to yourselves as Europeans, rather than as English, Swedish, or Italian? If you are all "Europeans", then your populations transplanted to America are still "European"-derived, and therefore White.
Your suggestion that we didn't think Irish or Italians are White once again demonstrates that you're acting like a fucking kike. We knew damn well they were 'White' or 'European'. We considered them of lesser European stock than Anglo-Germanic blood, and we were right. This coming from a half-irishman, we should have kept our ethnicity as pure as possible.
But that doesn't mean Europeans aren't White. That doesn't mean Americans have no ethnic or racial identity that is European derived. That doesn't mean we are not beset on all sides by an enemy that does not distinguish between us. You fucking D&C shills really get me worked up, because you are actively undermining White/European identity in a time when we need to unite and work together keep ourselves from going extinct. You stupid, stupid, stupid person.
Now they also say HOL UP HOL UP
Kinda like this
Its funny how shes talking in that slutty voice trying to charm the TRS goys into giving her their fashy secrets.
Similarly, I dislike my sister, therefore she's swahili
It just confirms the stereotype. There is a reason many in the alt right want to keep women out of the public discourse.
Not who you're talking to, but I think an important project for the movement in the future is to settle on the precise genetic markers associated with white ancestry. The evidence is all there, and I think "If you have these haplogroups/these alleles you are white, if you do not you are not" would be a great way to shut down all those stupid "are x white" questions forever.
Indeed, she is just a means to an end.
They`ll save some soundbites, other than that it`ll be a memory hole piece. Or they`ll try the "I can`t even method".
I`m not going to believe a word you say Satan.
It would be interesting if they took turns.
Nice Double dubs, but as has been mentioned they where not trying to convert her.
Typical kike behavior. Well caught.
Checking them double doubles.
Indeed, this is how a kike argues, never honest.
I don`t trust Gavin, but that was good, almost as good as those digits.
She did get BTFO. They where right not to start finding the evidence when she asked them for it. That is how the kikes argue, they ask for evidence for everything and when you give it they`ll never look at it. She wanted to derail everything by asking for evidence for everything. I think that Mike handled it well.
A church was demolished by the French government and these people where praying,
Then this nog starts talking shit and gets got.
It`s a meme dipshit
TDS puts the Laughter into the coming slaughter.
Doesn't seem practical without cheap DIY genetic sequencing. And it would go straight over most people's heads. The clearest and easiest identifier of racial heritage is being able to visually distinguish members of each group from each other. It works in almost all cases and is also why the pretentiousness of asking such questions as whether X is white outraged the death panel so much in this episode.
You're completely right that just about everyone can tell you what race they or someone else is by sight - but that's clearly not enough to settle disputes/arguments like the ones that the reporter made.
And no, it doesn't need cheap genetic sequencing - you don't need to apply this test to individuals, you just need to be able to say it as part of an extremely precise definition of what exactly "white" means.
It was a good episode. I'm amazed that she hung around and let the death-panel chimp out on her for three hours. Here are some critiques:
1. Ghoul needs to stop fucking up. His reasoning wasn't clear and he kept getting tongue-tied.
2. They didn't ask her why she felt that anti-semitism was more objectionable than the other types of anti-shitskin opinions expressed on the show. This was clear evidence of Jew programming.
3. It was silly when Bulby asked her what it would take to bring her over to our point of view. Women are creatures of consensus, all it would take would be for the people that surround her and have authority over her to express right wing views. Women don't rationally analyze the world in order to come to their opinions, they always follow the herd.
I agree, it'll definitely be high on the priority list once we have the resources to conduct our own, non-pozzed studies. Perhaps to of the list, as far as genetics research goes. Until then, though, I'm absolutely willing to view anyone tryng to break up White/European identity and unity as an out and out enemy, no holds barred. People need to realize that we're in the opening phases of an actual war and start behaving as such. Cowards, traitors, and saboteurs can't be tolerated. The existence of our people is quite literally at stake, and I only wish I were LARPing right now.
tbhwyfam, I'm not sure we should spend too much time entertaining those arguments, because they are always made in bad faith. No one on Earth genuinely doesn't know what constitutes 'White', at least not until we're considering the Southeastern Balkans, Caucasus, or Sicily, and that isn't because we don't know what White is. That's because White has clearly been mixed with something else in those populations.
Again, I agree that we need to solve that question once and for all, and we will have very specific legal standards backed by scientific evidence when we control the scientific institutions. That's just a long way off, I'd say a decade at least. For now, like I said, no one on Earth asks "What is White?" because they genuinely don't know. They are asking for antagonistic reasons, and I'm inclined to treat it as such.
'White' is any person whose race and ethnicity is derived from Europe and not significantly mixed with any other ethnic groups. What constitutes 'significantly' will ultimately be an arbitrary percentage, but I don't know what's reasonable because I'm not a geneticist
This would be taking a disingenuous question seriously. But I suppose it could be part of an "arguments and facts" collection, the kind of which Woes has proposed before.
The knowledge already exists, otherwise 23andMe wouldn't be able to tell someone their genetic origins either. It would just be a matter of assembling it, for which expert knowledge would be very helpful.
I just don't think this is a major issue, because people asking such a question will disregard whatever evidence you give them.
The information does already exist and you'd be able to find out if you have access to JSTOR/actually published scientific journals (or be really good with google and willing to spend a bunch of time doing research).
screencapped for truth
I'll tell you all about the TDS episode. It was a waste and Ghoul is to blame. He cut Seventh and others off when they were going to lay into the bitch and end the interview early but Ghoul just had to fucking white knight for the cunt and stretch the shit out to damn near the whole length of the show and I didn't get to hear my fucking BAMBALAMPS story this week.
