Impacting the Culture through Media

Meme Magic is making great strides, greater than i had ever thought possible!

That being said; we must never become complacent with what power we have to push our agenda.

That is why I'm here to promote the idea of forming a "cultural rear strike" via entertainment.

In regards to the whole Youtube commentary scene we have people like The Youtuber formerly known as Internet Aristocrat, we also have E;R etc etc and while this is by no means an E-celeb thread i will point out that they are doing their part to bring normies over to our side.
Or at least make what we have to say more palatable.

So what i am proposing is that we start brainstorming ways to impact the cultural narrative via Media platforms like Video Games, Books and Cartoons (for now on youtube).

Now obviously because of certain (((people))) and their rules we ought to be subversive about this.

For example i myself am writing a book wherein their is a conspiracy by an ethnic gorup that is not blatantly a mirror of the Jews but willl be able to influence people to start connecting the dots irl.

Thats merely one example.

So my question is, what are ways for us to get our shit into stores so we can start influencing the subconscious of normies.

And through which channels should we go and what routes, whether it be video games or whatever.

(Movies would be the best as TV makes you as passive learner and thus more open to subversion unfortunately that is also the hardest route and should be a goal worked towards rather than sought immediately imo)

Other urls found in this thread:

On one hand i feel that Video Games would be the quickest way however the Book route could easily be adapted to an anime/movie/ tv series a la Man in the high tower.

that being said a double pronged approach could also work.

Note: We know (((faggots))) are monitoring our board so obviously don't try and network via here or private emails as it could be a honeypot. I'm simply saying lets suggest routes one could take to getting a foot in the door in their respective media choice.

shameless self bump

I've been saying this for a while and its nice to see this thread.

I'll say it loud:


Writers and novelists gear up. Break out the story you've been sitting on your whole life, that one great novel you told yourself that one day you'd right. Our memes will be reflected in our themes.

or the perfect time to push existing literature into the best-seller lists to pick up the litfags still clinging to marxism.

the literary scene is shrinking day by day, it's the most saturated that it's ever been.

I have two.

One in which peoples brains are scanned when they log on to play an MMO (the scanning happens without their knowledge or consent) and uploaded into a super computer that can simulate them.

Their personalities are also affected by what races they choose.

Like one of the characters is a person who chose an orc and who in life was quite intelligent but now his ability to learn is hampered by his chosen race due to its stat bonuses.

It would go into the what the basis of a nation and a people are (race) and theres even a group of religious people who want to mix everything together so there is a nation of individuals rather than nations of diverse peoples.

This is mostly subplot in the first book but will be the focal point after the first arc is dealth with. The first arc being with a person (with jewish characteristics and last name) that was behind all of this and wants to become a God in this new world with aforementioned religious people ruling over the mixed mongreloids

dont fucking tell me about them



I am part of this threads purpose, admittedly, was to see if any anons had suggestions for routes to take.

I don't want to have to sacrifice one of my stories to the kikes just to get an in with them but im also unsure how to go about gaining the attention of normies.

I've thought of online Self-Publishing via a private website where people could donate money through patreon if they like the content but that sitll gives the jews shekels.

i am!, part of this threads purpose*

Professional game programmer here. Games aren't the best way for us to do this for one reason: it's extremely time consuming and therefore costly to develop something that people actually want to play.

Like others have said, you're better cranking out novels, collections of short stories, or low-quality comics. (Comics with high-quality artwork and well-thought out plots are also very difficult and time consuming to get right_

Even if you have you have a small team of friends to work on a game, friends who have the skills and motivation, it's going to take many long months before you have anything to show. Even for something simple. The two kids who did Hotline Miami spent over two years on their first game, plus several previous failed attempts.

If anything, limit yourself to developing game mods unless you've got deep pockets and connections.

4koma is the best way to do it

Programmer also. I agree with this, and just happen to writing a novel and doing a hobby remake of an old strategy game from the 90s.

Ultimately though, Holla Forumsacks just need to get off their asses and do something, anything. Memes are only as good as their propagation.

Memecoins would be one way to take full hold of the self-funding process. That severely limits who would even be interested in funding you though; I'd say just use patreon until we can rope the lefties and start fresh.

Funding is one issue, but promotion is another. I'm also a cutting-my-teeth writer and I just don't even know what to do to advertise my archive blog. I don't have a fucking social media presence, I frequent Chinese cartoon discussion forums.

So the general consensus (lol 5 people :( …)
is novels.

If so what are the least pozzed publishers and how does one go about getting their book published and attract the attention of said publisher.

Or how does one go about self publishing and what are the best ways to do so?

