Is there a good way to debunk the "wage gap" bullshit, every time I run into an argument with a feminist cum dumpster it seems that this is the last straw they hold on to
Is there a good way to debunk the "wage gap" bullshit...
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dude are you seriously incapable of usnig a search engine to find something related to that? yes, you can easily cite studies that debunk the methodolgy used in determining the 'wage gap' shit, and after those variables are removed/accounted for it leaves it being nominal/insignificant and not statistically significant (i.e. the discrepancy could just be statistical noise)
read a goddamn book or something you nigger
not based
just be honest in the conversation. don't be a douche and just say "I never saw any proof that it's true but if someone was willing to provide me with real evidence I could believe it"
ball is in their court. if they keep freaking out but can't provide proof just say "come back another day with proof I'll be glad to look it over"
if they keep freaking out just walk away, if they follow run, if they follow running, call the police.
I wanted to start a discussion about it and hear different opinions on how it is bullshit you faggot, of course i googled that shit
The wage gap shouldn't be debunked. It needs to be enforced.
yea, ask if there is such a glut of equally qualified women who you could legally pay 30% less why wouldn't greedy evil corporations fire all the men and hire all the women.
my college professor who liked to blather on about Muh Wagegap could only respond "that's not how it works." I think everyone in the room knew who won that debate.
OP. are they nice girls or really shitty sjw's?
are you sure? cuz it looks like to me you are asking for people to do your thinking for you so you can act as a medium of transportation/regurgitation of information you hear from point a to point b the next time you talk to some queerbait feminist. this is not how you learn something you fucking niggerbitch
mainly sluts who act like feminists because they fucked with 100 guys back in the days and now they need feminism because no man wants to settle down with a dick carousel rider
"It's all crap" Ben Shapiro DESTROY Wage Gap & Feminism
nobody can win a debate with him. Too bad hes a zionist though. :c
well, if womyn are so much better workers and even less expensive than men on top of that, why are companies all over the globe not firing men en masse and employing only womyn?
here's the 2 step solution for idiots:
Yes, they are citing a study from the bureau of labor statistics. And often times they do so WRONGLY. If you heard "72 cents on the dollar for the same work" inform them that they are full of shit and that the actual study says that was simply the median earnings in 2013.
when you get them to concede that the gap is simply between women and men as a whole rather than women and men in the same field, then it's simply a matter of responding to retardery. If they say that fields with many women are payed less due to sexism, explain that women have a choice as to what field they move into. If they give some cultural explanation for why women choose low wage fields anyway, double down on women having agency feminists really like the word agency for some reason and that they have no need to conform to society's standards. If they say women are being systematically shut out of high earning fields like engineering, interrogate them as to literally who the fuck benefits from keeping women out of these fields. If they give a cultural explanation for that as well, use the whole sexual objectification thing as reason why a bunch of men would actually WANT women around them.
Honestly, it doesn't take a whole lot of critical thinking to win the argument once you get past step 1.
there is no wage gap because women are less qualified than men
Consider 2 groups and 2 jobs.
Group A gets paid 5/hr for job 1
Group B gets paid 7/hr for job 1
Group A gets paid 20/hr for job 2
Group B gets paid 25/hr for job 2
Thus group B is consistently paid more than group A, regardless of the job.
Both groups consist of 20 individuals.
Group A has 2 employed in job 1 and 18 employed in job 2.
Group B has 15 employed in job 1 and 5 employed in job 2.
This means that in aggregate:
Group A earns 2*5+12*20=250/hr or 12.5/hr per person
Group B earns 15*7+5*25=230/hr or 11.5/hr per person
Using feminist math we can then conclude that group B is being horrendously discriminated against by getting paid less money for the exact same work as group A.
now go ask daddy if you can be on top this time you soft pink little fuck.
joke's on you, he said yes
Group A earns 2*5+18*20=370/hr or 18.5/hr per person
tell them lil bitch, you can't fuck with me if you wanted to
why can't we all just get along?
They can't get away with that, though. Women being lesser citizens than men is systematically enforced, however.
Here's what you say since you can't figure it out for yourself. "If there's a wage gap then why don't companies hire only women since they can pay them less"
/thread tbh
based post, namefag
It's basically because women work less hours than men by choice. The study behind that myth doesn't make that clear.
Then go to jail when accused of rape
You can't user. The reason is the well known adage "Bear Market". That is, the price for a good or service will increase until the limit that the market will bear. As women can contribute very little productivity in almost every field their incomes only increase on average to what the market will bear. Since they are being propped up by white knight brainwashed by feminism, their wages are already way above what they are actually worth.
The same dynamic happens with men ofc, but men are fundamentally worth far more than women in practically every category, so they earn more as well.
Women on average make more money than men for the amount of work they do.
It's said that women make 73 cents for every dollar a man makes. Getting 72% of the pay for doing 60% of the work is great. Fuck you women.
77% of the available jobs that have the opportunity of earning of tips are filled by women. Women flirt and use their looks to get better tipps. This money is not accurately recorded and most tips are not claimed for taxes. This is money under the table. extra earning that most men will never get.
Stripping and pole dancing is almost monopolized by women and no man will even come close to the tips that a woman will get. Not to mention that most of those tips are being taken directly out of the mans wallet, lowering his income even more.
Fuck you women.
You bitches make way more money than us men. So shut your traps.
women in the workforce was a horrible idea
If a mind can't comprehend a topic, then even if that individual spent 150% of the time as a man who can contribute, then the total contribution by the moron is 0%, not 60% or 150%.
This is why women and niggers don't into STEM.
tbh i use tbh just to piss you guys off
It's been illegal to pay women less since the '70s
if woman could be paid less money for the same work, there would be no men employed
It's just economics tbqh smh fam.
I don't think pictures of retards are funny they have to be doing something & your baseless opinions are shit.
That picture represents you allowing yourself to feel out of control by "tbh". You pathetic fuck need to learn self-control, I'm surprised at this
The professor that taught my econometrics class got her phd in something related to this and the .75 wage gap was one of her biggest pet peeves. She would start ranting about it at the drop of a hat. But all of this is easily replaceable with publicly available data.