Crappy cap tbh.
That was fucking painful. Anyone who thinks that was a good debate are as delusional as they are. They loved to circle jerk each other over how hard they could demolish any liberal and the two times they get it devolves into a spergy shit show.
It's bad enough they think they are part of the unseen leadership of the "alt right" without making everyone else tangentially related look like dipshits.
And before someone jumps up my asshole, I do believe they think they are leaders. Ever since the hillary thing they've been uppity self important fuckers.
Mark my words. People like Enoch,sven, and spencer in the general movement will turn into our version of cuckservative once they get a good dose of power. You can see it with the "don't punch to the right" thing. It's a ploy to keep themselves shielded while they shit on everyone else.
he wasn't THAT bad, I agree Ghoul kind of fucked it up but people are being too hard on him. He's smart but he has to learn to stop running his mouth constantly.
Ghoul did it
Ghoul is to blame.
I believe
"But uh uh, the uh, thing about this is uh uh, you see uh uh" -Ghoul
I'm a big fan of TDS but Ghoul needs to just shut the fuck up in those interviews.
He's a total autist
I enjoyed it, but I still maintain that all of the TDS hosts are just classical liberals who figured out they hate niggers and Jews. They want a white society in which they can be degenerates without having to worry about chimpouts and kike influence.
TRS has some much better and further right podcasts. TDS is bottom of the barrel. Merchant Minute is pure gold though.
They did exactly that in one of the last episodes when they had Spencer on. Any association between Milo Faggyopolous and his cult of personality, and the alt right, needs to be destroyed.
I think the only problam is ghoul.
You have to realize that TRS is just the "lowbrow" wing of the social group in NY centered around Counter Currents and Radix.
Ghoul needs to stop going on the show. He adds nothing but awkwardness. I guess people like his paint doodles so he should stick to that.
I`ll just like to add that I found this to be the best episode in a long time. Going to listen to it again on the train home.
t-thanks senpai, but next time you should post the cap after you take it so other people can save it too. Now I look like a fucking faggot for capping my own post
dubs confirm, but it's all cool in my book. If cuckservatives are replaced with White Nationalists-lite, then we've made a step in the right direction. We'll just have to keep up the pressure and never rest, never relax, always keep pushing Right. The big test for us is going to come next year. After Trump wins, we might lose a lot of steam. We have to be ready for that and never get complacent, or else we'll do this all again in 4-8 years except with an even smaller percentage of the population.
go easy on the D&C
I read recently that Spencer put money into TRS, does anyone know more about this?
You should be a writer for Radix or something. Good shit
I'm not even being ironic here.
someone made that up on a thread on here once, but posted no proof
They're the same organization, just aimed at different demographics.
Main thing that's been pissing me off recently is rightfully getting angry at dems r the real racists entryism, but full on promoting and pandering to dems r the real homophobes parasitism.
Gays don't have any interest in this. They just know that their time as the left's poster child has been replaced with someone who will kill them, and look to feed on us as protection.
This is objectively the best post in this thread. You should be writing for a major publication if you are not already. I would read everything you put out faithfully.
they don't say that, idiot, omfg
they just point out that homos should support the right because islam is bad for homos
it's a way to break up the leftist coalition of victim groups
Jazzhands identifies as a fascist. See: his AMA on r*ddit
I agree with everything except where you guys somehow think she didn't come out of that looking like 6 year old girl
I get triggered when they all try and talk at the same time. They really should just kick Ghoul and McNabb off all together. Sven is becoming more annoying too as he keeps interupting to complain about how long they've gone or "we need to go to break". YOU DON'T NEED TO GO TO BREAK YOU AUTISTIC FAGGOT, IT'S A PODCAST NOT MORNING ZOO RADIO.
face it, she looked like a triumphant goddess coming to conquer a pack of sweaty schoolboys
just kidding
yea that was horrible
I think they were actually triggered by how stupid and annoying she was
I see no reason to debate leftists like the reporter at all. They should have stopped the interview directly after she was initially out of questions. The whole thing would have been glorious, instead of a shit show.
This post is 100% literally by shill.
I'm annoyed that people still fall for it but I also feel excited because the powers to be are genuinely starting to feel scared and are trying to snuff out the movement by making us devolve into factionalism.
It was ultimate pwnage
Also they're sharpening their skills for the future when the media will be more interested in us.
If we can get tons of normal White people to hear us and if we sound good, well that's good for us.
TRS is about winning, they're arrogant because they are on a mission and aim to fucking WIN!
I'm fine with breaking them up, but they have very special place in the hottest ovens.
I'm all for divide and conquering our opponents, but faggotry has no place in a white ethnonationalist society.
Agreed but also …. I am not happy about this but 2 or 3 of the best redpillers out there are actually bi or gay….
They don't promote homosex but yea…. I think it's worthless to hate Greg Johnson because he's gay. He does good for our cause. So fuck it.
Good thing none of what you said was true.
Word of warning: Up your shill game. If we get our way people like me will gladly pull the trigger on all the traitors and kikes who tried to stop us.
clearly we didn't
fuck outta here reddit
I…man, I'm absolutely giddy. I've been thinking about it recently and I think you guys may have just pointed out how I can best help our cause. Fuck, thank you anons. I'm going to look into it. Hopefully I can get my first piece out by the end of this year
Cuck! GTFO
All the best to you,
You have a real way of expressing our ideas. I hope you get published.