Pro tip, from someone who's seen leftists ditch their ideology if something catches their eye well enough many times:

All you need for a piece of media to successfully make bluepills of all degrees between "non-political normalfag" and "insane degenerate liberal" like it is for it to be high-quality, nothing more, nothing less. Even the most delusional leftists can tell subconsciously when entertainment is high-quality and made with care, being naturally drawn to it the same as any other white, their whole problem comes from having no qualms with enjoying utter shit as well. Even the youngest children can tell if something is high-quality and more fun than the competitors, that's why shit like TMNT caught on while a sea of imitators floundered and died despite working off the same formula for cheaper, same goes for child-like leftists.

One phenomenon I've noticed which can be manipulated in our favor is the leftist tendency to employ mental gymnastics, specifically in this case as a means of enjoying politically-neutral (as close as possible, at least) or even outright un-PC/redpilled entertainment despite their insane ideology, and prevent their entire ideology collapsing as a result of enjoying something that's "racist/sexist/biogted/[insert leftist wrongthink tag here]". They will go to any lengths necessary to reconcile their ideology and whatever unfitting entertainment they enjoy, no matter the disparity between the two, because their single-minded obsession tends to get redirected to sources of entertainment easily and is just as autistic in its solidity as their erection for commie ideals most of the time.

What this means is, if you make a good enough work with intent to entertain, and keep the redpills subtle enough to be visible without intentionally pushing away leftists (i.e. accurate depictions of racial differences or kike control veiled under things like alien civilizations, rather than 22 minutes of "NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER" in the open), the majority of them will bend over backwards to justify liking it despite how blatantly it shits on their ideals. When leftists keep taking in media like that despite it being in direct opposition to their programming, it will seep into their minds just the same as the initial talmudvision brainwashing did, but it will stick unlike its competitor and permanently redpill them just as direct contact with Holla Forums does. Telling leftists to go suck a nigger dick is always fun for banter and shitposting, but subversion requires a subtler hand with things like veiled metaphors and "evil" characters who are clearly right and superior in their beliefs, albeit you don't have to hold back as much as you'd think.

It wouldn't even be particularly-difficult to surpass kike media in terms of quality and entertainment value, since 90% of the problems with most media today being boring trash stem from jewish propaganda (diversity/womyn/equality/anti-violence/etc.) and cost-cutting (11 or 22 minute timeslots for cartoons/2-hour walking simulator games/rehash and reboot movies with no standalone value/etc.) in tandem. Without the kinds of judaic bullshit that infests modern media creators and the kikes who approve and distribute their work, we could easily pump out something of far higher quality, provided we had the time, talent and resources which any entertainment needs to be good. Being allowed to write stories as un-PC as desired with no limits except ones which aid creativity (keeping it enjoyable and clear with limits on time/scope/etc., rather than cutting it down to fit it into kike scheduling) should go a long way toward making high-quality entertainment.

(body limit, continuing in reply)

On that note, there's a number of ways to intertwine our beliefs into media made with care to be high-quality, and without driving leftists away until it's too late to forget the truth, but here's two general frameworks just off the top of my head:

(((Programmer))) also, go fuck yourself.

Games it is, seeing as Soros is fagging up the "Industry" with shit like "Biocuck Infinite", the next "Ass Effect", these "equality" shit-show games getting churned out. EA, BioWare, 2K, Activision, ZeniMax all of these Faggot corps are only in for the shekel. If you can smell the jew in the narrative, toss it in the garbage!

The more of the "Indie" devs we get on board, the better. Steam is full of small and mid-range games which outperform all of the "big" AAA titles easily as they only operate on the "wow" factor. once that dies off, all that's left is the shitty gameplay and then you have crap like fallout 4 and skyrim. no, we need to stick to the roots - get them riled up form the bottom, they can't compete here. let them eat cake and shit bricks as they are accustomed to, these fuckers will never know what hit them.

destroy the jew with the anti-jew media, red-pill the fuck out of the masses. that's the order.

If it's anything like the music industry in the wake of file sharing, death of major labels, death of radio, death of old means of advertisement, etc., the way to get popular quickly without involving yourself with the old industry establishment is to get onto popular blogs, youtube channels, etc.

I imagine there must be some influential blogs that could get you enough press so that the established industry people would notice, if your stuff is actually good and people pick it up.


Someone might also consider making a board for "noble culture" because I don't think it'll ever be possible to promote those sorts of endeavors on Holla Forums. Going against the grain of anonymity by posting links to one's work is somewhat of a taboo.

Write it. I'd read the shit out of that.

Seconded. You'll just be bombarded with accusations of shilling, as well you probably should. Any collab on these endeavors can't be done here.

