I don't get it, you guys complain about the destruction of the family and marriage, sluts, gays, aoc etc yet you also complain about Islam
Make up your fucking minds
I don't get it, you guys complain about the destruction of the family and marriage, sluts, gays...
islam (according to all the things we see on tv) and all the bombings and attacks and shit, just want to fucking destroy everything.
kiwi is based tbh
and yea kiwi tastes great. it's very healthy.
persimmons are fucking great too. they taste like fruit cum.
You can put your benis in kiwis too xd I farted
absolute bassnectar
I want to replace 3DPD, not use some made up sky god or whatever to make men put and keep 3DPD in their place. it would only work for a time
It is stupid, I like porn, and don't want to deal with 3DPD.
Islam is the sword or jewry
the news shows what they know they can't hide to gain credibility.
sword of*
Are you retarded? He didn't even mention race mongoloid. You really aren't disproving the stereotype that leftists parrot the same talking points over and over because they can't think for themselves.
big if true
I'm a gay muslim tbh no homo
gay if true
Actual mongoloid hereā¦ Even I wouldn't make that kind of stupid mistake.
Hitler said Islam was pretty great and that he wished Germany had been Muslim.
actually, he said religion was for the lower IQ plebs - a necessary social tool. he did favor islam due to their restrictions on degeneracy, but not to the point that he wanted to force it onto the volk
He is a self proclaimed Christian. He called himself a christian multiple times during his speeches.
Sign me up.
if it smells like lasagna, she must have some sort of rare disease
wow user, this really made me think
also heiled
*tips mass shooter*
Read a book tard, all fedora idols are christians, even jews.
I don't mind eating lasagna pucci and seeing another man fuck it as long as the white race is saved from white holocaust!
This, the most important goal is fighting white genocide and if that's what it takes to have more white babies then it's good.
inner circle's biographies and Hitler Table Talks say otherwise. checked and mated, asshole.
fuck off jew
t. low IQ plebs
stay mad
I watch rick and morty come at me brainlet.
jesus was a jew
fuck off kike
b-but I thought he was Aryan master race
fairly accurate picture
however, sucscription one is hard to understand
it's also missing at least one critical point: drm
That's not an accident, it was omitted because Holla Forums are cumguzzling redditors who love steam.
at least steam is one of the less bad drms
they should still be honest about it
i saw a bitch eating kiwi like an apple, together with the skin and all
kiwi is alive, while on the plant and when the seeds r not rotten away
See this kind of cuck logic is why they will never ever be able to stop sucking cock.
sorry, but he wasn't christian.
I'm not even leftist, I'm just highlighting the fact that he's treating Islam like a race, it's like saying letting Slavs into Arab countries is 'importing Christianity'. It makes no sense.
This sort of arrogance is what gets civilisations killed.
Face it we're all cut from the same retarded cloth, just because you watched 6 episodes of Richard and Mortimer does not mean you are some higher being that don't need no relejun.
t. low iq
i like it!
religion is a good social tool that helps keep low IQ men and all women from straying too far off the path. there's no arrogance in that