How the fuck do spaces indicate a redditor? Holy shit this place has mutated into pure fucking tinfoil flat earth shit.
Ok common spic, stop false flagging to find screencaps for your videos
God damnit you cuck! Die!
Godspeed, user. I truly hope you are picked up so your insights can be shared to a wider audience.
Alchohol syndrome looking face muffuga
No, I think he is right.
From now on I will write like this.
I don't want people to think I'm a redditor afterall.
This is much easier to read too.
Purge all the spaces.
I also think he is a redditor himself to be so sure about his assertion.
We could also just write like this and never have any breaks at all since it really is fun to scan through a huge wall of text and losing the line you've been reading and then searching for the place you've been again I also don't like punctuation but fuck reddit fags and gas the kikes oh did I mention that I started eating vanilla ice cream instead of chocolate because I hate niggers so much and don't want to eat anything brown? I really think not formatting your writing at all is great as long as you don't appear to be a reddit fag. Sometimes I sniff my own farts and get a real euphoric feeling from it but only if I ate a bag of doritos the night before.
You are a fucking FAIRY. I don't understand why anyone would praise your posts after you started one with fucking "t-thanks senpai". Become a man before even thinking about writing for the alt right. I don't even want to know what other boards you frequent.
Much easier to get rid of them. These are people with podcasts and blogs who sporadically meet IRL, not people in charge of a media conglomerate worth billions. I expect schisms after the ellection and not only because of cucking. Natsocs, nazbols, ancaps… can fight together at times but they're also different. And ultimately they're not all fundamental allies. As long as people keep their guards up we'll be fine although I share your concerns a bit, even more so in regards to Spencer.
Looking at the cap, Europeans did have to fight common enemies. The difference is that there wasn't a rallying around defending Europe but Christianity. Not saying that because of christcuckery but because being White is not just a DNA thing, there are shared cultural and behavioral aspects.
Elle was right, everybody is autistic.
I put a lot of spaces between my sentences, but in my case it's because of autism and typing the way I feel.
This includes too many ellipses and commas, as well.
Also, time with LaTeX kinda damaged my typing, as well.
His twitter is worse, since he retweets a lot of bullshit his foster children are creating, too.
CF confirmed for nigger, too.
Good thing he is already starting to talk like one in his reddit question thread.
Or that "nazi faggot flag" thread.
He has only shown the OP post portion of that, not the string of opposition it created, so it looks like Holla Forums is naturally gay positive.
Thread in question:
Lying is okay, though, if you're a "Christian" and call it "irony".
So, no worries here.
Faggotry is pushed by jews to weaken white society so that they require the government and have no defense against multiculti bullshit. It has no place on Holla Forums, trs, or any supposed anti zionist group or site.
And furthermore, "cool" alt right faggots are just golems who realized their master turned on them before they could.
S-stop punching to the right. We need to be unified. My trad wife's feminine penis doesn't affect you.
In case you're wondering why.
Sodomy is incompatible with any movement except its own.
It's a zombie death virus and they're spraying it over everything.
Woes is right though. People who autistically call for the death of homos when such a position is greatly controversial even in Holla Forums circles do nothing but harm perceptions and cause divisions. I'm against the promotion of any gay shit as much as anybody, but it's far, FAR less of a problem than things like mass immigration, the spread of islam, and jews.
The sad fact is that a vast majority of whites have at least some sympathy for gays. It's not 'muh pr' to point this out, it's a question of priorities. Work to end the campaign that seeks to end your race, or be a retard like common filth and fixate on gay shit while your civilization burns down. Your choice.
You have to attack the notion of homosexuality as an identity.
Castrate all faggots on the spots. Then, perhaps, they may live so they can be "just like everyone else" as they claim, and not just sex addicted hedonists who are consumed by their (literally, not even spiritual, or anything) fornication.
They can still think, and work, and make the world a better place, without getting the urge to latch onto a part of the circle of life but without being able to produce life with the victim.
I listened to all of it throughout the day here are a few constructive comments which applies for all you faggots.
The Socratic method is great, but I don't recall Socrates ever conversing to women. Why is that? Because you'll never corner a woman into admitting they're wrong. So in reality it was painful to listen to, besides a few cheap laughs. The real idiots were the hosts for failing to realize this simple fact, furthermore they proceeded to beat a dead horse out of frustration for three hours.
Imagine if they weren't retarded and asked questions like the following:
Would of been funny to listen to her talk about these things and would of actually had some effect on her. Much better than halo-type autism serious discussion time.
They interviewed a jewess from NY user, she'd weasel out of those questions just as she did from the ones they asked her.
I agree with that. I'm talking about people who advocate for brutality that, realistically, even the average Holla Forumsack wouldn't get behind. The insignificance of gay shit doesn't warrant such attention when we can deal with it via methods such as the one you're proposing.
This user gets it.
I can agree with this.
unclean fornication, I mean.
They cannot reproduce and therefore do not need their reproductive organs.
Yet, most things they touch while their sex drive is active becomes ruined.
From their own anuses to potentially severed bloodlines if they prey on children who then become traumatized and would have had healthy families with offsprings, if they hadn't been raped.
And I do think that faggotry spreads through rape and molestation.
Fags, are, thankfully a minority, but they have a sex drive.
And if you're really really horny and nothing is around then you might go nuts from it and go for something else or close to it.
Plus, the faggot has this "rockin' body", why waste that on masturbation?
A sexy woman wouldn't just sit at home shlicking if she could go on the prowl and seduce someone.