Let's take over the tabletop gaming scene by storm, it's fairly small and the demographics are ideal for us: suburban young and middle aged white men. Not only that, but technology prices are changing and the first 3D printing based miniature gaming companies could become huge overnight. How do we start? By crashing the trading card game market with no survivors, they're the ASSFAGGOTS of /tg/ and it's a total jewish scam that makes way more money then it deserves. This will move all that pent up capital else where, preferably into our hands.

TCG markets should be easy to crash, since they're based on trust and perception of just a few thousand major dealers and the emotions of asspies. They're not bound by high finance laws and are based on the trust of the company not using the printing press like the federal reserve and playing the market of "discontinued" cards or their machines getting into the hand of chinks. This market needs to face it though, these TCG companies are playing markets and forgery is common; we just have to get that message across by finding the right documents that kills trust and then flooding the market when buying is at an all time low.
Once the TCGs, like )))Hasbro's((( Magic the Gathering crashes, there will be a vacuum for a game for the collectors and hobbyshops. That's where we'll come in, all we have to do is put the right game in at the right time, with the right price, we just need some dank marketing memes and a good game. Not only that, but if we crash MtG markets bad enough and make a competitive table top game that digs into their market, we ruin Hasbro's Wizards of the Coast. That will allow one of our richfags to buy up some of their IPs for cheap such D&D, just think of what could be done with that piece of Americana being in the hands of a shitlord instead of jews.

What's a good game to make? A competitive scalable skirmish wargame is a good one, it's a very unserviced market and I can see it exploding in size with the right game and price, kinda like what X-wing is doing and cheaper then warmahordes. Many man-doll manufactures, like Gameswork shop, are total grabblers and push bad games where you needs lots of overpriced dolls in order to play. 3D printing is something we should embrace, we could make money simply by creating programs that spit out rules and custom figure files, leasing fancy 3D printing machines to the stores and writing good rules for once.

Cultural blitzkrieg.

Pretty sure a lot of /tg/ already sympathetic to us. A lot of warhammer fans are also Holla Forumsacks.

I have slowly seen just how powerful media and they messagea they send out can be at shaping public opinon, especiallu when it gets repeated over time.
Thats why im studying to create various types of media like music and videos and hopefully video games. Dont worry anons even if it looks loke the world is getting completely pozzed there is a group of artists and content makers slowly growing that are willing to band together for what they believe in

We must subvert all forms of grassroots media. Games, music (we've got inroads there in multiple genres), literature, all of it. Hell if we pull this off we can take back nerd culture and others from the kikes who made "big bang theory" while also fucking with leftist cultural dominance. It'd be nice to still be able to shitpost once this is won.

Another game programmer here.
I think that we have to start small, with anything we can. Short stories and comics are easy and quick to churn out. Music is also pretty fast, as are simple arts in general.

Games and movies are a bit harder, since they are a more long-term investment. I still think that they are important, and should still be fun.
"Memes are only as good as their propagation."- this is a strong idea. There's different kinds of propagation that differ in spread and impact. Movies and games hit much harder than comics and short stories can, but comics and stories can hit more people, faster. If ideas can be injected into games and movies over a slightly longer period, propagation can happen in a larger variety of ways.

That and it wouldn't hurt to have some more small Holla Forums themed games made, like shekel clicker.

so we have at least 5 pro game programmers here, probably a lot more.

organizing usually leads to the downfall of this kind of thing, but maybe we can get a kind of marioparty or wario-ware type thing going with a bunch of Holla Forumsack minigames?

I was thinking of writing a book about a kid who dies and goes to "purgatory". The dad has to deal with his son dieing and his wife going missing while the son goes looking for his mom in a demon infested purgatory. And i was thinking of having an online fourm about parents with dead children looking into ways to make a portal into purgatory. And then somthing about the demons coming through the portal via a scientists lab. I dunno how i would put a red pill in that.

sounds a bit like stranger things on netflix

Never watched it.

It's pretty good, it's a love letter the 80's and the sci-fi shows of the era. I think you'll really like it going off that little plot you wrote.

It's oddly wholesome. I watched it with my folks.

I was going with a more horror approach with lovecraftian magic rather than scifi tech. Ill check it out.

kek approves it seems. thanks user i'll download it

Apps are easy to (((shut down))) and so not a great choice, but could be highly amusing, especially if churned out at a high rate.

gorilla dick slangin nigga

But really, how can i put a subtle red pill into a story like this.
Also i was thinking of having the kid meet other dead kids while in purgatory. They all died different ways and they all have their own goal. Like i was thinking of having this little (9 or 10) girl be raped and killed by her father, so she needs to go and do somthing with her father's soul.

here are some assets for any gamedev anons who wanna use em

Did you make these user? What project were they for?

