Most of the fags that browse chans are edgy and jaded, but is there something that will still shock you or make you truly upset anons?
Most of the fags that browse chans are edgy and jaded...
I think I'm pretty much numb to everything at this point
My lack of empathy is actually starting to concern me.
I drew this about 30 minutes ago.
I want anons to know that but it's okay not to care.
It's also relevant
Tell me what you think it means to you
Children screaming. Not even picture of them in pain, but audio of them screaming in true, abject sorrow and terror. That's about it anymore.
when op delivers irl
Says the fag browsing a chan
i suspect this user has autism due to his tendency to take every word literally
I too get uncomfortable when I hear screams of agony/torment
Autism isn't real, user
this gets me because this is basically the only reason i don't kms, not that they'd find me, just that it would hurt them
i can't hurt my imouto
Muh white race
Being alone
YOU'RE not real
I didn't watch because I'm afraid it'll make me sad
it probably will, it's genuinely brutal
Wrong. Most of the fags that browse chans *think* that they are edgy and jaded. In fact, they are delusionally out of touch with reality, behind the times by about ten years, and haven't even got the basic social skills necessaary to realize just how bad off they really are.
Chans haven't been shit since Anonymous left 4chan for the darknet. ever since then the Feds have poured in to chans and seeped into every corner, sanitizing it and polluting it with their obvious bait.
Now it is just them, the clueless retards who want to be cool, and trolls who badger stupid noobs into falling into the Fed traps.
lol look at this dood
Sometimes my penis gets erect.. to much bdsm porn I think
Your post was uninformative garbage
eh, i think i heard this one before
i watched a bunch of these on youtube
the father sounds more disappointed than shocked
but the brother/ situation sounds relatable tbh
4/10 sads only a little sad
Damn, son, those feels coming back all over again.
Oldfag here. Torture makes me physically ill each time
I used to be way edgier, but I think I've gotten a bit soft now.
That was more annoying than sad.
Of course, you just want things to be normal in the end. A torture scene is not normal and peaceful.
You're on the right path, user-kun. Mass media is trying to make us care about all kinds of shit. Be afraid of this, dread that, heard about that new super AIDS? Children starving in africa! Iran just 1 month away from a nuke…
Not caring about anything removes the fog they create to blind us.
lol, the mystical-user-who-vanished-into-the-darknet-meme
I like to take a vacation in my head when I see weird shit like people dying irl. Some drug addicts are kinda fucked up too. Krokodil users are pretty shocking. I'm not sure how you go on about your day with bone sticking out.
i saw a 5yr old grill with a cock in her ass two days ago on Holla Forums. the look of helplessness and distress on her face was beyond tolerable. the sheer sickness of these pedo-faggots never diminishes
I think one of them has depression and the other wants to get his dick sucked so he's taking advantage of the way his friend feels so he can get his dick sucked however his friend refuses but despite this is not at all disgusted or concerned which makes no sense
data mining thread
pictures of cute little girls in normal family settings are the worst tbh
things that upset me
yes I'm a moralfag
Interesting, really. &I appreciate your view.
When I drew that pic, the characters didn't have any set relation other than "2 characters" (despite what was written).
I drew another pretty picture; I like the pretty picture
A little boy in a non-family setting.
I'm going to bed
I'm a moralfag too, tbh– Drawings of depravity assist me in laughing at my thoughts
good night depravity drawing user