Sure, most people are straight, but "love is love" (cum is cum) and I got this really awesome body, I bet I can seduce a straight guy.
Failing that, rape a kid, they can't fight back and little boys are basically like grown men.
That's how they think, because faggots are little boys with a libido.
Girls are ewww cooties, but anal sphincters are really neat.
Etc. They are a necrotic touch to the world.
Castrating them needs to be mandatory.
For their own good, too.
Gets rid of the urge to bareback or bug breed to make up for inklings of "procreation drive".
Castration is cheap and effective. Much cheaper than pumping them full of prep and other shit just so they can be *hedonists* and nothing more.
This. The Socratic method is great bit it only works when the other person is at least somewhat willing to engage with you. A Jewess from Vice who wants to talk about Pepe and interposes "interesting" for "disagreeable" is not a prime target.
The episode with the Gawkerfag was way better. He at least was willing to open up, and that made the argument much more satisfying. The fact that the goys triggered him and then this bitch managed to trigger them is telling.
Plus, even without balls, they'd be real actual healthy men, according to ((( progress ))).
A ftm tranny is a "real man" and has no balls, so no worries at all.
Castrate them, they lose out on nothing.
They would still be real men™, all peachy.
Holy shit the father has one of the beadiest eyes I've ever seen on a kike.
And mother…wew.
The vice reporter was fucking painful to listen to. Always trying to deconstruct their arguments with shit like 'what do you define as white?' 'Germans and Irish were not considered white once…' She was just so dishonest and evasive. I wanted to fucking pimp slap her at sometimes.
Seconding this, the gay shit is gross, but it's just a symptom of a degenerating society.
Reminder Woes is not pro homo he just doesn't want to spend lots of time spergattacking faggots
That has since been retracted in favor of a more indirect approach.
The Milo question is threatening to split the burgeoning movement in half.
t. Some guy
U wot m8, I'll have you know that The Fatherland is the comfiest podcast to exist and has helped white pill me on getting a waifu and raising kids.
The Convict report is hit and miss because the hosts have too much autism and are bantz anemic(speaking as an aussie)
It is pretty weird for people to say eceleb bullshit when they are basically a radio network now with hugely varying podcasts.
Wrong, no one fucking likes Milo. No one. Not even Spencer does, and he's the biggest cuck on the Milo issue because Spencer seems to like everyone, not even kidding.
Time for White Nationalism to die.
Milo is an attention-whoring jewish homos4exual who gets fucked up the ass by niggers, then posts about it on twitter.
no one supports him. consider suicide.
It's not about who likes Milo, it's about who's willing to leave him be versus who is willing to engage him. I suggest you look at more recent tweets by that account.
left leaning classical liberals who want really badly to be the alt right like milo.
We lose no one by rejecting him unless you consider Sargon of Akkad or That Guy T a plus.
I'm not disagreeing with you here. I want the guy strung from a lampost somewhere. But what I am telling you is that there's been a change in tone from high command on this. Presumably after a word with Spencer.
I think there's an article about this somewhere on TRS. Basically, they seem to have two schools of thought.
1) No enemies to the right. Don't attack anyone to the right of you. In practice, they fail upholding this one routinely for example, in the most recent Daily Shoah where they had Richard Spencer on as a guest where they went on the attack against theoretical skinheads. Dismissing lines of thought or argumentation as LARPing and stuff like that definitely qualifies.
2) No enemies on the right. If someone's on the right wing, they aren't worth attacking. They seem better at observing this, but only if you don't consider cuckservatives to be on the right. Of course, under this any failure covered by stance one would apply to this as well.
On the whole, it seems to me like TRS goers use "no enemies to the right" to try to convince cucks and other moderates not to waste energy attacking them while they have no problem attacking cucks.
They should have ended the interview at the one hour and a half mark.
That bitch was fucking boring, making the entire show about her was a mistake.
Cuckservatives aren't really on the right. They don't accept any of the premises that distinguish the right from the left, they just would rather freeze leftist "progress" at a specific point in time.
Woes is a faggot
Yes. We want to do what the radicals did to the Left, attack and shame centrists while saying "dude why are you attacking your own party"
For your first point, I've gotta say that's almost entirely the showfags who are mostly yelling at their own forums for going farther than Mike is. He's still a normie at heart.
From her voice she sounded really hot. Then I looked her up…UG!
I'm a fascist. There's no one to the right of me.
This is stupid. Everyone in our way needs to be destroyed.
When I attack someone that's on the right wing I'm not trying to convert them. I'm trying to harm them. You can't shame someone into being a fascist. People that cling to the liberal framework in order to appeal more broadly aren't helping anything. They're just in the way by giving any validation to the liberal order. They're just reinforcing liberalism except liberalism for whites only.
That's the problem with liberal racialist movements. They're not going to accomplish anything in that intellectual framework because they'll be out-liberaled by their enemies.
Maybe that's because the extremists of the movement are actively trying to destroy any forum which doesn't advocate for getting neck tattoos and shooting up the local Jewish Community Center. Maybe that's because the moderates have gotten us closer to our goal of restoring the whiteness of the west in the past five years than 50 years of George Lincoln Rockwell VNN skinhead weirdo larper bullshit ever even dreamed of.