Anything in any medium that gets people to laugh at extreme racism.

Get a person to laugh at extreme racism enough and you'll suddenly find that their mental block on honestly considering those ideas is gone.

Concept Idea:

Might work for a slow and gradual method?

Tabletop games would also be easy to reach a state of prominence in because of the paucity of "auteur" style designers. There are only a few designers in the American style (eg, not "Euro" or abstract games where mechanics take complete precedence and theme is entirely irrelevant). People like Phil Eklund or Martin Wallace.

Look at a game like Eklund's Sierra Madre or American Megafauna. The total indulgence in theme and history is a clear opportunity to carry a 'red pill' narrative simply through seeking out truth in its background research. Nate Hayden is another interesting one who's managed to translate black metal occult themes into Cave Evil, or horror B-movie tropes into Psycho Raiders.

Of course, the venerable history of war games attracts a lot of the same kind of people that would be to grand strategy like Hearts of Iron or Europa Universalis so that's already lurking there in the armchair military strategists. Whether or not this is an avenue worth exploring, I don't know, I don't hang around the autists/oldfags involved in the community. I just have a personal interest that I'll introduce to enjoy with my circle over some drinks sometimes, just like I might a film. But I've noticed anyone taking an interest in board game production could quickly and easily set a distinct name for himself with sufficient vision - the production costs seem trivial as well, especially with the advent of print-on-demand publishing.

And these are strong posts. I agree 100% that the most important thing is to set a high standard of quality. D.W. Griffith's Birth of a Nation or Leif Reifenstahl's work has stumped the pozzed film criticism community for generations because their quality, vision and influence are too much to ignore despite their anti-propaganda agianst everything they stand for. Be good first, a Holla Forumslack second, in all matters.

I've been wondering what Right art would consist of. The trouble is leftist proganda is destructive, making it very easily loud and clear. Non degenerate art, on the other hand, is "just" beautiful and right. It's difficult to conceive of it existing as a statement. No one notices when the white, heterosexual couple gets together in the rom-com.

tabletops are gong to become mainstrean soon enough, they were featured on stranger things, netfix's biggest show in years.


D&D has always been pretty mainstream in America, different story in the Bible Belt, mostly in the campuses and suburbs. Eating pizza, drinking cheap beer and playing some D&D is the Midwest's poker night.

I've met someone's grandpa northwest of Gaylord, in a log cabin, reading Drizzit novels. He also reminded me to be armed whenever I'm in Detroit and to never stop at the gas stations after dark because of niggers, wise words.


Wasn't aware of that film's existance, my idea was more stemmed Farenheit 451, Blade Runner and reality.

I'm a comedian and animator that would like to pull a Sam Hyde in animation, by creating animated shows/clips.

Any suggestions?

Before anything - contact the guy himself, don't be a dick.

post some of your work, your overall aesthetic will likely dictate your humour to an extent.

They've already been led to believe this. They think it's straight white males. Your book will reinforce their belief.

AmRen has a way to publish, maybe they could expand their reach into Holla Forumsitically incorrect fictions?

My plan is to be able to create good, realistic illustrations and infuse them with masculinity, nationalism, traditionalism and so on.

I make money with my art but I need to get way better.

We providence now fam…



I hope this one is to Kek's exacting standards!



1. He means doing something similar to what Sam Hyde has down to live action comedy to animation, not anything specifically related to Hyde himself

2. Even if he did, authorship and copyright are a cancer and you're a faggot for giving a shit. He doesn't need permission to do jack shit and the only dick would be anyone who feels entitled to demanding permission. We've memed sam hyde into a fucking WN serial killer, why would putting him in animation be any different? Kill yourself, cuck

Co opt the fanbases of games that are already semi-fashy.
like Hotline Miami.
Get normies to associate that with right wing reasons for removing commies.
It's an easy message to twist the original into, just cut out Dennis Wedin's faggotry about "do you like to hurt people, goy?" and make it "you're god damn right I like to murder commie proto-SJW motherfuckers. Bring me some more"

If I were to create a Holla Forums-tier short comic, where should I post it? You-know-who already lurk, so the jig would be up if I posted it here first.

Well if you post it on Holla Forums people will yell at you, because it's not politics so it belongs on Holla Forums.
So you should post it on Holla Forums where people will yell at you because it's politics and belongs on Holla Forums.

only if it's that piece of shit christ-chan comic.
I'm sure people will be open to look at anything new.

how new are you? he can just attach random parts of it to his posts and have a url to a tumblr o r whatever in the filename or when someone asks.

Every kid loves lets play x videos, we should make a series of Holla Forums plays x videos with swearing and racism