Our extremists are retardedly dangerous and dangerously retarded. Our moderates provide great cover for us by doing PR work and introducing the idea to the brainwashed that it's okay to be partial to your own people and culture. Any real entryism is impossible because entryists can't adorn their message with the ha-ha-only-serious 14/88s and swastikas that separate the real thing from the Jewed version. We can't be coopted by ZOG and turned into the tea party, as the moderates of the right can only position themselves as fellow travelers. At the same time, we need normies to not be disgusted by boots and braces mouthbreathers who are more interested in beating up niggers and designing death camps in The Sims than working to rebuild traditional white society.
Gtfo vox day you uberkike. Anything but 100 percent firmness on the JQ leads to Jewish co-option.
Kill yourself you spineless cuck. Not wanting compromise on issues like the JQ and sodomy is not being a "skinhead larper". You are pretty much a walking meme of autright beta faggots and complain about "extremists" when there are even normie republicans to your right.
Yeah, keep eating those tendies in imaginationland, kiddo.
That was from the guy from Fash the Nation though. They aren't nearly as cucked as I have seen TDS get at times. I think that the guy who said gas the kikes race war now and the guy who was coming back for the first time in a while they made him leave by okaying a half-nigger fucking a white chick I believe were the only two that weren't completely cringe tier in this episode. They need to stop spreading shit memes. I am really getting sick of them talking about being fags, and the autistic guy, Ghoul, was even spouting something about Anglos being the niggers of Europe No the Irish, English, Germans, Swedes, French, and any other Europeans are not niggers. Niggers are niggers, and we can't afford to fight each other over stupid shit when our demographics are this fucked. I feel like they had a decent start with their broadcast, but it just went wrong somewhere. Basically, the only podcast they have I bother listening to now is Fash the Nation now, but I am worried it's only a matter of time until they cuck.
You're not trying to nail jelly to the wall man, just have fun throwing it instead and see what sticks. Nobody really cares what these spineless people have to say, but it doesn't mean that you can't enjoy making them squirm once you happen upon something which genuinely fucks with their self image.
If they have more interviews they can't just keep hammering away in frustration.
The more grey area anything is, the more wiggle room parasites have to hook into.
Extremism is the way to go.
You expect to fend off extremists without extremism of your own? This is why this "movement" you speak of is doomed to fail until something stronger takes its place. Let me tell you something about those pioneers you just tried to belittle: they sowed the seeds for your little band of "moderates" to actually start giving a fuck. They were fighting this battle while you guys were enjoying the normalfag life and now that you come to understand even an ounce of what they were talking about you still have the gall to try and belittle those who in fact gave their lives for "whiteness." These were intelligent men who above all had foresight which is something you all still lack – arrogantly you think this gentle stirring of a movement will be the final push when it's still as frail as a wet kitten. You have no foresight, in fact you do nothing that the more extreme portions haven't lead you along to do. We will always inch you "moderates" closer until you find yourself in our camp where you will finally realize after years of stubborn denial that it takes a force of fanatics to defeat another force of fanatics.
Vox Day is a plagiarist who is only in it for the money. People like him, Milo and Cernovitch are fucking leeches.
I'm not saying to get rid of moderates, we need both.
You say that the normies will get scared off by the extremists screaming "Day of the rope! A kike from every streetlight!"? Well no shit that is obvious but they are now aware that a certain percentage of the country has these ideas, but even if they agree with them violence is not okay blah blah blah.
This is when the "Moderate" wing of our people drops by to scoop up the normies that couldn't take the heat. Obviously we aren't going to get 51% of the country on board for a race war but just putting those ideas out there make every Kevin Macdonald of the world many hundred of times more approachable by comparison.
And before you complain about spoiling our image and scaring people away.
Any press is good press.
The more we get our ideas out in the public consciousness the more people we will draw in. People are shaped by the trends around them.
I think FTN will hold a steady course. Jazzhands seems to know what he's doing.
And yes Vox Day is indeed a profiteering scumbag
He's an AnCap.
Vox Day isn't in it for the money, his family money ensures he'll never have to labor for shekels. He's a pathologically narcissistic attention whore in it for the glory.
You're fucking pitiful.
Jealous 'pure' euro fag detected
by your standards then all of europe is 'mystery meat'
Also mystery meat implys someone is so mixed you cant tell what race(s) they are comprised of.
I'm pretty sure if you lined up pics of people from north western europe and purely based on theyre facial features you wouldnt be able to tell the difference.
Sam Hyde showed the proper way to handle these types in his interview with Bernstein. He knew the guy wasn't going to be honest and just looking to do a hit piece, so he fucked with him hard.
Whatever amount of glory there is in writing click-books about tumblr-fags
Dude, Sam Hyde is the real leader of the alt-right.
WTF are you talking about. They gave examples even one from her own fucking twitter.
The Irish and italians were treated like niggers is just a lie.
She didn't beat them at socratic shit because she avoided any substantial question and her questions of her own were "Lol pepe's are interesting."
It was a good and entertaining listen for the most part but they made the mistake of having too many people on for sure. It was like a pack of wolves, all wanting to sink their teeth in at the same time.
Original poster of that thread got banned from the alt-right community?! for hating gays
OP is not a faggot in fact it was you all the time.
Moderates lend mass, but if you tailor your message to protect feelings, then you've missed the whole point.
We should be motivated to do what's right rather than what achieves the most social approval.
This. She just refused to engage in logical argumentation like leftists always do because she knew that her double standards would be exposed. She claimed to be ignorant about the Socratic method, but based upon how she deflected and asked them to restate the questions to give her time to think, she knew exactly what was going on and how fucked she would have been of she answered honestly. She operated like a slimy Jew. Atleast the Gawker guy was somewhat intellectually honest.
I'm with you 100% man. I was defending the idea of having both a moderate base and an ideological vanguard.
The episode at the start was pure fucking autism with them almost casually dropping all her questions and circle jerking themselves. They then start to slowly get somewhere, but the issue becomes that Ghoul is very loud, obnoxious, forcing questions and false assumptions hogging up all the air time. While she plays dumb and tries to find a way out of her own mental gymnastics.
The whole thing about sources was a retarded rabbit hole which apparently you all fell for.
If they had sources on that then she would have just ask for sources on other shit until she found something they hadn't prepared for(it's kike behaviour besides to make the original point obscure).
They pointed to the Biden interview and she wouldn't even concede that and instead called him a working class white(wtf).
The shit about stock is fucking autistic and I'm glad they didn't go down that route.
They went in depth on dna and race with sources and her answer was to ask why they knew all that "stuff".
She cites some study where researchers found that there are only three genes that determine someone's intelligence and that their impact is minimal, with the difference between "having the best possible combination of those genes and the worst possible combination" being 2 or 3 IQ points. She then says that intelligence is 50% hereditary and 50% determined by the environment. Given how she interprets the study she brought up, the logical position for her to take should be almost complete blank-slatism.
Overall, it was pretty painful to listen to, because the Vice reporter is simply dumb as dirt. The debate with the Gawker guy was much more interesting. At least I don't recall him ever letting out a sigh and saying "whatever" as a response to any of their arguments. Too bad he left after an hour, while they wasted an entire shoah on this bitch.
Sluts dating kikes should be the first in the ovens.
She's a kike herself.
That explains the lying about her southern teacher.
No, Axel got banned by Woes from Woes' chat. Axel is a regular on some of the TRS podcasts, and is Natt's brother or something.
Explains her lying and arguing in bad faith the whole time.
Can't wait to see her shit video.
And these moderates only exist because of the space more extreme dialogue has opened up for them.
Could I get an invite to the forum?
Mike is clearly the one who is best at debating with shitlibs. Ghoul is fucking atrocious. Too many voices led to them being easily distracted to the point where she didn't really have to answer any of their questions. If it was just Mike and maybe one other guy and the rest just shut the hell up, they would have been much more effective at getting her to stop using jew tactics to evade everything and at least get her to examine her own beliefs. As it stands, they'd have been better off stonewalling Pepe questions like in the beginning and then just letting her leave.
Totally retardeed question but when I go to radio.therightstuff.com soundcloud just odesn't want to load. Why is that?
Adblock or similar getting in the way maybe?
Leftists, especially press members, don't want any insight. They are duplicitous individuals who just want to prove their false narrative.
Don't be kind because they will crush you whenever they have the opportunity. Become mercilessly abrasive to them instead. Leftists do not deserve kindness, only belligerence.
Don't feel too bad. She got Soundcloud to shut down the Shoah account the day after the interview.
McNabb is almost as bad as Ghoul. He blurts and cuts in, and his points are even less insightful than Ghoul's. Sven, Enoch, Hateful Heretic, and guest. That's the ideal lineup.
And you know it's true. Imagine Ghoul and McNabb with their own show. No one would listen.
Delete your account.
How can you possibly defend their board? They're worse than Holla Forums when it comes to things like socialism, feminism and miscegenation.
1) No.
2) Not even remotely.
3) You're one of the stupid shits who got ovened, aren't you.
There was a comment on that vid saying she got the soundcloud (((shut down)))
Have fun with your (((civic nationalism))), you egalitarian MRA faggots.
You're talking about a forum which excludes non-whites and jews. How is that civic nationalism, faggit?
So this is one of the most prominent TRS forum posters. I'll let you decide for yourself.
Wyatt is a fucking faggot and has been banned like four times for being a drama queen. He's only around because he knows people irl.
no fuck off
Except that this "prominent poster" is banned
awyattmann is a NEET sperg that gets banned all the time lmao
This is from today.
Good post.
Bans are generally temporary unless you're a huge prick. Wyatt keeps getting put in time out for stirring shit up.
This time he's not necessarily wrong, he's just being histrionic. Fags tend to be the last thing before Jews normies come around on, because if you haven't already felt the revulsion reaction, you're going to be coming at it from a strictly abstracted point of view.
When the fuck did he get unbanned?
Why are you such a pussy. He should have been gone permanently a long fucking time ago.
Who fucking cares? It's a message board. The real stuff happens at the irl 'Forums' that they do with CC and Radix.
So then yes, you're one of the shills or faggots who got ovened.
I never read a TS forum thread that was pro-MRA, civic nationalist, socialist, feminist, miscegenist, etc.
Everything he's said are lies cut from whole cloth.
Motherfucker is a shill to the Nth.
Plot twist: this user is almost certainly awyattmann
A couple of TRS faggots with their sheboon girlfriends (long term relationships only, of course).
Mike Enoch posted a thread trying to get people on board collecting hatefacts for a slack chatbot that was intended for confrontations such as these.
Members came out of the woodwork offering assistance with the coding and starter hatefacts, and the thread is sitting there now doing nothing because Enoch doesn't give a fuck.
The inner circle is also hoarding a script that can quickly farm shitlib personal info that would be useful for the forum's traitor cataloging project. But nope.
Then there's the security issues that have gone unresolved. They're running Cloudflare and Google Analytics on the forum, and nobody seems to see a problem with it. Members have admitted to using windows 10 or chrome.
I'm frankly getting tired of the forum now. All that gets posted is archived clickbait articles where members farm upvotes (you need 100 to downvote and be taken seriously).
Every time OPs OC or projects get posted, the thread dies under a sea of upvote farm threads.
You're sounding like a bitter woman.
She was one of the most useless, dumb, boring human beings I have ever had the displeasure of hearing speak
To be fair there is no real danger in being an edgy racist on the internet for Americans.
he's completely right imo, but I think that simply getting milo to mention TRS/8pol is enough to sway some civvies
t. ex-civic
Someone got triggered.
Like how they routinely shit on those to the right of them, while crying 'no punching to the right!' when someone criticizes them.
Yes, the same people who routinely make fun of Iron March, and the Third Reich (if you go back to the early days, you can hear Enoch go off on a tirade about how National Socialism is economically stupid and he doesn't really like it - IOW basic bitch lolberg gripes), and for every appearance by Anglin you have 3 by Richard "Implicit Pan-Europeanism" Spencer or the like.
Like I said: Funny folks, but ideologically weak, soft. These are not the men who will take up arms should things come to that, these are the men who will sit comfortably in their middle class homes talking about political and economic theory while half-assedly defending the white race.
They do good, but the sort of good they can and will do comes with inherent limitations the likes of which they are not strong/hard enough to go beyond.
You are absolutely retarded user.
There may not be legal rammifications as is the case for our brave fellows in Europe, but no risk?
Get fucking real.
That's why we don't have Toilet Law anymore…. I miss the postcards.
TL is henpecked to fucking death and even with that he's back writing articles. He bounced because of his wife, not because of danger.
Looks like they got kicked off of Soundcloud.
But sure, obviously Germans need to VPN it up and probably rock a FDE install of Mint to make it easy. But Americans? Who the fuck cares? What is going to happen?
step it up
He bounced because of his wife and his job, from my understanding, the issue of this sort of activity being an issue is itself a form of 'danger', as it were.
Again, you don't have to worry about the state, but you've got a lot more Jews and muds to worry about.
Remember: Between Israel and the US, you've got like 81%+ of the global Jew population (40.9% and 40.1% respectively), and way, way more muds, and in proportionally nastier numbers.
> racistsgettingfired.tumblr.com
Welcome to modern America.
Its toxically kosher.
Stuck in niggertech mode while studying for law school.
goddam this is cringe
Try to look beyond your autism for five seconds to realize why the wholesale slaughter of a tiny group of people that most whites have sympathy for would be a bad idea, if only from a purely strategic standpoint
you mean like the jews?
Fags are a really tiny issue compared to the jews. As says, it's a matter of priorities.
Jew sympathy is probably a lot less than you think, too.
Nothing wrong with homosexuality, no, not at all.
In fact, nothing wrong with promiscuity either! Hey, as long the white race's birth rate increases, so what?
Nothing wrong with half-whites either, we need all the support we can get! This is just D&C!
You must be that legendary JIDF employee of the month they keep talking about…
Being an open faggot is just as bad as being a Jew.
Only faggots and faggot sympathizers think otherwise.
Deny the holocaust in public and then repeat that.
Saying gays are a tiny issue when compared to the jews might be true, but they are still an issue. A horrific issue. Allowing faggots to run rampant in our society is to allow pedophiles to prey on our children. It opens the door to tranny shit, to bestiality, etc. Homo acceptance is the second step in allowing deviants to dominate society. The first step was allowing interracial marriage.
Where the fuck am I advocating acceptance?
I'm arguing against the 'kill all gays' autism nonsense.
The first step was allowing divorce and women's rights (their voting rights, technically was the very first one).
Then catering to """women's""" demands (in fact, the jews', speaking through them with emotional appeals + sponsoring them).
By sidelining the gay issue, you are implicitly allowing them to continue. "They aren't the biggest issue facing us right now, so we should just ignore them." This kind of logic is fatal.
I agree with you.
I started it but got busy and didnt finish it. Seemed like they ripped off sam hydes schtick pretty blatantly but her questions were fucking retarded
You should finish it. They stop stonewalling her when she drops the whole meme/pepe line of questioning. They make a lot of great points later on in the episode. Also, Sam Hyde wasn't the origin of doing interviews like that.
Not wanting to genocide gays = sidelining the issue?
Pure autism tbh
TRS = racemixing nu-males
Quality posts, all of you did good for even giving them a chance , atleast you know about them now. Networking is everything if shit ever hit the fan. You need to know who you can pass information.
gays will be bogged. the core of a functioning and healthy society is the family.
fuck off with your degenerate apologism.
Go suck natt's dick you gigantic faggot.
It isn't apologism to argue against genocide. Nor is it rejecting family values to argue against genocide.
You people are autistic as fuck and unrealistic as fuck. Go LARP in the woods while we actually take care of things.
mods = gods worms
You seem upset my fag enaber friend
Alright then, what solution do you propose to the fag issue?
Attack the notion of the 'homosexual identity'. Reverse gay marriage. Socially shame fag shit as bad for society. End gay propaganda in the media, end 'pride parades'. Push them back into the closet where they belong, as Russia has done.
And most importantly work to regain a white majority, because none of those efforts will matter if we keep importing liberal voting third worlders.
This poster is Wyatt Man from TRS.
Wyatt is a fucking sperg too, no better than these people.
I couldn't listen to the whole episode, too cringy
They should of booted her off when it was clear she wasn't answering questions and deliberately being retarded.
Also Ghoul's autism with cringy chuckles
15 people talking at once
She never answered any questions, just played the ditzy retard role by saying "interesting" bullshit
Honestly shocked nobody put their foot down and gave her the boot.
Mike was good though
But you yourself said that most white people have sympathy for homosexuals. How do you intend on reversing opinions and policies that have been drilled into people for the last 50 years?
See, your solution relies upon working within the system. It relies upon a mass movement and upon being able to reason and debate with people who simply do not care. Your solution is closer to LARPing than the "genocide" solution, because your solution only works in this fantasy future that you have constructed for yourself, where every single white person will one day wake up, if only you can word your argument in the right way.
Do you really think a mass movement in favor of a white nation, in favor of outlawing homosexual propaganda and marriage, in favor of creating the kind of world that WE would like to see, will gain traction with the majority that wishes only to live a comfortable life, free from having to think hard about anything?
I'm not disagreeing with you but I somewhat doubt the values of the current population and the power of "social shaming" at this point.
Call me cynical but I do not think that people will magically get back that social cohesion and enforcement of unwritten rules overnight. I think that until these social norms can be embedded a few generations deep we are going to need to have the state step in and legally enforce these social and cultural norms while we rebuild our society.
Nothing you say matters.
If you really believe what you say then the jews have already won and our people are already lost. Call me more optimistic than you then, I guess.
And by sympathy, I only meant sympathy as in 'wouldn't want to see them genocided'. I didn't mean 'acceptance'.
Social shaming is incredibly powerful. We can already see the pendulum swinging back in a more conservative direction with this current election, and the rise of SJW bullshit. People are tired of this AIDS culture.
You're right, it's not going to happen overnight, but the jews and the left in general has overplayed their hand here. They pushed the dildo too far too fast and people a realizing that.
Mainly meant with the "assistant" line but yeah ill finish it
Polls have shown that upwards of 60% of people in the west support gay "rights" though.
I'm not suggesting the black pill. I'm not saying that all is lost, and that there is no hope. Simply that, in the current climate, working within the system will not accomplish anything. Perhaps if Trump actually wins, the overton window will be shifted enough that it might work. But right now, an alternate solution outside of the system should be explored.
Hi Ghoul
The thread you started yesterday was bumplocked so you're making another one?
Anyone know what town Seventh Son and/or Mike Enoch live in?
I'm only asking because I live in Westchester County, NY and I think S.S. lives here also
Egyptians wuz Greekz n shiet?
wew lad, they gave her all kinds of "specific examples" and she just kept saying "nah, like, uh, like, um, like, different ones, like, um".
you're better off trolling through NY area family gathering videos on fb than asking user
Deploying a custom slack bot that works to spec takes at least a solid week of work. I know. My office mate is a topflight coder and it took him that long to build something equivalent. Enoch has a day job and admins the TRS infrastructure on top of that. And collects enough research for his part in the show. You don't sound like you know what work is.
The script is owned by one guy Mike knows, and you have no idea why he isn't giving it away. But anyone with a brain can probably guess.
If your standard for security is people not using the most common software then you're not running a member's forum, you're running a military. I honestly don't like the inclusion of YouTube videos, but if you're really bothered by it there are many browser privacy addons you can use.
The forum is NOT using Google analytics.
This restriction was lifted months ago.
Probably when you were banned.
You fucking crybaby.
People of low intelligence see liars who never drop their front as winners.
Not an argument and thank you for correcting the record.
I wasn't disagreeing with you.
Put the other way: I was agreeing with you.
obvious D&C is obvious
kek, shills are more nervous every day
Rectal prolapse is the best ex-gay program out there.
This will happen all by itself in the next five to seven years.
Children of "gay marraige" are coming of age, and boy are they butthurt. Literally.
oy vey dats breddy smaaaht goy
I need an invite please to the TRS forums!
I'm an Holla Forums NS goy, someone please help me out!
You fucked up, (((user))).
Bullshit. They were faggot circlejerkers. Not once were they on point. They don't take our struggle seriously and wasted another chance to rip them a new one.
Besides, the chick was giving them golden chances to lay out their ideology to the world. She was purring at them and being cute in general at the start and they were being a couple of typical alt-right FAGGOTS about it. It makes me wonder if they have an ideology to begin with.
One thing is for certain, a movement made up out of liberals who're trying to be edgy by saying nigger is going to get nowhere.
She was angling for pullquotes about the right wing being a bunch pathetic autists, and the purring was to get them to reveal personally identifying information about people in the movement. When they told her they have meetings her next question was "where are these meetings?"
Immediately after the interview she reported them to Soundcloud for hate speech, and successfully shut down the show account.
Her interview was both lazy AND hostile. If you think women purr at their rivals because they're turned on, you're the faggot circlejerker.
She didn't ask about personal information at the start, where they began fucking up. They kept from answering questions because she was "the enemy", but if the enemy is already in your midst you must show them what you're about and why it's better. They failed at this, they also failed properly countering her anecdotes about her "experience" with multiculturalism. They could've said that her experience does not make up for the countless lives destroyed by black crime, job loss and decay that our anti-White lawmaking has brought.
Instead they meandered about, for instance when she brought up that in the Southern school she allegedly went to, where she was shown a book about the Clinton death count they could've simply stated that they do have a death count. A simple display of power with truth to back it up.
It was cringeworthy.
*For instance when she brought up the Southern school she allegedly went to, where she was shown a book about the Clinton death count.
They could've simply stated that they do have a death count. A simple display of power with truth to back it up.
underrated post m8
Don't worry we will use everyone who comes onboard. Even the natsocs. We just have to help their styling so they're more like National Action in the UK and less like fat burgers.